@sometime sun,
I was going to introduce you to Hawk because you sounded so much like him, but I see I needn't bother.
To the two of you - I NEVER even look at the numbers, and probably a lot of others don't either.
Just because a thread has a high thumbs up number doesn't mean I'm going to be interested. So I look at the title ONLY. Probably others do this as well.
Can you, Hawk, stop the persecution complex you have going and just realize it's not always about YOU? And you, Sometime sun, can you not see that it's a pointless number? As I said before, you could have 5000 responses to a thread (as some do), but 10,000 or 40,000 viewings and a number count of 22... does this mean it's unpopular?? Of course not! The number is not related to the popularity.
I thumbs down any and everything that doesn't interest me. With the large number in this community, you can imagine how many threads about puzzles or creationism, or religion, or adulterers looking for advice and support that I don't want to see. If I didn't thumb them down, I'd need a new scrolling finger. That's the only reason I thumb them down.
So take it like a man. It's NOT about YOU. (or Hawk).