how did the
get there? is there a way i can make them what i want? i am not getting the idea what is tags...
it seems like someone put tags on some threads i was participating in and now they are listed on my profile page as 'my tags'...there is some use to this for me?
this reminds me a lot of microsoft which thinks it knows exactly what everyone wants, and places like aol that want to reach out and wipe your ass for you. it doesnt mean the forum itself and the members are not very fine, but when i open a page that is supposed to be my profile page and find a bunch of stuff that has nothing to do with me i feel a little...insulted? enraged? maybe this is only another software issue...or maybe it is an issue i have with the world and progress and hegemony. maybe if nothing else i will learn more about myself from the resistance and feelings of exploitation that seem to be mounting up in me.
i admit to my own stupidity in not backing up what i put on the old forum, serves me right. i guess i thought i was close enough to the end of my life that a forum wouldnt die before i do...
you can buy the philosophyforum but you cant buy philosophers and members-they will of course stay or go as they choose. i would guess more newbies will stay than longtime members.
there was no reason to be exclusive-it was simply a matter of like people like minds and similar interests. we had a great variety in the geography, age, education level, so many things...but at the heart of philosophy forum was something we all had in common, and we came there for that reason. when you take a wider base of people-obviously i have something in common with every human being who ever lived-i am human, most of the time. but even in my home community on earth there is a vacuum of people who want to discuss the subjects i am now concerned with. having found them in a nice little place was great...
i dont know how to explain this. it has something to do with 'one size fits all' and generic stuff...if you are looking for something, say hardware...some people might go to walmart. i go to the hardware store. walmart is buying out the world, or trying to. i think philosophyforum has been bought out by walmart...i have come in through a door i didnt choose and now i am trying to find out where all the goods are and thinking there must be an exit and do i have a choice, etc...
probably this is too long a comment with no apparent purpose...should have been a blog...