joefromchicago wrote:
OCCOM BILL wrote:"Life without parole" has been proven less effective than capital punishment for preventing recidivism (you know this, but I can re-cut & paste evidence if need be.)
No, I don't know that. And if you're referring to the cut and paste in
this post, don't bother: it didn't support your argument then and it doesn't support your argument now.

Surely you jest. That list, like the one from the more recent debate, supports my point in spades (Royal Flush style). It did then and it does now. It can be summed up with the undeniable "Dead men don't re-offend." (A point you readily concede when you're not being deliberately obtuse.)
joefromchicago wrote:OCCOM BILL wrote:Hence; the capital nature of the crime provides the additional justification you seek for differentiating it from lesser crimes, and the demonstrated fact that "Life without parole" does NOT incapacitate a prisoner to the same extent execution does provides the additional justification for choosing the more effective method of preventing recidivism.
If prisons aren't doing a good job at keeping prisoners from committing murders, then that's an argument for improving the prisons, not for killing the prisoners.
This dribble didn't work then and it won't w0rk now.
History has already demonstrated that life sentences can't be relied upon to prevent recidivism. This can be amply demonstrated by:
Murdered Prison Employees.
Murdered Prisoners.
Escaped prisoners murdering again.
Paroled murderers murdering again.
Pretending this problem can be addressed with the prison system or the laws regarding life sentences is moronic, Joe. Both can and have been changed for the better and worse and could be again. There's a limit to what prisons can do and a finite amount of resources to do it. History has shown that the State cannot be relied upon to prevent murders from occurring, inside prison or out, and reasonable people understand this. It can, however, prevent convicted murderers from killing again. And, like it or not Joe, there remains only one proven way to do this.
The thing you probably hate most about the death penalty, its irreversibility, is the very thing that makes it the only sure way to prevent recidivism.