Good to see you Frank!
Joe, I did... 5 years ago and it remains unanswered. Put short; torture would affect the recidivism rate not one iota, so there is nothing half-way about the application of the Death Penalty. While you can provide not one example of an innocent person being put to death by the state in recent times (proven beyond a reasonable doubt); I can provide a plethora of examples of recidivism that could easily have been prevented by the application of the death penalty. The single best example of this would be one Kenneth McDuff.
(Borrowed from another thread)
Kenneth McDuff was first convicted for raping and murdering three teenagers on August 6, 1966 " Robert Brand, Mark Dunman, and Edna Louis Sullivan " a crime that became popularly known as the Broomstick Murders.
Although this murdering bastard was sentenced to death; the Supreme Court’s disastrous decision of 1972 spared his life… allowing him to kill again.
He is believed to have killed at least 10 more people, and he was indeed convicted of murdering a couple more.
Fortunately, the SC pulled their heads out of their asses and finally allowed Texas to do what should have been done MANY murders sooner.
There can be absolutely no doubt that pregnant mother of 2, Melissa Ann Northrup’s blood lies on the hands of the do-gooders that didn’t think Kenneth McDuff deserved to die. She and God only knows how many other victims of abduction, rape, torture, and murder are all victims of a belief that even mass murdering monsters like McDuff don’t deserve to die.
Melissa wasn’t just a statistic; she was a human being whose life was infinitely more valuable than that of her murderer.
It wasn’t enough that McDuff had already shot these kids in the face:
Marcus Dunnam

Robert Brand

Before raping, torturing and killing this woman with a broomstick:
Louise Sullivan
The do-gooders thought his life should be preserved, which resulted in these folks and other's forfeiting theirs.
Melissa Ann Northrup

Colleen Reed

Regenia Moore

Valencia Joshua

Brenda Thompson
Clearly: Sometimes killing people is the best solution.
None of these people deserved to die… except Kenneth McDuff.
(end quote from other thread)
Now tell me, Joe. Would it have made any difference to McDuff's subsequent victims if Kenneth McDuff were executed as originally sentenced? (Yep) Would it have made any difference if he was tortured first? (Nope)
Your contention is preposterous.