Ticomaya wrote:I doubt he "dies an old man" either way. It's been suggested that other inmates will try and kill him for his having killed baby Conner. Being on death row will segregate him from the general population, so he will probably live longer. But they got to Dahmer.
Dahmer was sentenced to life. Wisconsin doesn't have a death penalty.:wink::wink::wink: They actually refused Ohio's extradition request for fear that Ohio would want to execute him.
I'm guessing they didn't have the patience for that! They don't come much guiltier than him, though.
Since there is supposedly no
hard evidence linking Scott to Laci's death, I'm guessing he won't be executed until his death sentence is commuted to life in prison (by some girlyman after the governator's gone)and he's moved to general population. I don't think they'll be able to get to him on Death Row. The death sentence may well have prolonged his life when you consider Dahmer didn't last 3 years... and he was pretty scary. (Pretty efficient, eh?)