Could the theory of evolution as it stands be wrong??

Reply Tue 8 Dec, 2009 09:32 am
@Dave Allen,
Dave Allen;109228 wrote:
I'm sorry.

I'm not obliged to fetch evidence for anyone.

Normally I would if only to improve my own understanding.

However, seeing as I'm not even sure what it is you are objecting to, or why you object, I'm not even sure what it is I could provide you with.

It's obviously a huge subject and I'm not going to cover all of it just to try and anticipate whatever it is you don't get.

So - whatever it is you're trying to prove please consider it proven.
There is a tacit and widely understood agreement that one has an obligation to support one's claims.

There is nothing particularly confusing or vague about a request that you show some support for statement "c".
Dave Allen
Reply Tue 8 Dec, 2009 09:33 am
@Alan McDougall,
I suppose if a population are forced into an unfriendly environment then many of them will die - meaning there is an increased likelihood of the next generation having a predisposition to adaptation.

But this still isn't evidence for Lamarckian evolution.

So it's all rather beside the point.
Reply Tue 8 Dec, 2009 09:35 am
@Dave Allen,
Dave Allen;109232 wrote:
I suppose if a population are forced into an unfriendly environment then many of them will die - meaning there is an increased likelihood of the next generation having a predisposition to adaptation.

But this still isn't evidence for Lamarckian evolution.

So it's all rather beside the point.
No it's not beside my point, My point is that you have , apparently , NOTHING available to support your claim. Not one iota.
0 Replies
Dave Allen
Reply Tue 8 Dec, 2009 09:36 am
memester;109231 wrote:
There is a tacit and widely understood agreement that one has an obligation to support one's claims.

Evidence? Thanks.

There is nothing particularly confusing or vague about a request that you show some support for statement "c".

But unitl you couch your objection to "C" in some sort of manner I can hope to understand I'm not likely to know what evidence it is you are looking for am I?

---------- Post added 12-08-2009 at 10:37 AM ----------

memester;109234 wrote:
No it's not beside my point, My point is that you have , apparently , NOTHING available to support your claim. Not one iota.

OK, you're absolutely right.
Reply Tue 8 Dec, 2009 09:43 am
@Dave Allen,
Dave Allen;109235 wrote:
Evidence? Thanks.

But unitl you couch your objection to "C" in some sort of manner I can hope to understand I'm not likely to know what evidence it is you are looking for ...
If you can read, you should understand. You provided NO EVIDENCE to support "c", and seemingly are now refusing to entertain the idea that you should. That is my objection. Nothing vague about it. MY objection is that you made a claim and now seem to refuse to back it with ANY evidence.

---------- Post added 12-08-2009 at 10:49 AM ----------

Saltatory Processes and Altricial to Precocial Forms in the Ontogeny of Fishes -- BALON 21 (2): 573 -- Integrative and Comparative Biology


Thresholds can be modified by an altered time of appearance of structures and functions (heterochrony), especially during early ontogeny, to form an operational basis for the prolongation of juvenile characters and adaptability into later ontogeny. Whereas such prolongation enables juvenilization in phylogeny, analogous principles may operate on a much shorter time scale to produce the r-selection-like altricial and the K-selection-like precocial trends in ontogeny. The inherited capacity to adjust constantly to the environment (heterochrony) selects for structural, biochemical and behavioral improvements.


0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Dec, 2009 10:46 am
memester;109101 wrote:
and how do you get that answer ? not through using logic ?
Logic mediating systematically-obtained sense data. Not pure logic.
Reply Tue 8 Dec, 2009 10:53 am
Aedes;109255 wrote:
Logic mediating systematically-obtained sense data. Not pure logic.

-- if you want to critique evolution, you need to do it in scientific terms and not using logic..
not using logic ?
Jackofalltrades phil
Reply Tue 8 Dec, 2009 12:29 pm
xris;108935 wrote:
Dave when you say you see no creator, do you not see many strange coincidences that could give rise to the notion. I find the problem from both sides , one jumps to the conclusion of an almighty creator and the other like yours , its all a great big coincidence. Its like believing in accidence's , there is no such thing as an accident.

I cant believe that the formula for life, that has always existed, has not the appearance of invention. The complexities of our universe are without doubt an amazing and incomprehensible view of what might be. The problem with supposing is, we invent to hide our inadequate reasoning. The problem with not inventing, is that it ignores the possibilities.

i think xris, here above had summed it up, and the rest of the arguments are offshoots or takeoffs of this basic thinking. So, i think it would be appropriate to tackle these issues first.

1) What are strange coincidences?

Co-incidences are like an encounter with a school mate after twenty years at a transit point while on your sole inter-continental flight. Lets say it was a Sunday. Both crisscrossed each other on way to their respective destinations. Thats labeled as a co-incidental encounter. It a chance encounter, due to which we do get excited and sometimes, we label it as a happy co-incidence. If we are 6 to 7 billion people today, how many such encounters may have taken place. Lets say to take the extreme example, the chances are 1: 10^9 .

And similarly, if we take the examples of the trillions of bacteria on our body - a single human body, than out of those trillion at least one chance co-incidnece would be there where two known acquaitance's passed each other. One encounter, at least in a day, one can agree upon. So please imagine how many co-incidences occurs just by take two human beings and the bacteria on a human body as examples. How many such co-incidences may be taking place every second of our life on earth. Zillions, and zillions, perhaps countless organisms exists at any given point of time, where the chance of only two units of organisms coming together and passing each other, is a possibility, if not probable.

But probability do come into the picture, if we expand our scope of understanding the whole gambit of encounters on earth. Multiply the baove encounters with minutes, days, years, milleniums, or my's. Therefore, the mere physical chance of a providential encounter taking place is very very high if we multiply all those conservative factors incumbent, contingent and related to the issue of co-incidents!!

Than, why is it so difficult to imagine that a probability of a chance encounter of two single cells crossing and also compounding each to form a multi-cellular organism. It is not beyond comprehension.

Therefore the theory has some substance. That there is some substance is because it is logical, natural, mathematical, and is very well a statistical probability.

2) Now, how do you say that there is no such thing as an accident. This is rather strange. Is this a theological doctrine of some kind? It is absurd statement. If not, please substantiate this ill-considered statement.

3) What 'formula of life' are you referring to?, ..... the formula of life is not known. You use it in contradictory fashion, once to lay claim to your theory, while at the same time deny that life had a natural beginning. If you contest the theory of life, than how does a formula be fashioned at all. Therecan be only two possibilities imaginable by reason and logic. If not by nature than it has to be by something supernatural.

If it is supernatural, where do you have the proof of that? This is hypocritical, that a criteria of knowing how life originated is set upon the evolutionary theory to prove, while the same criteria is not allowed for proving the life's origin by means of a pre-ordained formulated incidence by something or someone inexplicable. If at all it is so, give us the formula. That will solve the problem and bury the debate for ever.

4) Complexities in Universe concept is an invention of mankind. The limitation of our mind not comprehending the formula of life, and thus, dwelving on the complexity of Universe, is the reason for inventing unsubstantiated reasonings.

The theory of evolution of life is well substantiated by empirical data, circumstantial evidences, deductive inferences, and critical analysis of facts leading to logical answers. A Court of Justice concludes on the above mentioned basis and gives death sentences, while the evolutionary theory is just an inference. Is it that difficult to understand. This inference laid out 150 years ago, is slowly turning into a fact. Where as, on the other side, the only data one can produce is a dubious scriptural proposition, even if accepted as a subjective evidence, at the most is a mere hypothesis. If we leave out the mysticism of agnostic perspective's, the intellect can be well used for objectively weighing the balance and judging on whose side the evidences are piled up.

Hope we can resolve this objectively?
Reply Tue 8 Dec, 2009 01:21 pm
@Jackofalltrades phil,
I'm trying very hard to evaluate the reasoning behind this last post but i can only answer as I think it is required. Accident , the true evolutionist explains our universe as a probability, an accident. So how can you accidentally by probability have nothing one minute and everything next? What enormous accident gave rise to the BB?

The formula for life, now is there one or not? If you examine what might have caused life, we have to imagine a set of circumstances and a group of elements at the point of the said circumstance. If you have these elements and the correct circumstances, we have the conditions for life. It is a formula..if it is not a formula , it is magic, it is creation. Now choose what you will..creation or a formula?
Reply Tue 8 Dec, 2009 01:35 pm
xris;109282 wrote:
I'm trying very hard to evaluate the reasoning behind this last post but i can only answer as I think it is required. Accident , the true evolutionist explains our universe as a probability, an accident. So how can you accidentally by probability have nothing one minute and everything next? What enormous accident gave rise to the BB?

The formula for life, now is there one or not? If you examine what might have caused life, we have to imagine a set of circumstances and a group of elements at the point of the said circumstance. If you have these elements and the correct circumstances, we have the conditions for life. It is a formula..if it is not a formula , it is magic, it is creation. Now choose what you will..creation or a formula?
an accident occurs between things. no things means no accident
Reply Tue 8 Dec, 2009 01:50 pm
memester;109260 wrote:
not using logic ?
Selective reading taken out of context just to be a contrarian is trolling. Logic can be an organized thought process that systematically collects observations. That is how logic pertains to science. Logic that is an armchair game for dilettantes is different. You know the difference just as well as I do. Now leave off.
Reply Tue 8 Dec, 2009 01:54 pm
memester;109287 wrote:
an accident occurs between things. no things means no accident
So if you have nothing , how do we experience an accident. Everything has a cause, it occurs because of an innate happening. If you stand under a nut tree, a nut falls and hits you, it can be foreseen. An accident is supposed to be an unforeseen occurrence. If we bother to look everything is foreseen.

The universe did not occur because of a certain law of probability nor did it arise because of some unforeseen accident. If that had a purpose then life has a defined cause and necessary result. Because the purpose or the cause is obscure, it does not detract from the reasoning.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Dec, 2009 02:47 pm
Aedes;109291 wrote:
Selective reading taken out of context just to be a contrarian is trolling. Logic can be an organized thought process that systematically collects observations. That is how logic pertains to science. Logic that is an armchair game for dilettantes is different. You know the difference just as well as I do. Now leave off.
not taken out of context at all. you're stuck with your own words, and that seems to be a problem you will not address properly.

if logic is not good enough to sort problems for us it's not good enough to sort for Science.

that you demanded another speak using words that you prefer is not fair at all. You demand as if you own the place.

Words that you demand be used ( e.g. Evolution, which you replace with "population genetics") are words heavy laden with diverse meanings to different people.

And I WILL NOT leave off. I can take being contradicted...:poke-eye:

---------- Post added 12-08-2009 at 03:49 PM ----------

xris;109294 wrote:
So if you have nothing , how do we experience an accident.
"If you have nothing, then throw it away", said the sage

You cannot have an accident without things. You do not experience an accident without things.

---------- Post added 12-08-2009 at 04:03 PM ----------

Aedes, if you don't want me to answer you, then stop posting about my words. That's pretty fair, isn't it ? No need to bully others. Just ignore me. I'm not doing anything wrong here.
Reply Tue 8 Dec, 2009 03:05 pm
As you well know, we cant have nothing. As for accidents they are a similar , they are a turn of phrase, in reality they dont exist.
Reply Tue 8 Dec, 2009 03:07 pm
xris;109311 wrote:
As you well know, we cant have nothing. As for accidents they are a similar , they are a turn of phrase, in reality they dont exist.
yeah, I think I agree.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Dec, 2009 04:28 pm
@Alan McDougall,
There hasn't been much comment on the idea that was attached to the Original Post, namely that of the significance of 'codes vs. patterns'. I put an excerpt inthis post but the original argument is developed in detail on A New Theory of Evolution.

I am interested in whether there is a convincing philosophical rebuttal of the basic proposition in any of these arguments. I haven't seen one yet, but am quite willing to accept that there might be.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Dec, 2009 06:38 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Incidentally I have discovered a Richard Dawkins rebuttal of the 'information code theory' here.
Reply Tue 8 Dec, 2009 10:00 pm
@Alan McDougall,
I might be talking to myself here, but I am suspicious about this idea of 'DNA carrying information'. It seems to me that this definition of 'information' was devised in the context of a very specific system, namely, computer systems, and for a particular purpose, which was to understand how algorithms could be used to encode data, and other issues surrounding signal to noise ratio - what part of a signal is information, in the context of the transmission of data.

The leap from that context to the context of the development of life seems like a very large leap indeed. At best it is analogical.

Anyway, this is provisional on my part. I really don't know yet. I am not prepared to rule out intelligent design, as distinct from flat-earth creationism, because it seems intuitively plausible that there is a cosmic intelligence. Whether it is 'God' or not, open question.
Reply Tue 8 Dec, 2009 10:14 pm
jeeprs;109462 wrote:
I might be talking to myself here, but I am suspicious about this idea of 'DNA carrying information'.
Your only real objection can be the use of the word "information" to describe that which DNA encodes. It encodes the "effector" molecules that regulate, build and operate our entire body. So if it's not information, can you think of a better word?
Reply Tue 8 Dec, 2009 11:13 pm
jeeprs;109390 wrote:
Incidentally I have discovered a Richard Dawkins rebuttal of the 'information code theory' here.
Just a BTW, an examination of the timeline of the interview showed that Dawkins did not tell the truth. It's the infamous "Stumped " video. Hilarious. Looks like Monty Python stuff , where he searches his forehead.


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