@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall;106245 wrote:
Friday Afterlife Report 27th November 2009
But when tackling the Thomas Aquinas' argument that 'God' is the first Cause, Mills said,
! Why
Thomas Aquinas entered into evidence a legitimate
'qualified' statement to the argument of Cause and Effect: that 'God WAS the First Cause'.
Directly linked to this is the fact that an 'intelligent' effect had to have had an 'intelligent' cause, i.e. GRAVITY is an 'intelligent' energy effect which had to come from an 'intelligent' cause. You can't have 'gravity' without energy.
3. Order in the universe, an 'intelligent' effect had to have an intelligent cause. Gravity plays a huge part in producing order in the universe. If there is 'order', there has to be intelligent design..
The power5.
The process of 'growth' anywhere, is an intelligent effect from an intelligent cause - has to be!
The perfection of the structure of an atom is an intelligent effect from an intelligent cause. And there are thousands of other examples of intelligent effects which had to come from an intelligent cause. Nature on its own is not intelligent.
Every intelligent effect mentioned above has energy for its sustenance and maintenance.There is energy in the evolution-process. Whilst energy cannot be destroyed - energy can be transformed. 'Intelligent effects' are intelligently- -designed energy. Some experts say that the activity of energy had no beginning, it will be modified over time in many ways but it will have not end. 'Chance' does not and cannot explain 'order' in the universe.
8. Scientific observation of 'consciousness'. Scientists - such as Profs. Aspect, Dalibard, Roger and even Dr.David Bohm claim that the universe has 'consciousness'. If there is consciousness there inevitably is energy - because you cannot have consciousness without energy. Everything in the universe - and on planet Earth is ' intelligently -designed energy.' There are those who argue that the power
/order behind the universe's intelligent-designed energy is the First Cause - 'God.'
This does NOT mean that 'God' is the traditional religious God - and someone with a long white beard in the sky 'controlling traffic' on Earth. . .Accordingly, the atheists' argument against the First Cause can never be accepted in logic, in professional debate and in science. The 'First Cause' adequately explains the existence of a 'POWER' people call 'God.'
We have got into a metaphysical and epistemiologcal issue, far away from the issue of evolution.
Evolution is a natural process, as you too, almost, seems to agree. And you are trying to draw the attention that evolutionary theory, as it stands may be wrong. Well, any theory which is not testable, or falsified is possible if not liable, to be wrong.
Since evolution cannot be proved in one lifetime, does not mean its logic is wrong. In that case the God theory or the Intelligent Design based on an Intelligent Power theory is also equally wrong, and wrong for more reasons than one.
As we debate over diffrent theories in a trial and error basis, so also the theory of evolution suggests a method of evolutionaty processes which at a very basic level of understanding appears to be a trial and error kind of process. The very fact that extinction occurs in species, is evidnece to the fact that natural processes are not necessarily working on a purposeful objective or desired goals. The Dodo getting extinct is an example of its failure.
Intelligent Power or Universal Energy is an anthropomorphic attribute given to the elan-vitale or force. This is almost near to the understanding of Brahman in the Hindu philosophy. The Intelligent Design argument is a slightly twisted concept thats all. Because putting the attribute of Intelligence (with a capital I, always) to every vital things is problematic for a rational thought. The whole problem being that intelligence, is manifest in the concept of 'life' itself. There cannot be 'Life without intelligence, which is an abstract human quality. But these days it is shown more as a property by putting 'I' in capital.
For a rational thought, gravity is a vital force - definitely an energy, but why should it be caused by a supposed Intelligent Power.
The intelligent design caused by intelligent power argument is no doubt a God theory. As you agree, it is not a personal God argument but acknowledges the First Cause argument. The whole argument of Thomas Aquinas is based on Aristotalian concepts. The First Cause being an non-Contingent Intelligent (- a modern day western concept) Cause is not logical as it is premised on an a-priori principle.
The chance that an a-priori principle exists is a challenge to human intelligence and knowledge, and thats where all the ambiguity lies.
Even supposing that an Intelligent Power exists, and has caused life, then too, Darwins theory of evolution by natural selection is in no way undermined and still holds true. The ambiguity is well taken up by Alfred Wallace's assertion that humans have a mystical and spiritual tendency, in spite of the overwelming evidence of laws of nature all around the living beings.
Perhaps, the mystery and therfore the ambiguity will be resolved, only if, we intelligently find out why and how do humans act or behave or seeks spiritual and mystical mental experience's. A related field of enquiry would be to understand the nature of human consciousness, and the laws of nature. Apparently, Nature had been and has to be more benevolent towards us to give more intelligence- this theory can be said as a corollary of Darwin's Theory by our relative successfulness for surviving and transforming - and allow us or make us know about the relationship and causes of human mental experiences.
Going by the above, if we receive intelligence, like gravity as a physical phenomenon has, than the giver is also intelligent, by logic. Therefore, it can be said that Nature or God are intelligent. So there is nothing new added by the Intelligent Design argument.
Hence, the intelligent design argument only tries to address, in its own way, mistakenly or super-intelligently, the first cause metaphysical issue of matter. It does not prove the Evolutionary theory or the Origin of species theory wrong, in the physical plain of our human understanding.