Zetherin;101993 wrote:Oh, I didn't know where was another kind of evil. I thought moral evil was the only kind.
I would find it tragic, but depending on how the child died painfully, I may or may not call it evil. But, yes, I would most likely call it a bad thing(there's a difference to me, but apparantly not to you).
I understand. You're using "evil" as a synonym for simply something considered "bad". You just confused me. I would never use "evil" in this manner, it seems too loose to me.
Not just
considered bad. Don't you think it is a very bad thing when an innocent child suffers and dies? If that isn't a bad thing, then what would be a bad thing? The word, "evil" is rather archaic nowadays because we are so sophisticated now. So it seems only to be used in comic books. But it seems to me just the word to use for the Holocaust, or for a typhoon which wipes out whole populations.
And, on a slight derail; I think you did know that there are two kinds of evil, moral, and non-moral. I just had to
remind you of it. I am not, of course, saying that you knew the
words, but that you already had the
"Philosophy is the assemblage of reminders for a particular purpose" Wittgenstein.