I do not beleive in God in the common sense of a being that controls everything. But for the sake of the argument lets say he exists.
If God decides to let a child die of the bubonic plauge, or a deer suffer, or any seeminly innocent life form suffer, he does so for a reason.
While i think it would be possible to claim to know God's reasoning, i think what makes the most sense to humans is that such a death is neccesary. Life needs to die so that other life can bloom. We can't all go on living forever because the world would overpopulate and we would all starve to death, a horrible and cruel fate.
So maybe God allows some evil for the greater good (as in not letting us all starve to death) And this WOULD happen if you have even toyed with population simulators.
Now the cynical atheist would point at this suffering and demand an answer, and say that your god must be evil (and maybe claim that science is at least trying to reverse these sufferings that your god created, such as cancer)
But they are misguided. They fail to see all the miracles such a God (if he exists) would be responsible for. It is much easier to point out the wrongs than work together with people.
So what if we cured every decease and ended poverty and death due to starvation and war? Unless we are smart enough to completely revise everyone's lifestyle on the planet, we would be headed for doom.
I am trying to take a position i rarely take here. I am opposed to war and i think that some die is really unfair. But for all of us to have food and get along and stop hurting animals we must chage our cultures, drastically, which is what i propose.
So maybe thats it? God allows evil for a greater good. Or maybe he is not supremely omnipotent. Many theists point out that god cannot do ANYTHING he wants, because that would involve a contradiction. He merely exists in the best possible form, at his maximum, which is not limitless.