It is becuase God has given each of us a free will, to intervene directly in just one event he must intervene in all. Like I asked xris if God saves a child in one pond he must save all the other children drowning in all the ponds.
xris why the heck do you think I started this thread??, it was because I could not and still cant understand why a supposed benevolent God would/does just sit back and do nothing while a child is raped, or why god did nothing but apparently just on-looked the horrors of the holocaust. This type of question has almost turned me into an anti-god atheist
but if God were to act in order to eliminate any evil committed by anyone else would that eliminate free will?
If God were to expunge all free will would that be good or evil?
Evil comes from humanity.
Your thoughts on this?
Natural disasters do not come from humanity. They are what insurance companies like to call, "acts of God". Yet people say that all evil comes from people. It obviously does not.
Natural disasters do not come from humanity. They are what insurance companies like to call, "acts of God". Yet people say that all evil comes from people. It obviously does not.
Once again, natural disasters are not "evil" because in order for an act to be evil, it has to be made as part of a choice between 'good' and 'evil'. No natural disaster I'm aware of is a sentient lifeform capable of making moral decisions.
Since humans are the only sentient lifeforms on earth (as far as we know), then only humans are capable of "evil" acts.
This is the 2nd time you've asked me this question and the second time I've given you the exact same answer.
Do I need to break out the hand-puppets?
Are you now taking your conceptions of theology from insurance companies? - Don't mind me if I laugh at you.
That is wrong, since the truth or falsity of the premises of an argument has nothing whatsoever to do with the validity or invalidity of the argument.
As for example:
1. All reptiles are mammals
2. All birds are reptiles.
Therefore, 3. All birds are mammals
1, 2, and 3, are all false. But the argument is valid. The conclusion of the argument follows from the premises.
So this creator who created us for a certain purpose. I understand from the theists we are here to experience and learn...That child one in billion that died prematurely what purpose was their lives? What experience did they gather from this oh so wonderful existance?
Thousands of years, millions of lives and the purpose of these experiences goes on and on. Us poor imperfect creatures acting out this charade for an ultimate purpose that we had no say in creating, nor the ability to question or any even say enough's enough. Go on inventing this god you so admire but he is an illusion, an image that defies logical debate.
For the nature of the question stated I would assume that we are talking about a benevolent God, because the question couples God with the problem of evil. If God is not the Moral Law Giver (defining what is right and wrong) then the question implodes;If we don't also assume that god is benevolent (all-good) we would have to first uncover where we get the idea of evil just to make sense of the question.
While we (humans) may not fully understand the nature of God (or be able to), that nature by necessity is good.
On the contrary, I'm following the literal (on-topic) title of this thread.
Your sole tried-and-true Strawman in this debate is something that has nothing to do with the topic.
The topic is: "Why does God permit evil""
It is NOT: "Why does God permit suffering?" -- That's an entirely different topic and, since you're so hell-for-leather about it, I suggest you start a new thread on it. But it has nothing to do with the original topic of this thread.
all right
But if the premises are wrong the conclusion may be invalid.
Of course one might come to the right conclusion using invalid premises it happens all the time. One might construct a valid argument and come to the wrong conclusion because the premises are wrong.
In any event the OT questions why god "permits" evil without specifiying the tradtional problem of evil and without specifying that god must be omnipotent and omniscient. So quibbling about valid arguments based on invalid premises is avoiding the issue.
---------- Post added 11-27-2009 at 10:10 AM ----------
The free will defense works "sorta" up to a point.
The first problem with the free will defense is it does not address natural disasters: earthquakes, floods, famine, pestilence or disease at all. One could say these trials are necessary for testing and building character but anyone who has actually been subjected to these disasters would probably object strongly. When my child dies of leukemia I want some other explanation.
The second problems is; must we have enough free will to build concentration camps, conduct pogroms and genocide, construct nuclear weapons, chemical and biological weapons and otherwise destroy our selves and the planet? Could not an all powerful and all wise god have constructed a meaningful world with a little less "free will" as a trade off for murder and mayhem?
As my posts show, I think the solution to the problem lies in a different conception of the divine and divine action. I also think the traditional conception of god is not only incompatible with the problem of evil, and "free will" (there the problem is omniscience not omnipotence), but with our modern scientific notions of how the world works (age of the universe, age of the planet, the long painful process of evolution and mass extinctions).
Trying to patch up the classical orthodox god of the medieval scholastics in view of modern science just will not do. A new conception of divine nature and divine action is called for.
I, myself, have never understood why the free will defense is a defense. Suppose a policeman comes across a criminal about to rape a woman. Should he not interfere because by doing so he will interfere with the criminal's free will? Does a successful interference by the police make the criminal into a "mindless robot" and so is wrong? Just how far should God go in preserving free will?
The free will defense works "sorta" up to a point.
The first problem with the free will defense is it does not address natural disasters: earthquakes, floods, famine, pestilence or disease at all. One could say these trials are necessary for testing and building character but anyone who has actually been subjected to these disasters would probably object strongly. When my child dies of leukemia I want some other explanation.
The second problems is; must we have enough free will to build concentration camps, conduct pogroms and genocide, construct nuclear weapons, chemical and biological weapons and otherwise destroy our selves and the planet? Could not an all powerful and all wise god have constructed a meaningful world with a little less "free will" as a trade off for murder and mayhem?
As my posts show, I think the solution to the problem lies in a different conception of the divine and divine action. I also think the traditional conception of god is not only incompatible with the problem of evil, and "free will" (there the problem is omniscience not omnipotence), but with our modern scientific notions of how the world works (age of the universe, age of the planet, the long painful process of evolution and mass extinctions).
Trying to patch up the classical orthodox god of the medieval scholastics in view of modern science just will not do. A new conception of divine nature and divine action is called for.
You sound pretty sure about that.
[Response deleted - I've added Kennthamy to my Ignore list.]
With the exception of Intothelight you people refuse to listen to us, evil exists because god has given us a free will, and with that free will we can do exactly what we like even murder our own children. The the murderer might get off here on earth, but all of us, will one day when we stand accountable before God, and explain to him why we did what we did
We might be a fallen world outside of Gods perfect will!!
What about natural disasters? Hurricanes, earthquakes, plagues, crop failures, drought, floods. Man did not cause these, did he?