Consciousness is a Biological Problem

Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2009 09:03 am
Pathfinder;85340 wrote:
Okay Oden, just for the fun of it:

There is a complete and systematic lack of transitional life-forms (i.e., "missing links") between the various kinds of life in the fossil record. This would not be the case if the theory of evolution was a valid hypothesis. Sometimes evolutionists have tried to make a case that this or that newly-discovered fossil was a "missing link," but all such attempts have ended in failure. No missing links have ever been discovered among the voluminous number of fossils found so far

I call bull****

Transitional Vertebrate Fossils FAQ

Pathfinder;85340 wrote:
When the mathematical laws of probability are applied to the known facts of biology, the odds against the incredible, organized complexity of our biological world evolving through blind chance, plus time, are so astronomical in size that, for all practical purposes, evolution is mathematically impossible

everything that has ever happened had an infinitesimally small chance of happening. for instance there are 52 factorial or 8.0658175170943878571660636856404e+67 ways to arrange a standard deck of cards, which means that it is unlikely that any two arrangements in the history of Earth were ever the same

are you going to claim I witness a miracle every time I shuffle a pack of cards? get real

evolution isn't pure blind chance either, although aspects of it give an impression of haphazardness ... if the brain were software it would be widely regarded as the biggest smelliest piece of **** ever written but that's why people like KaseiJin and me love it

Pathfinder;85340 wrote:
In fact, the more we discover about the incredibly intricate, organized complexity of the biological world which exists at the molecular level, the more amazing it is that the evolutionist can actually believe it is all a product of pure blind chance over time.

that's a strawman, and what do you think it was

also I see you got your information from

A Short Summary Of Fundamental Scientific Arguments Against Evolution

purveyor of such fine scientific tracts as

"What Does Mystery Babylon Symbolize?"


"The 144,000 Jews Will Not Evangelize The World."


"The Fate Of People Who Never Heard Of Jesus."

Pathfinder;85340 wrote:
Moreover, there is no evidence of gradually-changing DNA codes in nature that would allow periodic mutations to occur which would gradually transform a given type of organism, over long periods of time, into a completely different type of organism. Instead, organisms can mutate only so much before insurmountable DNA limits are reached. That is what the evidence demonstrates. Therefore, as noted previously, you will never see a mouse mutate into an elephant no matter how much time you allow for the alleged evolutionary process to occur. So, even though limited mutations occur in organisms, it is impossible for drastic or unlimited mutations, i.e., evolution, to occur.

except that oh too bad speciation has already been observed

Observed Instances of Speciation

you can't deny what has already happened

tough titties

Pathfinder;85340 wrote:
The world is overrun by idiots. Therefore, either stupidity is somehow extremely beneficial to the human species (which seems very doubtful to me) or natural selection should have weeded us out long ago in favor of mice. This clear failure of natural selection demonstrates that we cannot be the products of evolution, and have clearly been designed (probably by mice) to be a species of idiots.

for the human race to survive, people only need to be smart enough to find food, keep away predators (guns make this piss easy) and make babies

none of these activities require a lot of thought, relatively speaking, and all you are doing is revealing your ignorance

Pathfinder;85340 wrote:
Please don't bother to reply to these individually as I will not be following up, I could find links and posts all day long to dispute the teaching of the theory of evolution from prominent scientists the world over.

loony end-times prophet Frank L. Caw, Jr. is your idea of a prominent scientist

are you incompetent or do you think you can pull the wool over my eyes because of my age?

answer honestly
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2009 09:04 am

I hear ya friend. My thinking is that I am no more willing to say that evolution is not possible than I am to say that there is no life after death.

I simply refuse to be caught up in believing speculations and theories devised by others. I am certainly entertained and curious about them all. Many have credibility that warrants further investigation. But I am no longer willing to toss anything out or take anything in without applying my own ability to use logic and reason to evaluate its worthiness. The professional designations before the names of some people do not impress me if their thinking is biased or senseless.

The green cheese thing is not worthy. Evolution I still enjoy to study. Creationism does not really earn the status of worthiness for me because they usually attempt to suggest one extreme over the other, meaning that they suggest if there is a creator it must therefore be divine somehow. Its either/or with most of these arguments. I guess I fall somewhere in between.

Do I lean toward any particular ideology? I can say that after using reason and logic and many years of intimate study that I do lean in certain directions, but not enough to make any declarations of faith.

For instance, I strongly lean toward reincarnation, but I have not found any specific teaching of that which actually equates with what I have considered regarding it. I have simnply studied the thoughts of many different thinkers on the matter and can deduce that it seems more likely to me that whatever this 'THAT' is which KJ speaks of is probably continued on in some way which would tend to answer alot of other questions.

For years now I have been saying, "If it can happen once, it can happen again and has probably happened before", referring to the possibility of life being born and reborn. After todays revelation by the brain scientist I am changing my wording to say

" if THAT can happen once........" :letme-at-em:
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2009 09:10 am
KaseiJin;85346 wrote:
For now, I at least entertain the hope that perhaps you just may be able to catch a reflection of introspective-like meditation that will help in your being able to see where you have erred.

I believe that we all err which is why I am very cautious in suggesting that what I know is fact. It very well may be that I am in complete error. However:

KaseiJin;85346 wrote:
For now, I at least entertain the hope that perhaps you just may be able to catch a reflection of introspective-like meditation that will help in your being able to see where you have erred.

Might this not be good advice for everyone? The Mind may be speaking to itself suggesting to itself what it might do?

The highest, as the lowest, form of criticism is a mode of autobiography.
Picture of Dorian Gray
Oscar Wilde
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2009 09:12 am
Pathfinder;85351 wrote:

I hear ya friend. My thinking is that I am no more willing to say that evolution is not possible than I am to say that there is no life after death.

I simply refuse to be caught up in believing speculations and theories devised by others. I am certainly entertained and curious about them all. Many have credibility that warrants further investigation. But I am no longer willing to toss anything out or take anything in without applying my own ability to use logic and reason to evaluate its worthiness. The professional designations before the names of some people do not impress me if their thinking is biased or senseless.

moderation for the sake of moderation is pointless
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2009 09:16 am
lol Oden,

You just proved my point of how easy it is to find what you want on the internet. Did you check out any of the other million links that came up while you were there?

I wasn't looking for proof of anything, just showing you what was there and how easy it is to do what you are doing. The fact that you even bothered to find out where I cut that from tells everyone here that you have a very strong desire to profess evolution and defend it for some reason, and yet you refuse to tackle the arguments against it when they are made from valid sources. Strawmen? How about straw huts! You can't be feeling very safe in there.
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2009 09:16 am
Pathfinder;85351 wrote:

For instance, I strongly lean toward reincarnation, but I have not found any specific teaching of that which actually equates with what I have considered regarding it.

Hi Pathfinder,

Same here. I put together a model and it seems to fit, but it is pretty unique to me because of what I personally have observed and experienced in my life. Itzhak Bentov has views that correlate very close to mine. He speaks of an evolving soul that is learning, creating, and evolving through many physical lives. Bentov was a very learned mechanical engineer who spent much of his life in meditation and study, and developed his own unique views as have I. There is a very nice interview of him before he died. This is part of it as he discusses the evolution of the soul and the human nervous system (information gathering and transmission)

YouTube - ITZHAK BENTOV-The Evolution Of Soul And Nervous System

But, I enjoy the search and exploration, and will probably keep forever enjoy seacrhing, exploring, learning, and sharing.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2009 09:22 am
Pathfinder;85356 wrote:
lol Oden,

You just proved my point of how easy it is to find what you want on the internet. Did you check out any of the other million links that came up while you were there?

are any of your alternatives to evolution being discussed in reputable peer-reviewed journals?

you can put anything on the Internet, but not everything makes the cut for Nature

when you can bring up some peer-reviewed alternatives to evolution, and not just nutty ramblings from an end times preacher, we'll talk about whether there is any real "debate" about whether evolution happened, and happens

until then...

Pathfinder;85356 wrote:
and yet you refuse to tackle the arguments against it when they are made from valid sources

what "valid sources"
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2009 09:33 am
Thanks for the vid clip Rich. I will check that out later on tongiht.

KJ, you and I both know that I was playing with your words to simply point out the fact that even a genius mind like your own cannot define or designate what 'THAT' is. Take no offense as much of it was sarcasm, but you did say it yourself...." there is something behind the scenes that is responsible for making the whole enchilada work." You said it! And you are right, I have absolutely no inkling of knowledge of exactly how the brain works or what you scientists have discovered as you poke at it when compared to your vast study of it. What I do know is that nothing that any of you have discovered to this point has revealed the secret behind what it is that makes something a working living thing.

Oden, as i said already, there are many hundreds of links to scientific study debating evolution theories, and many go uncontested by the evolution supporting community because of their credibility. Most evolutionists just wish they would go away so they can arrange to have evolution taught in schools as a science without question.

To my mind that is a great travesty to the furthering of knowledge and the acquisition of wisdom.
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2009 09:37 am
Pathfinder;85360 wrote:
Oden, as i said already, there are many hundreds of links to scientific study debating evolution theories


one would be good enough ... just one

Pathfinder;85360 wrote:
and many go uncontested by the evolution supporting community because of their credibility. Most evolutionists just wish they would go away so they can arrange to have evolution taught in schools as a science without question

I agree but I'd like to take it a step futher

geography class should include the ongoing debate about whether the Earth is round, and history class should bring up whether the Holocaust happened

we can't just listen to the Jewish version of events, that doesn't promote critical thinking
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2009 09:40 am
odenskrigare;85361 wrote:

a reminder: you haven't given me one such study, just opinionated dreck from an end-times preacher

I agree but I'd like to take it a step futher

geography class should include the ongoing debate about whether the Earth is round, and history class should bring up whether the Holocaust happened

we can just listen to the Jewish version of events, that doesn't promote critical thinking

Already told ya, use your own hands to type it into google. why should I do it for you , I am not the one suggesting that evolution has been declared a scientific fact, you are. prove it if it matters that much to you man! The rest of us here know the difference. We know the debate continues. if you want to pretend like it isnt then stay away from the google.

---------- Post added 08-24-2009 at 10:43 AM ----------

HMMM, I believe this makes my case, can I use it?

"I agree but I'd like to take it a step futher

geography class should include the ongoing debate about whether the Earth is round, and history class should bring up whether the Holocaust happened

we can just listen to the Jewish version of events, that doesn't promote critical thinking.." Oden

Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2009 09:51 am
Pathfinder;85362 wrote:
Already told ya, use your own hands to type it into google. why should I do it for you

because the burden of proof is on you to show that there are serious scientific contenders to evolution

you haven't done so

Pathfinder;85362 wrote:
I am not the one suggesting that evolution has been declared a scientific fact, you are. prove it if it matters that much to you man!

for the nth time

Evolution is a Fact and a Theory

Pathfinder;85362 wrote:
The rest of us here know the difference. We know the debate continues

only in the deluded minds of creationists

there are no (scientific) alternatives to evolution

none whatever

Pathfinder;85362 wrote:
HMMM, I believe this makes my case, can I use it?

"I agree but I'd like to take it a step futher

geography class should include the ongoing debate about whether the Earth is round, and history class should bring up whether the Holocaust happened

we can just listen to the Jewish version of events, that doesn't promote critical thinking.." Oden

yeah why should we just listen to the ZOG version of how the so-called Holocaust occurred, I think we should give Neo-Nazi accounts equal weight

it would be arrogant to claim that the Holocaust is a fact

and I mean scientists claim that the Earth is round but hey they're not really wise, the rest of us know that the debate still goes on

Flat Earth Society guys
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2009 09:55 am
well unless you look at all sides of a cube there is no way to see what each side reveals. Without such scrutiny there could be a secret revealed on one side that you have never learned, and will never know until you do look. All Im saying Oden, is roll that cube around a little bit if you're brave enough.
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2009 09:58 am
Pathfinder;85367 wrote:
well unless you look at all sides of a cube there is no way to see what each side reveals. Without such scrutiny there could be a secret revealed on one side that you have never learned, and will never know until you do look. All Im saying Oden, is roll that cube around a little bit if you're brave enough.

oh I'm brave enough to see all sides of a cube


anyone who believes evolution is a fact is a cubeless stupid
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2009 11:00 am
Pathfinder;85362 wrote:

... wow ... I mean - wow ... just - wow ... are you really saying that what we should teach children is to regurgitate untethered facts and withhold from them the tools to think about them? ...
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2009 11:13 am
[CENTER]The 12 hour or 1/2 Day clock is an intended EVIL against humanity - indicting every human on Earth as Dumb, Educated Stupid and Evil - for imaginary Cubed Earth has 4 Days within simultaneous rotation. One God would equal a God Dunce as Humans evolve from Children.[/CENTER]


everything's up for dispute in Pathfinder's world

---------- Post added 08-24-2009 at 01:17 PM ----------

I mean Gene Ray disagrees about the nature of space time, his views should be given equal weight
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2009 11:32 am
paulhanke;85377 wrote:
... wow ... I mean - wow ... just - wow ... are you really saying that what we should teach children is to regurgitate untethered facts and withhold from them the tools to think about them? ...

Hi Paul,

I share with Pathfinder's concerns. How do we teach children and young adults critical thinking?

It is useful for students to learn about what they have to agree to in order to conform to a group. Saying that one believes in evolution (I still have no idea what this means), seems to be a pre-req for getting a job in the scientific community. There are similar pre-reqs for almost any profession. And that is what schools teach. That is, the central tenets of the group that must be conformed to in order to belong to the group. And, as I said, this is very useful in finding a job in society. There is no upside for a scientist to challenge evolution and they should learn that early in life.

However, it is also useful to learn how to be critical. Millions of people could have saved a substantial portion of their life savings if they knew how to be really critical of the financial advice they were getting over the last 10 years. Had they dug in, they would have learned that everyone was just mimicking each other like lemmings.

My idea, in order to teach critical thinking, is to challenge the central tenets of a group and see how well those tenets supported. In this manner, one can really learn critical thinking. I think that self-inspection and critical thinking of what one is part of should be more than just a slogan, but actually part of life. I am constantly changing my views as I absorb more information and subject critical thinking upon my own ideas.

Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2009 11:38 am
so rich do you think critically about the idea that "shen" is rooted in the heart, which can be replaced? or no?

you are awfully selective in what you think about critically

also I think you're a conformist; real nonconformists tend to have bitterly negative views of society and people in general
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2009 11:44 am
odenskrigare;85386 wrote:
so rich do you think critically about the idea that "shen" is rooted in the heart, which can be replaced? or no?

Constantly. For me, all is in flux. I do not put a stake in the ground which is difficult to move. And, because if this I am enjoying freely moving through life from one theme to another while able to absorb all that life has to offer. I am not stuck. I am free to move.

But this comes at a cost. It is difficult to belong to a group, because groups require a constant center that the group can group around. Otherwise there is no group. It is one of those trade-offs in life. So I have freedom to roam, but I do not have the constancy of groups. It has worked alright for me, but I can understand why others give up some of their freedom for free thought so that they can belong.

Everyone has to do what they feel they have to do in life. It is their choice in what direction they choose to go.

odenskrigare;85386 wrote:
you are awfully selective in what you think about critically

I am very critical of all of my thoughts. It is what motivates me to keep exploring and learning, and not just about science. Everything that I do, which is quite diverse.

odenskrigare;85386 wrote:
also I think you're a conformist; real nonconformists tend to have bitterly negative views of society and people in general

Not necessarily. Someone who thinks critically can learn to be very accepting of opposing views, understanding that everyone has a different perspective, different experiences, different lessons to learn, different journeys in this lifetime. It is a matter of perspective.

Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2009 11:52 am
richrf;85388 wrote:

oh ok well can you explain to me how the 神 (hahaha I have Google Pinyin IME I rule) is rooted in the heart when the heart can be replaced, that seems pretty damning to your system of metaphysics

richrf;85388 wrote:
But this comes at a cost. It is difficult to belong to a group, because groups require a constant center that the group can group around. Otherwise there is no group. It is one of those trade-offs in life. So I have freedom to roam, but I do not have the constancy of groups. It has worked alright for me, but I can understand why others give up some of their freedom for free thought so that they can belong

rich read the edit to my last post, I think you are a conformist because you lack the bitterly negative attitude towards other people that characterizes the vast majority of us real nonconformists

as one of their number, I see the world is awash in the kind of credulous tripe you are spouting here and if anything adhering to reality rather than comforting metaphysical delusions is antithetical to groupthink since most people want to believe the world is based on their feelings rather than factual evidence

why do you think I want to "belong"

---------- Post added 08-24-2009 at 01:54 PM ----------

richrf;85388 wrote:
Not necessarily. Someone who thinks critically can learn to be very accepting of opposing views, understanding that everyone has a different perspective, different experiences, different lessons to learn, different journeys in this lifetime. It is a matter of perspective.

critical thinking and epistemic relativism are completely incompatible
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2009 12:03 pm
richrf;85384 wrote:
My idea, in order to teach critical thinking, is to challenge the central tenets of a group and see how well those tenets supported.

... and isn't that what a child is being taught when they learn how to design and perform an experiment in science class? ... each and every experiment is such a challenge! ...

---------- Post added 08-24-2009 at 11:10 AM ----------

odenskrigare;85394 wrote:
critical thinking and epistemic relativism are completely incompatible

... careful there - anyone who dismisses meaning and purpose as subjective while at the same time claiming that information processing is scientific is an epistemic relativist Wink ...

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