Pathfinder;85340 wrote:Okay Oden, just for the fun of it:
There is a complete and systematic lack of transitional life-forms (i.e., "missing links") between the various kinds of life in the fossil record. This would not be the case if the theory of evolution was a valid hypothesis. Sometimes evolutionists have tried to make a case that this or that newly-discovered fossil was a "missing link," but all such attempts have ended in failure. No missing links have ever been discovered among the voluminous number of fossils found so far
I call bull****
Transitional Vertebrate Fossils FAQ
Pathfinder;85340 wrote:When the mathematical laws of probability are applied to the known facts of biology, the odds against the incredible, organized complexity of our biological world evolving through blind chance, plus time, are so astronomical in size that, for all practical purposes, evolution is mathematically impossible
everything that has ever happened had an infinitesimally small chance of happening. for instance there are 52 factorial or 8.0658175170943878571660636856404e+67 ways to arrange a standard deck of cards, which means that it is unlikely that any two arrangements
in the history of Earth were ever the same
are you going to claim I witness a miracle every time I shuffle a pack of cards? get real
evolution isn't pure blind chance either, although aspects of it give an impression of haphazardness ... if the brain were software it would be widely regarded as the biggest smelliest piece of **** ever written but that's why people like KaseiJin and me love it
Pathfinder;85340 wrote:In fact, the more we discover about the incredibly intricate, organized complexity of the biological world which exists at the molecular level, the more amazing it is that the evolutionist can actually believe it is all a product of pure blind chance over time.
that's a strawman, and what do you think it was
also I see you got your information from
A Short Summary Of Fundamental Scientific Arguments Against Evolution
purveyor of such fine scientific tracts as
"What Does Mystery Babylon Symbolize?"
"The 144,000 Jews Will Not Evangelize The World."
"The Fate Of People Who Never Heard Of Jesus."
Pathfinder;85340 wrote:Moreover, there is no evidence of gradually-changing DNA codes in nature that would allow periodic mutations to occur which would gradually transform a given type of organism, over long periods of time, into a completely different type of organism. Instead, organisms can mutate only so much before insurmountable DNA limits are reached. That is what the evidence demonstrates. Therefore, as noted previously, you will never see a mouse mutate into an elephant no matter how much time you allow for the alleged evolutionary process to occur. So, even though limited mutations occur in organisms, it is impossible for drastic or unlimited mutations, i.e., evolution, to occur.
except that oh too bad speciation has already been observed
Observed Instances of Speciation
you can't deny what has already happened
tough titties
Pathfinder;85340 wrote:The world is overrun by idiots. Therefore, either stupidity is somehow extremely beneficial to the human species (which seems very doubtful to me) or natural selection should have weeded us out long ago in favor of mice. This clear failure of natural selection demonstrates that we cannot be the products of evolution, and have clearly been designed (probably by mice) to be a species of idiots.
for the human race to survive, people only need to be smart enough to find food, keep away predators (guns make this piss easy) and make babies
none of these activities require a lot of thought, relatively speaking, and all you are doing is revealing your ignorance
Pathfinder;85340 wrote:Please don't bother to reply to these individually as I will not be following up, I could find links and posts all day long to dispute the teaching of the theory of evolution from prominent scientists the world over.
loony end-times prophet Frank L. Caw, Jr. is your idea of a prominent scientist
are you incompetent or do you think you can pull the wool over my eyes because of my age?
answer honestly