paulhanke;93451 wrote:... but how does the existence today of a creative consciousness imply that consciousness is and always has been any more than the existence today of the earth implies that the earth is and always has been? ...
At this time in human evolution there is no way of know what existed at the beginning. We each have our beliefs. I created an image in my mind of consciousness at the center (as it might be with quantum particles, which are essential non-material wave functions), creating things as does the wave functions when they collapse. This is my belief. I don't think there is a way to know at this time.
paulhanke;93451 wrote: ... I think magic and God are both appeals to causes that are not of this world ... emergence, on the other hand, is entirely of this world ...
What emerges is material. However, emergence itself is like pulling a rabbit out of a hat with no one pulling. The word, for me, is nothing more than a placeholder for magic. Emergence? It just happens! Poof! This reminds me of the Dawkins essay where universe magically creates evolution. How? It just decided to. What is doing it is the question.
paulhanke;93451 wrote:... I think you may have this backwards - in studying the quantum, physicists don't ponder anything other than the material ...
Some do and some don't. The equations raise many questions, and physicists like Bohm, Bell, Wigner pondered them. I am sure there are physicists all around the world who are pondering the weirdness of the equations and what they imply - and what is shown in the labs. The equations force physicists (those who are interested in what it all means), to look for answers.
paulhanke;93451 wrote:biologists, on the other hand, study the much hairier and wilder (literally!) dynamical aspects of the world ... and I think that your affinity to physics may explain why your metaphysics is more materialistic than mine ...
I have not noticed that on this forum. In fact, the only biologist that I have found interesting is Rupert Sheldrake. In fact, I find him incredibly interesting. Other than that, the only other one who has caught my attention is Dawkins for exactly the opposite reasons.
paulhanke;93451 wrote:for you, everything is material -
I have to wonder how you inferred this. I am exactly opposite. Everything is both immaterial and material at the same time. Sort of like quanta. One is a denser version of the other.
paulhanke;93451 wrote:matter is either living or non-living,
This is an open question.
paulhanke;93451 wrote:and to make this work you appeal to a universal consciousness to provide the spark that turns non-living matter into living matter ... to me, matter is dead, period
Everything is made of quanta (elementary). Like it or not, we are stuck with that. The problem is that its character is not definable. From this, everything is constructed. What is constructing and how? What creates the movement?
paulhanke;93451 wrote:- it is rather the relational and contingent dynamics of matter driven within the disequilibria of an expanding universe that gives rise to amazing novelty such as galaxies and solar systems and life and mind ...
Yep. It is matter of what is causing the all this, given that it all started with singularity.
paulhanke;93451 wrote:... have you read Eric Chaisson's "Cosmic Evolution"? ... according to his mathematical inquiry, it is the very expansion of the universe itself that would equate to what you are calling a "force" or "conscousness"

Yep, consciousness is expanding and evolving as we speak.