richrf;93436 wrote:Something is causing the wave function to collapse into a particle. This something is consciousness from my perspective. How do I come to this? Well first there is the weirdness of quantum experiments themselves. But I do not rely on this. I just observe. I observe my consciousness create things all day. Consciousness is the creator. One only has to observe.
Now, all of these quantum waves collapsing into things didn't happen over night. It took millions upon millions of years. Consciousness is always busy. It is busy right now creating things all over the place. New things. New thoughts. It is the beginning. One only has to observe.
Alternatively, one can hold on as tight as they wish to spontaneous emergence of everything - including consciousness. Everything becomes spontaneous magic - or God, take your pick. But to me this is too far fetch, just as my ideas may seem to far fetch for you.
Rich, you talk about all this quantum physics like its a reality; they are
mathematical models that describe a reality that is still fundamentally unknown. The wave function collapse, for example, is a description of what appears to happen and experimentally it has been validated. But many (most?) physicists I'm sure would concede that what is happening in
actuality - what is "collapsing", and why - is still up in the air, hence the unresolved paradoxes of quantum physics that have been around for decades now.
Photons are not "waves" in any literal sense, it just happens that the mathematical model of a wave happens to describe their behaviour as far as experimentation has observed. The "wave" simply means that the probability of "finding" the photon at any given point along its path varies cyclically, and two waves out of phase can cancel each other out. What the photon actually
IS, we don't know.
You say it took millions of years for this to come about... well I hate to break the news, but, again, science and rational thought would say otherwise; wikipedia says that photons came into existence about 1 second after the big bang (or at least, dominated as force carriers)...
Wikipedia wrote:A similar process happened at about 1 second for electrons and positrons. After these annihilations, the remaining protons, neutrons and electrons were no longer moving relativistically and the energy density of the Universe was dominated by photons (with a minor contribution from neutrinos).
And then they've been collapsing them there wavefunctions for the past 13 billion years. Do you think consciousness has been around that long?
Quote:Amazingly, (or maybe not), the ancient Greek and Eastern philosophers intuited exactly the same thing as I intuited, by simply observing.
Hey, give us some names!
Quote:As for biology. Biologists have their self-imposed rules. These rules do not allow them to suggest anything may exist other than material things. So they have boxed themselves out of the fun.
Physics on the other hand was forced into looking at these deeper issues by the mathematical equations which implied some extraordinary things such as non-local interaction (entanglement), Delayed-choice, as well as wave/particle duality as well as the wave function collapse. The only rule physics lives by are the equations. And the equations are telling them that something odd is happening in the Universe that needs to be investigated. Ditto for the expanding universe and dark matter. That is why I like physics so much more. They are less constrained by artificial rules - though within any field there are always those who are so quick to pull the trigger and call an idea quackery.
Biology has some great ideas with Rupert Sheldrake but their only response is .... (fill in the blank).
As for biology? Biology takes a given level of reality from which to start; atoms and compounds, and builds from there. Since physics has burrowed deeper into reality, so to speak, this grounding is now stable and the subject can be explored safely without fear of a massive "paradigm shift" (ooh I hate that term!).
Physics, or the quantum mechanics you are talking about, is still trying to work out its foundation, but that doesn't mean it's open to wild speculation.