xris;84675 wrote:I read that nde's can occur with no visible brain activity ,so if the consciousness abides in that hidden cortex ,how would you prove that?
Xris, you'll have to go back and find that, I guess, if you wish to make your presentation more accurately. Also, please do keep in mind (as actually I have pointed out to you before) that I have also done research in the NDE field. For the moment, however, would you please give a descriptive explanation of what exactly you mean by '
no visible brain activity?'
Pathfinder;84683 wrote:
If you choose to consider spirituality as mumbo jumbo that is your prerogative, but to then attempt to make it seem as though anyone else that considers the possibility a very major part of mind /brain discussion is creating useless conversation, is simply suggesting that only what you believe is worth consideration.
Pathfinder, I appreciate the gentleness of your approach, and trust, for now at least, you ability to be honest with the facts that we do have, to the degree that we can call them factual. Now, here is the area to which your quote (above) is alluding to [
and if I am wrong here, then please do help me with my misunderstanding]:
KaseiJin;84622 wrote:For those who wish to adhere to the notion that all living and have ever lived animals' brain build/states are 'souls' I strongly urge you to put your definition/descriptions out here on the table--instead of making such far flung assertions that we are 'souls' under your breath in passing as though there were no question at all on such an ancient misconception. If you wish to hold that only human beings are 'souls' or have 'souls' (or however one wishes to 'verb' that phrase), then all the more, please put your definition/descriptions out on the table--otherwise you are simply talking in relgious belief-system mo-jo which has no greater degree of natural truth value than the assertion that the pineal gland is responsible for skeletomotor operation[/color].
Now, Pathfinder, I'm sure you will notice the bold above. If one pays close attention to what I am saying, it should be clear that I am asking for a presentation of definition/descriptions from those of the camp that consider such as I have spelled out there. It is a fact, that my suggestion is that to the extent that one does not do so, one is
otherwise simply repeating religious belief-system mo-jo.
I hold this to be true in that any one can say anything, make any assertion, and in the event that there is no explanation behind it, backing up what the assertion or claim is communicating to be an external truth, a fact of nature, then it is of very little value
in the face of, and as opposed to evidence which more fully and logically supports an assertion, or claim, which contradicts that former said assertion, or claim.
Spirituality or whatever, if a person claims that the individual animal, or that the individual H. sapein only, as a center of intellectual and singularity of consciousness, or mental awareness, is a '
soul,' then that person, regardless of whatever talents or skills or educational background they may have, will have to fully explain and argue points of that explanation.
Therefore, you have quite possibly misread what I have written. Please go back over that carefully, and consider what you have said above. In the event that you are of the camp that considers yourself, or myself (just for example) to be '
souls,' then please, by all means, do expound on what you exactly mean, and the reasons for thinking so, and present the available evidences that would be needed to convince a neutral third party individual;
as well as be prepared to argue them properly.