its nice you realised after the question, but even if you didnt, i was sure that you'd realise after the answer i gave lol.
brahmin, I saw your post in another forum where you state you were born in India. Should have gotten the hint from your name, brahmin.
Yeah lol.
if you really like surfing (pun pun pun

, you could try this place -
i am leaving station tommorow, so i wont be able to answer you for some days.. but later... anytime.
Leaving station - that really takes me back to living in India, nobody else seems to use that phrase any more - sounds vaguely military. Out of station was the excuse for any govt servant who happened not to be at work!
its nothing military - it just means that i'll be leaving the place where i am staying for another city/place.
govt of india is archiac and runs in a soviet style way.
private sector/corporate india - is a different story.
but how come you know, what you do?
Quote, "its nice you realised after the question, but even if you didnt, i was sure that you'd realise after the answer i gave lol." I'm known to be a quick-study that way! LOL
i have to confess..... EXACTLY whats "quick-study".... and google-ing didnt help me much
brahmin wrote:
govt of india is archiac and runs in a soviet style way.
private sector/corporate india - is a different story.
I lived in Delhi from 1973-6. My husband was doing a PhD at Delhi University on Colonial History. He had a Commonwealth Fellowship which meant we had a lot of to-ing and fro-ing to govt buildings, and very often the people we were supposed to meet were said to be out of station, or sometimes just 'not on seat'! Just a delaying tactic we reckoned!
Which part of India do you come from when you are in station?
A country girl goes to New York to meet her friend who is attending Columbia University. She arrives early to their rendez-vous, and her friend has not yet appeared. So she sits down at the counter of the coffee bar, and being the typical friendly country girl, turns to the woman sitting next to her and says:
"Hi, my name's Enigma Jean, an' i'm from Virginia . . . where are you from?"
"I am from a place where we do not end our sentences in prepositions."
. . .
"I'm so sorry . . . Where are you from . . . Bitch?"
Set, That bogus folklore about not ending a sentence with a preposition should have died a long time ago, but your joke is very good!
Thanks, Boss, i've always loved it.
In Churchill's witticism regarding ending sentences with a preposition:
That is something up with which i will not put.
hi i am from Shanghai China.
i'm from chosebuz (germany).
Karotte wrote:i'm from chosebuz (germany).
hi,Karotte,nice to meet you here.
you are a new guy here because you just posted 9.
how are you now?
koolplay, How come you didn't attend our a2k gathering in Lippstadt last month?
Maybe because he's in Shanghai, China cicerone
Hahaha, you're a tough one cicerone
Hey, CJ, understand you're headed to Germany. When and where?