I dont know where you heard that theory but it is definately not true. But even if it were, those that wish to join our nation and do it with a full heart are more than welcome and are considered fully and completely as Jews. So even if this theory were true, Ashkenazim are still just as Jewish as you or I. You should know that the nephew of a Roman emporer converted and translated the Torah to Aramaic. This translation is called the Onkulous translation and is printed as a commentary allong with Rashi. The translation is great because it allows us to gain deeper insight when trying to understand the Torah.
Secular Jews are Jews that no longer keep tradition and have assimilated to other cultures or who have become members of christianity or other religions. They are still Jews and still a part of the Nation but are no longer connected with their roots. They considered by jewish law as "Tinok Shenishbah" which means a kidnapped child. It is not their fault because they were raised in that condition. The laws of a kidnapped child are because many jews were kidnapped over the ages and raised by other people. They have a special status. All secular Jews today have the same status. They cannot be blamed for their distance from our Tradition. Orthodox Jews is not really a category. It is a fairly new term that is very losely used. But in essence these are Jews that are still keeping the National Law.
By speaking about people that have a high potential it is obvious that the potential can be used in many different directions. But Jews are given a specific task. And Jews that are not directed to this task are not doing their job. Their potential is directed to another direction. This other direction may not be intrinsically evil but in Hebrew Evil means an Imperfection. They are not using their potential in the best possible way and therefore their efforts are not completely perfect.
Now you may have a different job in this world. And your efforts should be directed to this job. Your job is not less important but the job of a Jew is very sensitive. Small mistakes have great repercussions.
Holiness is also an interesting topic. It is a vastly misunderstood concept. What is the opposite of Holy? Most people would answer tainted or ungodly or allong those lines.
The real answer is that the opposite of Holy is mundaneness. Shabbat is considered the Holy day. And the rest of the week is considered Mundane.
For something to be Holy it must have two properties. Firstly it must be seperate from Mundane and Secondly it must be connected to the Limitless.
Separation is easy to see. This is called the world of separation. In this world there are 3 dimentions that allow for separation. Time, place, and substance. The holy land is a separation in Place. A holy person is a separation in substance.
In western culture the seperate are the famous. Famous people have far more influence over the world. This is a characteristic of all things that are seperate. The fact that something is normal means that it has less effect on things around it.
There is no question that the Temple mount is seperate. It is accepted as seperate by the entire world. The mere fact that you say it is hell implies that you also see it as seperate. Similarly Jews are seperate. Many of our commandments are intended to seperate us from the other nations.
Truthfully it is important that all Nations have a certain degree of separation from each other.
Shalom is peace despite separation. It is easy to be at peace if there is one nation. You have not accomplished anything. The difficulty is love and respect and co-operation between separate Nations. If you are married, you will know this concept well. It is difficult to work together.
The fact that Jews are seperate only means that they have far more influence over the world. THe fact that the land is seperate means that it has far more influence. The proof of this is that Jews and Israel make up 0.2% of the worlds population but make up 50% of the news. Seperation just means potential for influence.
Now something that is seperate and can influence the mundane has a lot of potential. The Potential is Influence. When one that is seperate is connected to God then we are allowing God to influence the world. That is the Job of everything that is Holy. To be as a vehicle for God's influence. To elevate the world to Godliness and sanctity. This is why one that is holy and makes a mistake is punished far more than one that is not. The mistake influences the world and has far greater reprocussions. Moses was not permitted into the land despite his greatness because he showed a small degree of anger. The rest of Israel were permitted into the land although they probably got angry a lot. The difference was that Moses was Holier. He was more connected to God and More seperate than the entire Jewish Nation combined. This is why Moses' influence on the world is so great and which is why he had to correct even the smallest of mistakes.
Interestingly enough, the Reform movement began in Germany. Their entire campaign was, "be a Jew at home and a German in public". "We are no longer a nation, we are Germans." And the German composer, Wagner, writes "It doesn't matter how hard a Jew tries, he can write better German music than a German but he will still never be German."
10 Years later Hitler says "Dont let their blood mix with our blood" Keep them seperate! And we all know the punishment that we received for this movement. This Separation that we received means that we have more responsibility to use it properly.
It all goes back to the gold wire that conducts electricity better. We have the ability to bring Godliness into the world better than anyone else because we were separated. Not because we are superior or because the Nation is a superior one. This is why anyone can join this Nation. We are not like America that only lets certain people in. Anyone that wants this responsibility and difficult task is welcome to join. Conversion proves that a Jew is not superior. Also the fact that Non-Jews are encouraged not to join. If a Jew is superior then we would want the entire world to be superior and we would try and convert the entire world. But that is not the case.
The 6 days of the week are what separate Shabbat. The rest of the nations are what allows Israel to be separate from them. The Goal is to get godliness into the world and elevate all of the nations. Israel is not the goal it is just the pipeline to achieve that goal.
About National tasks I want to clarify the root.
The root of the Nations comes from Noah and more specifically his 3 sons. Yapheth, Hham, and Shem
Yapheth is beauty, and his task was to beautify the world. All nations that stem from Yapheth are given this task. Greece is a decendant of Yapheth and Greek culture was obsessed with beauty. They wanted to perfect the Human body, built sculptures, and created sport and entertainment. All of these things beautify the world.
Hham is warmth. Hham's task is to bring warmth into the world.
Shem is Name. The task of Shem is to connect everything to its meaning and to bring God's name into the world.
A perfect world is a combination of all 3. If Beauty is the goal then it is empty and meaningless. But beautifying the world is very important. Warmth and culture is also very important. Communism does not work because it lacks warmth. It lacks individualism and care. And the Law and Order that is brought by Shem can also be very cold. And giving everything meaning and conecting the world to Divinity is also important.
All 3 are necissary in perfecting the world.
Being "Chosen" for a specific task does not in any way imply superiority.