Health Insurance versus Health Care

Dave Allen
Reply Fri 7 May, 2010 06:37 am
EmperorNero;160951 wrote:

Yup, in Europe they are more comfortable with big government all right. Civil cervices, like the holocaust.

Sorry - who is cherry picking?

Do you even know what a civil service actually is?

I don't think someone who claims the holocaust was a civil service or that Canada is a tiny country earns the credibility to call anyone else a child or fantasist.

By all means stick with your bloated, unfair and inefficient system.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 May, 2010 06:42 am
xris;161188 wrote:
Nero your blinkered and dogmatic views are becoming quite tedious. You refuse to accept the evidence and just spew out the same rhetoric over and over again. Its blatantly obvious the American health service is not serving its purpose for the majority of its citizens. .

Hmm. The purpose for the majority of the citizens is not to have the very best health care available on the planet? Why not?
0 Replies
Dave Allen
Reply Fri 7 May, 2010 06:43 am
Because they don't live in Japan.

---------- Post added 05-07-2010 at 08:01 AM ----------

Everyone here familiar with this?


This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the public power monopoly regulated by the US department of energy. I then took a shower in the clean water provided by the municipal water utility. After that, I turned on the TV to one of the FCC regulated channels to see what the national weather service of the national oceanographic and atmospheric administration determined the weather was going to be like using satellites designed, built, and launched by the national aeronautics and space administration. I watched this while eating my breakfast of US department of agriculture inspected food and taking the drugs which have been determined as safe by the food and drug administration.

At the appropriate time as regulated by the US congress and kept accurate by the national institute of standards and technology and the US naval observatory, I get into my national highway traffic safety administration approved automobile and set out to work on the roads build by the local, state, and federal departments of transportation, possibly stopping to purchase additional fuel of a quality level determined by the environmental protection agency, using legal tender issued by the federal reserve bank. On the way out the door I deposit any mail I have to be sent out via the US postal service and drop the kids off at the public school.

After spending another day not being maimed or killed at work thanks to the workplace regulations imposed by the department of labor and the occupational safety and health administration, enjoying another two meals which again do not kill me because of the USDA, I drive my NHTSA car back home on the DOT roads, to my house which has not burned down in my absence because of the state and local building codes and fire marshal's inspection, and which has not been plundered of all its valuables thanks to the local police department.

I then log on to the internet which was developed by the defense advanced research projects administration and post on freerepublic.com and fox news forums about how SOCIALISM in medicine is BAD because the government can't do anything right.

And this?


The Teabagger Socialist-Free Purity Pledge

I, ________________________________, do solemnly swear to uphold the principles of a socialism-free society and heretofore pledge my word that I shall strictly adhere to the following:

I will complain about the destruction of 1st Amendment Rights in this country, while I am duly being allowed to exercise my 1st Amendment Rights.

I will complain about the destruction of my 2nd Amendment Rights in this country, while I am duly being allowed to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights by legally but brazenly brandishing unconcealed firearms in public.

I will foreswear the time-honored principles of fairness, decency, and respect by screaming unintelligible platitudes regarding tyranny, Nazi-ism, and socialism at public town halls. Also.

I pledge to eliminate all government intervention in my life. I will abstain from the use of and participation in any socialist goods and services including but not limited to the following:
  • Social Security
  • Medicare/Medicaid
  • State Children's Health Insurance Programs (SCHIP)
  • Police, Fire, and Emergency Services
  • US Postal Service
  • Roads and Highways
  • Air Travel (regulated by the socialist FAA)
  • The US Railway System
  • Public Subways and Metro Systems
  • Public Bus and Lightrail Systems
  • Rest Areas on Highways
  • Sidewalks
  • All Government-Funded Local/State Projects (e.g., see Iowa 2009federal senate appropriations--http://grassley.senate.gov/issues/upload/Master-Approps-73109.pdf)
  • Public Water and Sewer Services (goodbye socialist toilet, shower, dishwasher, kitchen sink, outdoor hose!)
  • Public and State Universities and Colleges
  • Public Primary and Secondary Schools
  • Sesame Street
  • Publicly Funded Anti-Drug Use Education for Children
  • Public Museums
  • Libraries
  • Public Parksand Beaches
  • State and National Parks
  • Public Zoos
  • Unemployment Insurance
  • Municipal Garbage and Recycling Services
  • Treatment at Any Hospital or Clinic That Ever Received Funding From Local, Stateor Federal Government (pretty much all of them)
  • Medical Services and Medications That Were Created or Derived From Any Government Grant or Research Funding (again, pretty much all of them)
  • Socialist Byproducts of Government Investment Such as Duct Tape and Velcro (Nazi-NASA Inventions)
  • Use of the Internets, email, and networked computers, as the DoD's ARPANET was the basis for subsequent computer networking
  • Foodstuffs, Meats, Produce and Crops That Were Grown With, Fed With, Raised With or That Contain Inputs From Crops Grown With Government Subsidies
  • Clothing Made from Crops (e.g. cotton) That Were Grown With or That Contain Inputs From Government Subsidies
  • If a veteran of the government-run socialist US military, I will forego my VA benefits and insist on paying for my own medical care
I will not tour socialist government buildings like the Capitol in Washington, D.C.

I pledge to never take myself, my family, or my children on a tour of the following types of socialist locations, including but not limited to:
  • Smithsonian Museums such as the Air and Space Museum or Museum of American History
  • The socialist Washington, Lincoln, and Jefferson Monuments
  • The government-operated Statue of Liberty
  • The Grand Canyon
  • The socialist World War II and Vietnam Veterans Memorials
  • The government-run socialist-propaganda location known as Arlington National Cemetery
  • All other public-funded socialist sites, whether it be in my state or in Washington, DC
I will urge my Member of Congress and Senators to forego their government salary and government-provided healthcare.

I will oppose and condemn the government-funded and therefore socialist military of the United States of America.

I will boycott the products of socialist defense contractors such as GE, Lockheed-Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Raytheon, Humana, FedEx, General Motors, Honeywell, and hundreds of others that are paid by our socialist government to produce goods for our socialist army.

I will protest socialist security departments such as the Pentagon, FBI, CIA, Department of Homeland Security, TSA, Department of Justice and their socialist employees.

Upon reaching eligible retirement age, I will tear up my socialist Social Security checks.

Upon reaching age 65, I will forego Medicare and pay for my own private health insurance until I die.

SWORN ON A BIBLE AND SIGNED THIS DAY OF ____________ IN THE YEAR ______________.
___________________________ ___________________________
Signed Printed Name/Town and State
Reply Fri 7 May, 2010 03:50 pm
@Dave Allen,
xris;161188 wrote:
Nero your blinkered and dogmatic views are becoming quite tedious. You refuse to accept the evidence and just spew out the same rhetoric over and over again. Its blatantly obvious the American health service is not serving its purpose for the majority of its citizens. The simple fact that 60 % of bankruptcies in America are caused by health insurance costs should be giving you reasons to find a better alternative. I dont really care about your extreme views on social misfits deserving no help or the poor should learn from their poverty and suffer the laws of the jungle, its the fact that you refuse to accept certain social programmes help all its citizens, thats what really makes me cringe.

Simple question. If socialized health care saves costs, why not have socialized distribution of food, cars, TV's and beach-front mansions? It's so obvious that it's cheaper, right?
No argument that you make for health care doesn't also work for most other goods. So why only on health care?

Oh, having to pay for stuff drives us into bankruptcy. Solution: Don't make anyone pay for stuff! Oh man, why didn't anyone come up with that before? All these economists typing their calculators, and nobody thought of that.

How many bankruptcies happen because companies go broke while it's staff sits in government waiting rooms, waiting for something they would be happy to pay for with the money they could earn working in that time? How many companies never get started because of the high cost of doing business? You see, what socialism does is shifting costs from visible to invisible. That's why it seems cheaper. But there is no free lunch, someone has to pay for everything. Things have to be paid for. The only way to save costs is to have less of it.

Dave Allen;161206 wrote:
Everyone here familiar with this?

And this?

When someone is forced to pay for a service at the point of a gun, and then is told, take the service or leave it, of course they take it. That doesn't mean they are better off with that service. Since they would have chosen to spend their money on something else if not forced to buy that service from the government, they are per definition worse off than in a free market.

Either you are telling me that communism works - that government enterprise somehow provides better or cheaper services than free market enterprise. An idea that has been disproven numerous times in history. Or you are telling me that we should force people to buy stuff, at greater expense, because the leaders know better what they need than they themselves do. Pick one, but don't mix them up to avoid either.

But this isn't about superior economic performance - that some seem to believe communism does work if we just try hard enough. The issue is that you willingly give up freedom for whatever perceived benefits you think it brings you. You even make fun of these silly liberals that still advocate freedom.
Once people are willing to give up freedom for rhetoric, the flood gates of totalitarianism are open. Remember where socialism comes from - Bismarkian Germany. And nothing bad ever happened in early 20th century Germany.

There's one thing that your beloved big government does well. - Government was the leading cause of death in the 20th century. Let's put the guys with the guns in charge of health, yes!

Dave Allen;161204 wrote:
By all means stick with your bloated, unfair and inefficient system.

I don't want to stick with our half-big government system. I want free market health care. How you buy your bread. Does government mandate how many sunflower seeds there have to be in it? And what the temperature of the oven has to be. Why not, wouldn't we be better off with a little regulation? Or does the free market take care of it? Why not do that with health care?
Dave Allen
Reply Fri 7 May, 2010 05:45 pm
EmperorNero;161387 wrote:
There's one thing that your beloved big government does well. - Government was the leading cause of death in the 20th century. Let's put the guys with the guns in charge of health, yes!

Wrong again!

Heart disease was the leading cause of of death in the 20th century. Followed by cancer. Every two years as many people die from AIDS as those who died in the Holocaust.

This sort of thing can be looked up, you know?

You obviously can't be bothered to consider anything other than a pat libertarian agenda. Most of the questions posed in your last rant have already been addressed, with no real rebuttal from you. Why isn't food socialised? Well it is to an extent isn't it? Why aren't luxury goods socialised? Because everyone agrees that that would be a bad idea, mainly down to the fact that manufacturing one of everything for everyone isn't even possible.

But comprehensive health care - to higher standards than that provided by insurance companies - is.

Does government mandate how many sunflower seeds there have to be in it? And what the temperature of the oven has to be. Why not, wouldn't we be better off with a little regulation?

It probably does - assuming you have food standards. Cooking time and ingredients for food that is sold in shops are regulated - that's why bread doesn't have lead in it any more.

So, to recap ... You claim the holocaust was a civil service. You think Canada and Australia are tiny islands. You say government was the biggest cause of death last century.

You're a fantasist - none of that is remotely real or relevant. I'm not even saying this for your benefit anymore - I know you're too far gone. The only reason to point out it out is in the vague fear an innocent lurker might think you had a point, really.
Reply Fri 7 May, 2010 06:35 pm
@Dave Allen,
Dave Allen;161428 wrote:
Heart disease was the leading cause of of death in the 20th century. Followed by cancer. Every two years as many people die from AIDS as those who died in the Holocaust.

Fair enough, correction: The state was the leading cause of unnatural death.
Yes, put the guys who were the leading cause of unnatural death in charge of health.
Did you just make the argument: All those Hitler, Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot murders weren't so bad, just look at hearth disease and cancer! Having a Hitler once in a while is worth it, since statism provides better health care, so those murders and the lives saved by statism cancel each others out and we come out ahead! Yes.

Dave Allen;161428 wrote:
Why isn't food socialised? Well it is to an extent isn't it? Why aren't luxury goods socialised? Because everyone agrees that that would be a bad idea, mainly down to the fact that manufacturing one of everything for everyone isn't even possible.

But comprehensive health care - to higher standards than that provided by insurance companies - is.

Ah, it's "comprehensive". Now it makes sense! Statism works if it's "comprehensive".

It's the arguments you use to argue that statist health care is cheaper than free market health care. All those arguments apply to all other goods as well. But only on health care you think it works. How come? Is it that health care is complicated enough to make that mistake, while simpler products don't allow for that mistake? After the Soviet union failed you were forced to concede that products are not provided cheaper by state enterprise, but health care is elusive enough to still make that argument.

You say everyone agrees that statism would be a bad idea with food or luxury goods, but on health care it magically works. How come? You didn't address why those mechanisms would work on health care but not on other goods.

Yes, health care is different in that you have to buy it a long time before you need it. And once you need it and don't have it it's easy for statists to play the "ability to pay" card. Oh, evil profit motive, distributes goods only to "the rich". But in reality the vast majority (say 98%) could afford health care if they made the right decisions, I am happy to help out those who actually can't pay for it.
What you are suggesting is that government take over the responsibilities of adulthood, because we are not mature enough to buy insurance when flat screen TV's, iPhones and fancy vacations are so much more instantly gratifying. Human beings have to take care of their physical needs. The more the state takes over the responsibilities of adulthood, the more we will create a society of children. That will ultimately erode democracy, because we all act, think and vote like children. And it is by that very process that Bismarkian socialism in Germany spawned the evils of Hitlerian fascism.

Dave Allen;161428 wrote:
It probably does - assuming you have food standards. Cooking time and ingredients for food that is sold in shops are regulated - that's why bread doesn't have lead in it any more.

Bread doesn't have lead in it any more because you make more money selling bread without lead in it.

If breadmaking was as regulated as health care, then government would have to mandate that there's no lead in it. But in the (relative) absence of regulation, the free market takes care of it.

Dave Allen;161428 wrote:
So, to recap ... You claim the holocaust was a civil service.

Yes, what makes it not a civil service? The statist leadership that did it was democratically elected, and it only infringed on the rights of a minority that was considered 'privileged', and therefore it was 'fair' to expropriate. It is a difference in degree, not in kind. If you say the difference is that it kills people, think again. Modern 'democratic' governments kill vastly more people with misguided environmental regulations, like CAFE standards, banning DDT or subsidizing fuel ethanol. So you tell my what makes it not a statist civil service.

Dave Allen;161428 wrote:
You think Canada and Australia are tiny islands.

Don't be silly, of course I don't think Canada and Australia are islands. Is that really the level of sophistication you want to debate this on? You are making a lot of silly wordplays in this post.
As for tiny... their populations are 34 and 22 million, that's pretty small compared to USA's 300 million, and China's 1.3 billion and Indias 1 bilion, or even Germany's 80 million. All those nations being to a large degree statist/"socialist".
Small nations simply have a higher per capita wealth. And by cherry-picking tiny nations among the many failed socialist states, you can present it as if statism works.

Functioning statism seems to be a privilege of tiny populations residing over great natural resource wealth - either in the form of actual resources to export like or other blessings of nature - not of their economic system being superior.
Saudi Arabia is a welfare state, Haiti is greatly 'regulated', I never hear you mention those, it's always Iceland, Norway and Luxembourg.

The silliest argument I heard so far was when someone on this forum made the argument that Luxembourg pays doctors and nurses more than the US; oh really, no fricking kidding. Next thing you say that Paris Hilton is a financial genius, since she is so rich.

And don't forget that those supposed statist successes have some of the most free markets, and greatest private sectors in the world, their success is due to free markets. They would be even richer with fully free markets.
You point out that they are rich and (semi) well-functioning, but how do you know how much more rich and well-functioning they would be with free markets?
The US is much more "progressive"/"socialist"/statist than other western nations in a lot of respects. And a lot of it's failures are due to that.

Dave Allen;161428 wrote:
You're a fantasist - none of that is remotely real or relevant. I'm not even saying this for your benefit anymore - I know you're too far gone. The only reason to point out it out is in the vague fear an innocent lurker might think you had a point, really.

Of course everybody thinks those who disagree with him are fantasists. But keep in mind that practically everybody on the right started out on the left. We all start out on the left in our youth, and most grow up to leave that romanticism behind as we witness how the real world works.
It is us rationalists that changed our views because we are open to facts and arguments, and you romanticists that remained with the worldview of youth.
Most liberals can easily understand how the other side thinks, we once were like you. But you can not understand how we think. You just don't get it, so you assume we lack your superior intellect and you must lead us into the light against our will.
Reply Sat 8 May, 2010 03:56 am
Nero your attempt at making sense of your blinkered views is becoming more and more bizarre. Accept the fact that your system is not working for 95% of the US citizens and then accept our health service is working for 95% of it citizens and then tell me Im wrong, we are wrong. Your only argument is dogmatic refusal to accept the facts. You appear to want to make it a war of political ideologies rather than a practical solution to a desperate situation. You invent boggy men , die hard reds who are threatening your very existence. You give me the impression you check under your bed every night for Stalinist hit men. Its not about a war of ideologies its a practical resolution with common sense as its core reasoning. The good old days of red or dead , left and right are boring and outdated, move on accept we all have need of a social insurance.
0 Replies
Dave Allen
Reply Sat 8 May, 2010 05:18 am
EmperorNero;161445 wrote:
Fair enough, correction: The state was the leading cause of unnatural death. Yes, put the guys who were the leading cause of unnatural death in charge of health.

90 million killed from cigarettes in the developed world during the 20th century - trumping both military and civilian war dead together.

Smallpox was bad too, but it's not a problem anymore. Wonder why? Was it the free market do you think?

Did you just make the argument: All those Hitler, Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot murders weren't so bad, just look at hearth disease and cancer! Having a Hitler once in a while is worth it, since statism provides better health care, so those murders and the lives saved by statism cancel each others out and we come out ahead! Yes.

Take your strawman home chap. I said no such thing.

Ah, it's "comprehensive". Now it makes sense! Statism works if it's "comprehensive".

You constantly return to this purile strawman of statism. I have explained at length that I do not support gestalt statism, but that various degrees of free market and socialist policy respond with varying successes and limitations based on the circumstances.

You don't seem to be able to debate that - so you build a strawman in the shape of Joe Stalin and argue with that.

But that strawman isn't me. Argue with Joe Stalin all you like, but I'm not where he is.

I advocate a flexible mixed market answering need depending on circumstance - not an eglatatarian/proletarian dictatorship.

It's the arguments you use to argue that statist health care is cheaper than free market health care. All those arguments apply to all other goods as well.

No. You don't even seem to be able to understand supply and demand. You can't manufacture one of everything for everyone.

Try getting it through your head - I said it last time. Do I need to keep repeating it for you?

But only on health care you think it works. How come? Is it that health care is complicated enough to make that mistake, while simpler products don't allow for that mistake?

Supply and demand.
After the Soviet union failed you were forced to concede that products are not provided cheaper by state enterprise, but health care is elusive enough to still make that argument.

Take your stupid strawman home Nero.

You say everyone agrees that statism would be a bad idea with food or luxury goods, but on health care it magically works. How come?

Supply and demand.

You didn't address why those mechanisms would work on health care but not on other goods.

Actually I explicitly stated why it wouldn't.

I repeat.

You cannot make one of each good for everyone.

But you can offer comprehensive healthcare.

I am happy to help out those who actually can't pay for it.

What have you done to this end?
What you are suggesting is that government take over the responsibilities of adulthood...

Bread doesn't have lead in it any more because you make more money selling bread without lead in it.

No, it doesn't have lead in it anymore because people know it's a poison.

If breadmaking was as regulated as health care, then government would have to mandate that there's no lead in it. But in the (relative) absence of regulation, the free market takes care of it.

You understand the concept of relative - what a surprise. I honestly thought it was beyond you.

What would the US dept of Health and Human services have to say about people trying to sell bread with lead in, I wonder?

Yes, what makes it not a civil service?

A civil service by definition.

Second time of asking - do you actually know what a civil service is?

Don't be silly, of course I don't think Canada and Australia are islands. Is that really the level of sophistication you want to debate this on?

It's what you said - why did you say it if you didn't mean it?

Because it was the first thing that popped into your head? "I'll strawman all these examples as small island econmies!"

Yeah - that'll work.


Saudi Arabia is a welfare state, Haiti is greatly 'regulated', I never hear you mention those, it's always Iceland, Norway and Luxembourg.

I don't think I have once mentioned Norway.

To remind you - you continually used the USSR as your sole example of why socialised medicine is BAD. I have mentioned other places were it has been a success, in terms of the service and the apparent stability of the economy and society that provides it.

Saudi Arabia is rotten society - the fact they can provide a public health system doesn't change that - but it doesn't exemplify it either.

So what, exactly? I'm not saying socialism is all wonderful - that's what the strawman you built of your perceptions says, not me.

I am just arguing you'd be better off reforming your health care system along more socialist lines.

The silliest argument I heard so far was when someone on this forum made the argument that Luxembourg pays doctors and nurses more than the US; oh really, no fricking kidding. Next thing you say that Paris Hilton is a financial genius, since she is so rich.

Another strawman.

The reason I raised Luxembourg was that someone mentioned doctors don't recieve the rewards they deserve under a socialist system, because US doctors tend to be better paid.

So actually, it was directly relevant to point out the Luxembourg's doctors are the best paid in the world - it proves that should you want to ensure high pay for doctors you could copy Luxembourg's model.

You may not want it - I wouldn't - I think doctors are paid well as it is. However, if you think doctors under social systems are poorly paid - Luxembourg proves you wrong.
Of course everybody thinks those who disagree with him are fantasists.

I often disagree with kennethamy, but I don't think he is a fantasist. He comes out with some stuff I think is utterly wrong, but not on the lines of "the holocaust was a civil service" or "those nations (including Canada, Spain, France, Denmark, UK, Australia) are tiny islands" or "the state kills more people than anythign else".

Things you actually said which are pure fantasy.

You just don't get it, so you assume we lack your superior intellect and you must lead us into the light against our will.

There are many reasons why I think you are not as bright as most.

1) You construct strawmen rather than actually debating a person's given position.
2) You have to be constantly reminded of issues that have already been addressed with no rebuttal.
3) On given an answer, you respond with the same question, rather than making any apparent effort to comprehend the answer.
4) You buid theories out of facts that are nothing but nonsense (civil service, tiny islands, need I go on).
5) You fail to recall why things were brought up (eg: I didn't bring up Luxembourg because I admire their system - it was to answer a challenge, which it did).

So yeah - you seem pretty dim.
Reply Sat 15 May, 2010 01:47 am
@Dave Allen,
Dave Allen;161636 wrote:
90 million killed from cigarettes in the developed world during the 20th century - trumping both military and civilian war dead together.

Communism in China and Russia alone killed 85 million. Add communism in the rest of the world and you are up to more than 90 million. Add fascism, wars and environmentalism, and statism conservatively adds up to being the leading cause of unnatural death in the 20th century.

Even if smoking was the leading cause of death and statism was a close second, smoking can never compare to crimes of humanity. Smoking is a personal choice. Whether statism was the number one cause of unnatural death or number two simply doesn't argue with the fact that statism was pretty darn murderous, that argument stands regardless of the specific semantics I used to make the case.

Dave Allen;161636 wrote:
Smallpox was bad too, but it's not a problem anymore. Wonder why? Was it the free market do you think?

Yes. Even if the immediate search for a cure was the work of humanitarians, it was the free market that made it possible. It is wealth generated by the free market that allows humanitarians and scientists to be prosperous and secure enough to indulge themselves in humanitarian efforts or scientific curiosity. It is capitalism that makes people rich enough to not be greedy.

Dave Allen;161636 wrote:
You constantly return to this purile strawman of statism. I have explained at length that I do not support gestalt statism, but that various degrees of free market and socialist policy respond with varying successes and limitations based on the circumstances.

You don't seem to be able to debate that - so you build a strawman in the shape of Joe Stalin and argue with that.

But that strawman isn't me. Argue with Joe Stalin all you like, but I'm not where he is.

I advocate a flexible mixed market answering need depending on circumstance - not an eglatatarian/proletarian dictatorship.

Statism does not have to mean Stalinism. Statism just means putting the state in control of stuff, as opposed to free individuals. That is the accurate meaning of the term. I am not the one associating the term with the evils of Stalin, that's what you associate with it. Statism can mean that, but it does not have to. I simply use the term in it's accurate meaning. Statism is just a less nice-sounding synonym for socialism, which you seem to have no problem with. I never claimed that you necessarily support everything that falls into the category of statism, just that what you support falls into the category of statism. Which is accurate, or is it?

Dave Allen;161636 wrote:
You can't manufacture one of everything for everyone.

Do I need to keep repeating it for you?

You cannot make one of each good for everyone.

But you can offer comprehensive healthcare.

Yes, please repeat it for me. For I am interested in your argument. How is health care different than other goods, so that socialism would work on health care? Would you be so dear as to nicely and precisely explain what you mean? Thank you.

Dave Allen;161636 wrote:
What have you done to this end?

If we had free market health care, I'd be happy to help out those who actually can't provide health care for themselves through taxes or private charity.

Dave Allen;161636 wrote:
What would the US dept of Health and Human services have to say about people trying to sell bread with lead in, I wonder?

I don't defend the current status quo of the United States, I advocate free markets.

Half of US health care is provided by the government, and the other half is heavily regulated by government, the US is not a pristine example of free market health care.

Dave Allen;161636 wrote:
A civil service by definition.

Second time of asking - do you actually know what a civil service is?

Ah, I see, you are playing a word game with the meaning of civil service. To avoid that we can instead call it a socialist government program. The holocaust was a socialist government program.

Dave Allen;161636 wrote:
It's what you said - why did you say it if you didn't mean it?

Because it was the first thing that popped into your head? "I'll strawman all these examples as small island econmies!"

Will you ever respond to my arguments or just bicker about some specific word? I make the argument again, for you to respond to: Correlation does not imply causation. By pointing to nations that have some system you like and then pointing to their supposedly well-functioning economies, you say nothing about one being the cause of the other. You simply point out that both are existing at the same time, and imply that one caused the other.

Dave Allen;161636 wrote:
Saudi Arabia is rotten society

Exactly. How come you never mention the rotten ones as examples?

Dave Allen;161636 wrote:
To remind you - you continually used the USSR as your sole example of why socialised medicine is BAD.

Yes, because the USSR is the example of a centrally planned economy, what is odd about referring to it in a debate about, you know, centrally planned versus free market economics?
Remember, it's about economics exclusively, not Stalins crimes of humanity, nor those fur hats with ear flaps, it's just about the economic system of the USSR. Can you keep those separate?

Dave Allen;161636 wrote:
I am just arguing you'd be better off reforming your health care system along more socialist lines.

Okay. Let's take a theoretical free market health care system as the standard. Abstract capitalism, such as Marx uses in his theorizing. How would making it more socialist, theoretically as well, make it better or cheaper?

Dave Allen;161636 wrote:
The reason I raised Luxembourg was that someone mentioned doctors don't recieve the rewards they deserve under a socialist system, because US doctors tend to be better paid.

So actually, it was directly relevant to point out the Luxembourg's doctors are the best paid in the world - it proves that should you want to ensure high pay for doctors you could copy Luxembourg's model.

You may not want it - I wouldn't - I think doctors are paid well as it is. However, if you think doctors under social systems are poorly paid - Luxembourg proves you wrong.

Doctors make more in Luxembourg than in the US, no kidding. By nominal value everybody makes more in Luxembourg; doctors, taxi drivers, garbage men, dog trainers, prostitutes. Adjusted for the high wages of Luxembourg, they don't.

That you would have to resort to Luxembourg, the fricking wealthiest nation on earth, to find a nation with nominally higher paid doctors than the US, shows that doctors are poorly paid under socialized systems.

And keep in mind that half of US health care is provided by the government, and the other half is heavily regulated by government, the US is not a pristine example of free market health care.

Dave Allen;161636 wrote:
I often disagree with kennethamy, but I don't think he is a fantasist.

You at least understand what kennethamy is talking about. You do not understand what I am saying, thus you perceive it as fantasy. It's not that you are stupid, but that you are happier with your current beliefs. I would wish you would try to understand what I say, instead of assuming that it doesn't make sense to you because I am so much dumber than you. A feeling of superiority is the foremost reason for being wrong. Was it Socrates that said that true knowledge means knowing the limits of our knowledge?
Reply Sat 15 May, 2010 03:49 am
Nero , you have not listened to anything we have said to you, have you? You constantly revert to communism as if we are defending its position in history or in its agenda. Why don't you find a a die hard communist to argue with because you dont want a reasonable debate with reasonable democratic socialists, do you? You will have to accept that you have not won one argument on the comparability of our two systems , instead you want to dilute the debate into semantics, an out dated war of out dated dogma. Your thirty years too late.
Reply Sat 15 May, 2010 05:10 am
xris;164525 wrote:
Nero , you have not listened to anything we have said to you, have you? You constantly revert to communism as if we are defending its position in history or in its agenda. Why don't you find a a die hard communist to argue with because you dont want a reasonable debate with reasonable democratic socialists, do you? You will have to accept that you have not won one argument on the comparability of our two systems , instead you want to dilute the debate into semantics, an out dated war of out dated dogma. Your thirty years too late.

No, you haven't been listening. I'm not talking about communism. I am using the same therm for communism and what you kids advocate, but that does not mean my argument is "oh no, it's gonna lead to communism". I am saying your ideology is a mitigated form of communism, which is undeniable. We can then argue about the economic effects and such, but all you people do is object to being compared to communists. You are the ones who bring up communism, all I do is using accurate words instead of doublespeak.

If you don't want this to be about communism, the quit bringing it up. Let's argue about health care in western democracies. Let's take a theoretical free market health care system as the standard. How would making it more socialist, theoretically as well, make it better or cheaper?
Reply Sat 15 May, 2010 05:37 am
EmperorNero;164539 wrote:
No, you haven't been listening. I'm not talking about communism. I am using the same therm for communism and what you kids advocate, but that does not mean my argument is "oh no, it's gonna lead to communism". I am saying your ideology is a mitigated form of communism, which is undeniable. We can then argue about the economic effects and such, but all you people do is object to being compared to communists. You are the ones who bring up communism, all I do is using accurate words instead of doublespeak.

If you don't want this to be about communism, the quit bringing it up. Let's argue about health care in western democracies. Let's take a theoretical free market health care system as the standard. How would making it more socialist, theoretically as well, make it better or cheaper?
Show me where we used communism as a form of defence or reasoning? With your attitude I could attach your political views to Attila the Hun or even Nero. You cant turn my politics in to communist ideology just because I believe in a social economy. The word social was invented long before the common good ideology was proposed.

I have given you questions and answers about the health systems of our respective countries. You backed away the last time you appeared to loosing the debate..You see difficulties in debate and then disappear for a week and then start again as if the debate had never happened.
Reply Sat 15 May, 2010 05:43 am
xris;164546 wrote:
Show me where we used communism as a form of defence or reasoning? With your attitude I could attach your political views to Attila the Hun or even Nero. You cant turn my politics in to communist ideology just because I believe in a social economy. The word social was invented long before the common good ideology was proposed.

You did so just a post ago. It's the other way around, I am talking about statism in general, which includes all the nice and fluffy stuff that you want, and you take that to mean that I am talking about communism, and defend your position as if you were attacked you as being communists. We can talk about health care, but you have to accept that it is a form of centrally planned economics. if you scream "I'm not a communist" every time someone asserts the simple fact that socialized medicine is centrally planned economics, we'll never get anywhere.

xris;164546 wrote:
I have given you questions and answers about the health systems of our respective countries. You backed away the last time you appeared to loosing the debate..You see difficulties in debate and then disappear for a week and then start again as if the debate had never happened.

If you want to make an argument, make it. If you think I avoided questions, repost them. But claiming I lose the debate is just semantics. Winning arguments does not mean claiming loudly and repetitively enough that you won.
Reply Sat 15 May, 2010 05:50 am
EmperorNero;164550 wrote:
You did so just a post ago. It's the other way around, I am talking about statism in general, which includes all the nice and fluffy stuff that you want, and you take that to mean that I am talking about communism, and defend your position as if you were attacked you as being communists. We can talk about health care, but you have to accept that it is a form of centrally planned economics. if you scream "I'm not a communist" every time someone asserts the simple fact that socialized medicine is centrally planned economics, we'll never get anywhere.

If you want to make an argument, make it. If you think I avoided questions, repost them. But claiming I lose the debate is just semantics. Winning arguments does not mean claiming loudly and repetitively enough that you won.
I never use the word communism other than to inform you that socialism is not communism. All governments use centralised planning for economic ends or to provide essential services. You show me one that does not? You have done it again imposed communist ideology on to a social structure and then said they are the same and then blatantly denied doing it.

Its not nonsense, you have never confronted the questions I posed you.
Reply Sat 15 May, 2010 05:57 am
xris;164553 wrote:
I never use the word communism other than to inform you that socialism is not communism.

Exactly. Nobody claimed that socialism is communism, but you are using the "socialism is not communism" defense against every attack that is mounted against socialism.
Reply Sat 15 May, 2010 06:05 am
EmperorNero;164557 wrote:
Exactly. Nobody claimed that socialism is communism, but you are using the "socialism is not communism" defense against every attack that is mounted against socialism.
Wrong again , its only said when you make the reference, why else would I make the disclaimer? it would not make sense, would it?

Your argument is that socialism, is communism by referring to communist ideology and then attaching it to socialism. You see them as the same apples in different barrels, don't you?
Reply Sat 15 May, 2010 06:13 am
xris;164560 wrote:
Wrong again , its only said when you make the reference, why else would I make the disclaimer? it would not make sense, would it?

Hehehe... You are saying your argument must make sense, because if it didn't make sense, you would not make it.

You use it as a wildcard defense of socialism. You just pretend I called you a communist, so you can use the "socialism is not communism" card.

xris;164560 wrote:
Your argument is that socialism, is communism by referring to communist ideology and then attaching it to socialism. You see them as the same apples in different barrels, don't you?

I see them as different dosages of the same poison. But you can't deny that socialism is communism-light, you can't. It's state control. It's like saying that a little bit of poison isn't poison.
Reply Sat 15 May, 2010 06:48 am
You remind me of an old English classic ..Billy Bunter..he cries" I did not nick the cream buns from the kitchen" , wiping cream from his face.

How you can deny something and then confirm it , in one post amazes me.
Reply Sat 15 May, 2010 06:55 am
xris;164571 wrote:
How you can deny something and then confirm it , in one post amazes me.

No look at the words. It being in the same category does not mean it is the same. Why would you pretend to not understand that difference?
Reply Sat 15 May, 2010 07:14 am
EmperorNero;164572 wrote:
No look at the words. It being in the same category does not mean it is the same. Why would you pretend to not understand that difference?
Nero you cant help yourself. You cant stop making the connection between communism and my political view of democratic socialism. Its your refuge when I refute your argument, you revert to being dogmatic about an outdated unworkable historic attention to communism and say "that's what you are a bleeding red" ..I'm not a communist ,do you hear me? Constantly telling me I am, is not progressing the debate..is it?

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