Alien life? -- your take on the subject

Steve 41oo
Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 09:08 am
The trouble is Wolf, that so many UFO sites are so much crap, that its difficult to keep an even temper about them.

I just (at random) found a site announcing the discovery of element 115 Unupentium, which aparantly holds the secret of anti gravity propulsion.

They quote D=31.5 g cm-2 (I presume they mean specific gravity)

You will of course spot the school-boy error.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 10:20 am
"When things start getting sweaty" ? ! ? ! ?

You're a riot . . . you're the only one here who sweats this ****, boy, the rest of us come here for a little amusement, and to read what others post on the topic of the thread you've consistently tried to hijack.

Saddly, both Steve and i have wasted a good deal of space in a futile attempt to guide you toward applying a critical standard to the sources of your "information." I am less and less inclined to make the effort--after all, i've never given a **** what sort of lunacy you enteratain, so why waste my effort?
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Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 10:55 am
I wish everyone on A2K wouldn't give a ****, it apparently leads to very motivated posts.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 12:06 pm
I think you miss the point Wolf. Setanta and I get annoyed with your argument, but not with you. I genuinely fear that your line of thinking leads to despair.

You know my position. But just supposing for a moment that you are absolutely right. That at any moment, you might encounter an alien being from a distant planet. What sort of basis is that to lead a 'normal' functioning life? Even if you were correct (which I dispute) would it not be better to put these things into a folder marked "unknown/unknowable", and direct your energies towards more profitable endeavours, for the benefit of yourself and wider society?
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Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 12:49 pm
Hmm... no. It's unthinkable for me not to spread these testimonies and evidence. At least I don't spend my time fighting this information. Your debunkery, in the face of eternity, is undoubtedly a futile waste of energy.
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Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 12:50 pm
Besides of the UFO question, it bares every reason to believe extraterrestrial life has travelled through space before we did. It would be the grandest surprise of creation us being the first. In fact it's a ridiculous idea.

It isn't a matter of being first, it's a matter of the distances involved. Even after we do develop space travel, the chances that we'll run into *ANY* alien civilization face to face are slim. The universe is a vast place, even if there are 10 million advanced races out there, they could be thousands of light years away at a minimum. We will likely *NEVER* see them, and they couldn't get here.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 12:57 pm
I think I would like to repeat what I said the first day this thread appeared:

Direct answer to the question:

Of course it is Possible!

Is it probable?

Not enough facts to go on.

But like most -- I would be very, very surprised if Earth is the only planet in this huge universe with life.

But here is something that ought to be considered.

The exact set of circumstances that lead to life -- the accidents that must happen and the materials that must be available for the accidents to happen -- may be very, very rare.

We may eventually explore the nearest 60 stars to our own -- and not find so much as a lichen.

Then again, we may find that life is abundant - and that our system of planets is unusually devoid of life.

About time for this agnostic to trot out his favorite tune:

I really don't know; I suspect nobody else does either; and I estimate that there is not enough information available right now to make a reasonable guess.

I've listened to everything everyone has said -- and I don't see any reason to change the opinion I had then.
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Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 01:03 pm
In other words, you think these people are talking nonsense:

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Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 02:32 pm
wolf wrote:
In other words, you think these people are talking nonsense:


Who are you asking?
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Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 02:54 pm
Frank, amen.
Wolf, the credibility of these fine witnesses is by itself not sufficient, nor is it some kind of "evidence." Moreover, if they produced solid objectively verifiable evidence they wouldn't even have to be credible.
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Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 03:29 pm
As far as that particular site goes, "the Disclosure Project" is a shill organization for Steven Greer, who has been shown to lie about his contacts with government officials. This joker Greer has enough savy to cozen the credulous and especially those who are already eager to believe--he blends the plausible with the improbable, the well-respected with the crackpot. It's a sad old tale, one which applied in religionk, politics and snake oil as well as UFOs.

Enough said about that nonsense. The topic of this thread is whether or not alien life exists. Cephus has made the most cogent point, which is that which regards the vast distances which would necessarily separate "space-faring" life forms. Even were we to discover the existence of such, the most likely contact would involve long, one-way messages, for which no reply were expected.
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Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 03:35 pm
Frank: I was asking you.

JL: 'Credibility: the quality of being believable or trustworthy'.
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Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 04:09 pm
Well this is the first time I've seen this post as I've been MIA for a few weeks... But I gotta say, I think it's rediculous to think we inhabit the only living planet. The probability that out of the possibly-infinite number of planets, ours is the only to contain life is infinitly small. HOWEVER.... I am not saying that all these backwoods 3-teeth-having hillbillies have seen an alien or been abducted. I merely say that their existance, wherever that may be, is near-fact.

I agree that the circumstances to generate life are miraculous, but I do not believe them so much as to only happen once. And then, there is also the recent and not-so-recent evidence of bacterium on mars... So who knows.

And we MIGHT see them! Come on... warp engines???? duh. :-D
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Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 04:53 pm
Thank you, Wolf

Since your were addressing the question to me, allow me to answer it.

The question was:
In other words, you think these people are talking nonsense...

You gave a link to the article you were asking about.


Absolutely, positively not!

Nothing I said could possibly be construed to mean that I think they were talking nonsense.

But you do have to be careful about what they are saying.

Here is the most important item in that cited link:

Therefore, we should open our minds to the possibility that UFOs are really what these men purport them to be: technological craft not from this Earth. Refusing to admit this, constitutes the simply fantastic lapse of reason that thousands of witnesses, mostly unaware of each other, could be telling unison lies.

Of course we should. And of course it is POSSIBLE that UFO's are the things mentioned.

That IS the agnostic position.

If, however, you are saying that we should SUPPOSE that UFO's are alien craft -- then we part company.

I do not know what "Unidentified Flying Objects" are. Apparently, neither does anyone else, or they would no longer be UFO's.

My comments earlier were directed to two groups:

One group saying UFO's are alien craft and that they are investigating us.

The second group saying that they are not alien craft -- and often averring that we will never contact alien life.

Both groups are talking out their hats as far as I am concerned.

As of today, we do not know what UFO's are.

As of today, we do not know whether or not we will ever be able to contact alien cultures.

Guessing is permitted -- and if I were to venture a guess -- I would say we are merely one inhabited planet among many, many inhabited planets. And I would guess that one day, humans and extra-terrestials will make contact -- and not superficial contact.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 05:53 pm
If, however, you are saying that we should SUPPOSE that UFO's are alien craft -- then we part company.

No, I would never suppose that. As I said, I was born a ufo skeptic just as every sane person. But, like you admitted, it's unreasonable to distrust these testimonies, even when they report that certain ufos must be extraterrestrial. And then there are scientific studies and grouped witnesses all over the globe to support them.

The reactionary response with certain people indicates that there is much anger about this subject, a witchhunt not unlike. As we know, witches were no supernatural fantasies, but normal, living beings. The occupants of the observed extraterrestrial craft will one day appear to correspond to the same quality.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 06:50 pm
sometimes, i think i'm an alien. i mean, look at my picture!!!
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Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 08:31 pm
The local infrared universe

Each dot contains app. 2 000 000 000 stars, and an equivalent exponential number of planets.
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Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2003 08:52 pm
"Number of witnesses", credible or otherwise, does not constitute anything more than Argumentum ad Populum, Wolf. Tens of Thousands of folks purportedly saw the face of Jesus on a tortilla, and all without the help of the Internet.
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Reply Fri 19 Sep, 2003 03:09 am
Very instructive. Another ridiculisation debunker.

At issue is not the fact that there are witnesses, but that there are numerous credible witnesses.
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Reply Fri 19 Sep, 2003 04:13 am
"At issue" is the thread, which concerns itself with an individual's opinion on the subject of alien life. You've expressed your two cents ad naseum, others who might have wished to contribute will probably leave after wading through pages of your puerile, witless ranting.
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