Zetherin wrote:Why do you have squeamish regret?
She blinded me with science.
Zetherin wrote:Precisely. And often times, I do have desire. There are months where I dedicate much time to my body and mind, in the form of weight training, intellectual discussion, and reading. These are the times I have belief, in the terms you mention. Then there are other times where seeking an objective truth seems almost absurd.
Ok, now we're getting somewhere. So you seem to be seeking a belief system that will allow you to overcome inertia (spiritual or "real" inertia? is there a difference? isn't that what all belief systems do?). You seem to paint your motivated periods and your absurd periods as opposites. I would say you're never lacking desire (the idea of "lacking desire" contradicts my concept of life), only direction. Perhaps you should look for belief precisely
in the absurd?
Quote:Assuming truly free will, truth in the present may be quixotic, but it can still give meaning. This is also assuming time is a construct, because if everything is actually happening at any given point in time on another time line (all possibilities on all possible universes), even if we have free will on this time line, it would have less meaning to me. And that is what we humans do - we apply meaning.
Ok, this point seems to be where the rubber is meeting the road in your mind:
1) Does "free will" exist (ie. non-atomic materialist universe)? If yes: proceed to question 2. If no: game over.
2) Dualism or not? If no: proceed to question three. If yes see: gland, pineal.
3) Is energy added to, taken away from or ultimately balanced within the system? If answer is "taken away from" see: death, heat. If answer is "ultimately balanced" see: recurrence, eternal. If answer is "added to" (by free will?) see: ???.
You seem to desire an answer that leaves the system open. If free will, as causal force, actually
adds energy to the system (the ultimate denial of materialism) then we are not, cannot be on a neverending loop back to the present, even assuming that time is infinite. Infinite (Finite) = Repeat of Same. Infinite (Infinite) = Infinite. The unbearable lightness of being. Einmal ist keinmal. Non-recursive eternity. Raise your hand if you think Milan Kundera has read Nietzsche.
If you don't believe you're a robot without free will (who is ultimately headed for heat death...the perfect denial of life?), then why on earth are you
looking for meaning? Why do you want "truth" to
give you meaning? Free will seems to me to be an assumption of responsibility. If your free will is truly causal, there is no meaning to look for, to be given, or to assign, only meaning to create. So build the best rational construct for reality you can (accepting that you're doomed to failure insofar as you want it to be "true"), round up your desires, get them on the boat and ride out the flood in style.
Maybe a better question...
Does the desire for non-recursive eternity, wanting to be the ultimate creator of "the only you" constitute the most deeply profound hubris imaginable? Not that hubris is such a bad thing, but perhaps you are paralyzed by the responsibility you seem to want to assign yourself? The responsibility of creating value and meaning is too much, and you want none of it? Simple existence (is, was, and always will be...ah, language) may be far "lighter" than what you seem to want out of life. Is the weight of "once" not perhaps heavier than the weight of "always"?
You don't seem particularly lost or unenlightened to me. Maybe you just need more time to digest the ideas you've already consumed? In the meantime, my advice is to go out and get laid.