@Didymos Thomas,
Well, it would seem you've driven me into a paradoxical corner where telling you to think for yourself would itself be advising you to follow the advice of another. I can only restate that I think the journey is a personal one that follows from the question posed by your own existence, that it's a difficult but worthwhile journey, and that religion is a false guide that would lead you along someone else's path.
I admit that this a huge generalization solely from personal experience, very little of which is experience of Bhuddist teachings, but I've known a few Bhuddists, and found them less than coherent and tranquil. I believe this is because one cannot achieve Nirvana as it were, until you've settled the question of your own existence in the world and come to terms with it, and that religion in general is an abdication from involvement in the world, as it really is.
This is where I'd refute Didymos Thomas's argument:
Quote:Any louder than philosophy? And here's another one to consider - what is the difference between philosophy and spiritual teaching?
It would be to oversimplify to say it's the distinction between rationality and emotionality - but it's whether the emphasis is on epistemology or metaphysics.
I know I've talked a great deal about introspection, your own truth and the whispers of your heart - but I see epistemology, ontology and identity as interrelated. It's not merely about knowing your truth but why it's true, and what that means for you. I think religion, or spiritual teachings emphasizes idenitity over epistemology and ontology and that it's incorrect to do so.
The first thing I said to you, 1 of 7.5 billion, is that you're insignificant, and that's the truth. You won't get any false comfort from me - it's for you to seek your own accomodation with the facts. And that's the journey, that's why it hurts, and that's why people seek comfort in religion, because they fear to look reality in the eye.
That's what I meant by kneel down at the side of your mom if you feel your knees weaken at the prospect - and while you'd have my understanding you wouldn't have my admiration, not that I'd think you any less of a person, but because I don't admire badly constructed ideas.