Poseidon wrote:However, it is nearly always her parents who coerce her into the abortion; especially her father; who often has issues with someone having sex with HIS daughter in the first place.
Even if this is true, how is it relevant to the morality of abortion itself or to some greater effect abortion has on society?
You are indicting a unfair patriarchal social structure; if abortion is misused, it does not mean that abortion is bad.
Quote:Also, a young man who has had his child aborted is similarly disturbed and emotionally distant from his living children thereafter. (If he dares to even try and have any).
I would also like to see this, as I have heard of lingering psychological effects on women after an abortion, but I have never heard this being the case with men.
Quote: [1]Once a woman has accepted a man's seed into her body, then the unborn child is as much his as it is hers.
[2]After all, he is the the one that will be responsible for its welfare in later life.
[3]And men have to go to all sorts of lengths just to plant the seed in her body in the first place.
[1]Irrelevant and totally untrue. How you can equate ejaculation with gestation is beyond me.
[3]You have to be joking.
Quote: When a woman allows a man to perform the deed, she is technically agreeing to have a child with him. The reproductive act is a form of contract. Normally it is the girls father who then forces the abortion on the man. Thus; it gives the rights to kill his child (which she has agreed to bare by having sex with him) to someone else (her father) who is outside of the realtionship, and does not have to suffer the consequences of the deed.
Not a single word in this is relevant or true.
Quote: But the worst of this all is that the emotional damage of this, is life-long, to both the abortion-woman and the abortion-man. It makes one lose hope in society generally. And it decays the very fabric of society : trust. The consequences WILL be felt, but not necessarily understood.
So your damning argument is that abortion allows a girls father to force her to get an abortion and this will emotionally scar the man and woman for life?
Not only do I think that these forced abortions are very rare (and will continue to think this until I see some sort of data to back it up) and irrelevant, but it is the opponents of abortion who wish to force children to abide by their parents wishes.
Pro-abortion groups typically oppose parental notification requirements, if I remember correctly.
Quote: Very often, the doctor is pursuaded by the father of the pregnant woman to sterilize the girl at the same time, and most such girls go on to become prostitutes, as that is all 'they are now considered 'good' for'.
Quote: I am not really debating this.
First thing you have said that appears to be true.
Quote:The arguments for abortion; are mostly in favour of eugenics; and we all know where that leads. It is not so much a slippery slope, as a free-fall into a living hell.
Even if this were true, a blanket damnation of eugenics is laughable.