@Peter phil,
hmm, interesting topic indeed. I've never discussed this topic in a forum so I'll inject my 2 cents in.
What difference does it really make? I mean,... the person is not the fetus. The person is a spiritual being and the fetus is earthly matter. Should that body not make it, that person in spirit lives on. Pain doesn't matter to the energy of the spirit. Pain is an illusion created by the perception of man. When does a fetus perceive their world?
I'm not saying for and I'm not saying against. It just seems that the abortion is an effect of a greater cause. We'll never understand and control the effects until we understand and utilize the cause.
I'd rather not kill anything... to tell you the truth. Just doesn't sit right with me. I kill a spider and feel guilty about it.
So, in working to understand the cause of the effect, which is abortion in this case (the effect), I'm coming to the reality that the only thing one has control over changing is his or her perception. That same perception will create circumstances and 'coincidences' to manifest that which is perceived to be.
We... As in, Mankind... Must start with the cause. Abortion is an effect of many other problems world wide. What causes abortion?
Needless to say, if people start changing their thought patterns and perceptions, it will effect those around them. "Attitudes are contagious" - and the more people become balanced and in tune with their spiritual selves, the more positive energy they'll send out to light up the world. That alone would solve many of the effects we so often get ourselves entangled in.
Everything is going to balance and it's going to continue to balance for eternity. - This may not be the best response to abortion, but these are my thoughts.