Huxley;170602 wrote:It wasn't for bringing up the topic, period. Reread your first sentence. You take as self evident in this question that the black and hispanic communities have destructive pathologies, and you focus upon these two groups and these two groups only.
I would find a question of the form: "Does PC help or hinder society?" followed by a "No, because the value prevents criticism of certain groups or individuals" followed by good evidence to support said claim to be a reasonable introduction to discussing the virtues of PC. Instead, what you wrote implicates that the black and hispanic communities qua race have destructive pathologies as a priori truth. Can you see how that comes across as racist?
It doesn't matter how you phrase it, you are calling me a racist precisely because I challenged your politically correct mind-set. You are even rewriting my post while at the same time pretending that freedom of expression is not limited by Political Correctness. This would be laughable if it was not so wide spread. I challenge anyone with an
unbiased mind to look at my opening text to decide for themselves whether or not it is racist.
Why is it 'racist' to speak the truth about the levels of criminal behaviour in the Hispanic and black communities? Just because they are black and Hispanic? I don't get it. The question should be whether they are riddled with pathologies or not. Instead the question is whether someone who thinks they are is an automatic 'racist'.
I'm not saying that being black or being brown makes you bad. I am saying that the American Hispanic and black neighborhoods are bad neighborhoods. And you are saying that I am a racist for stating this obvious truth.
---------- Post added 05-29-2010 at 09:45 PM ----------
Jebediah;170609 wrote:The language is very strong. Pathology, pure evil, etc. It isn't a matter of pure evil. Not using that kind of extreme language isn't pretending they don't matter or don't exist.
Now, speaking a truth that is as plain as the day is long has become "extreme".
Jebediah;170609 wrote:Race and gender are sensitive issues aren't they?
What makes them so?
Jebediah;170609 wrote:Huxley helps your point, but I still disagree with "in any way". For most people, simply going out of your way to say that it isn't anything inherently to do with race, but rather poverty and culture, will do just fine.
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that it does have to do with race and that culture and race are no scientifically separable things. In this case you are advocating lies pure and simple. Why limit what people can say in the first place? Why are you denying the power of the word 'racist'?
Jebediah;170609 wrote:There are people who are racist, and since I am not a racist, I will use language that won't be interpreted as racist if the person I am talking to might take it that way. Simple. That is PC in a nutshell.
Yes, and Huxley is trying to teach you a lesson that you should really learn. Again, I find your seeming lack of knowledge on this important social issue a bit unbelievable.
And even as you state that you must be careful with language itself, you imply that P.C. is something other than what it obviously is.