Well said, Hawkeye,
I continue to be amazed at article after article written by both left and right pundits that don't recognize the longer term goals of the Tea Party. The Tea Parties are less concerned about winning majorities in Congress then driving the politicians to less government and more fiscal responsibility....and to a large extent, win or lose in Nov, they've already accomplished that goal.
But from my own conservative perch, I'd love to see a Republican House and/or Senate in Nov....and think they have an excellent chance. Folks seem to think that a tea party candidate's occasional far-right view will outweigh their message of smaller government and less spending in a voters mind come Nov. However, as we saw in 2008, arguing a candidates extreme views (Rev Wright) when said candidate makes a far-more compelling case ("Change you can believe in") doesn't work. Neither will it work for Dems this Nov.