I saw part of the Asro news conference - Pettitte seemed to be sad to leave NYY; primarily because of the post season. But, he was happy to at least go home. IMHO, if it had not of been the 'Stros, don't think he would have done it.
The balls of Steinbrenner, to just think he could get someone by matching a deal

NYY claims they made an offer to Pettitte, were waiting for a counter-offer, but it never came. Perhaps. Being a NY Times reader for some time now, I've gotten the sense that Steinbrenner never really respected Pettitte, though it's never been clear why. Seems like Steinbrenner spent more time on David Wells than on Pettitte. I wonder if Pettitte finally had had enough with being taken for granted?
whinebrenner is all business. winning is the minimum requirement with him. he has no patience, doesn't believe in a farm system, and probably equates his players with his thoroughbred horses.
"what have you done for me lately" will always be his motto, no matter how compassionate he appears to be getting...
True, Region, but Pettitte won 21 games last year. He's probably been NYY's most consistent winner during the past 7-8 years. Steinbrenner, as much as he wants to win, plays favorites, which thwarts his main goal. Wells is a buffoon, but he's signed because Steinbrenner digs him. Go figure...
I think it's comical that Jerry Colangelo had a handshake deal with Boomer about this time last year, and then The Boss called, and all of a sudden...no deal.
Funny how the Sheffield dust-up kinda brings the wheel around, idn't it?
The winter meetings open this weekend in N'awlins, and there'll be a lotta dealin' hap'nin...
The Sheffield situation is getting interesting. He may have successfully priced himself out of the market--no one will give him the $$ he's asking for if Steinbrenner doesn't. Too clever by half, Sheffield looks to be.
Of course, Steinbrenner may get desperate and give Sheffield what he wants. The NYY owner must be steaming today: Pettitte is gone, and the new Matsui, signed by the Mets, got a big welcome to NYC by Mayor Bloomberg. Ha!
This is simply too good to be true:
Roger Clemens told KKRW-FM Radio in Houston he'll decide this weekend whether to join the Astros.
Clemens said on the radio today that he was concerned that his Yankees' farewell gift -- a Hummer -- would be taken away if he decided to resume his career. It looks like that won't be a problem, though, as a Houston dealer has already offered to replace the Hummer if Clemens comes out of retirement. When asked if he would be in an Astros uniform come April, Clemens responded "maybe," and that the Hummer offer made things interesting. The radio show's deal is good only until Monday morning.
There's more at this
ESPN.com page.
If Rocket climbs onboard, you guys are gonna hear me scream all the way to wherever it is you are.
Good golly. That is, of course, if we can hear you over Steinbrenner's screams.
Steinbrenner would probably have a hemorrhoid explode if it happened.
It would be a Christmas miracle for me personally (and I'm sure a few other Houstonians) but I'm not gonna hold my breath.
Reading from
The Last Temptation of Clemens...
Quote:Clemens could not be reached for additional comment, and it was hard to tell if he was serious. A person familiar with Clemens' situation said the chances of his pitching were "about 1 percent."
I read about this in today's NY Times. Amazing. I know that Clemens left the door ajar when he retired, and I assumed he wanted to be lured back to NY. This twist in the plot is remarkable. Today's Times also has a long article on how Steinbrenner has taken complete control over NYY dealings now. Won't even let anyone attend the winter meetings. They're the only team to opt out.
Why do any of those guys still work for him?
He pays his sycophants a lot of money to do nothing, D'art.
Looks like the Red Sox got a closer:
Foulke Picks Red Sox
George's 'rhoids are throbbing again...
I think your Braves got the better end of this one, D'art:
Quote:The Braves acquired the J.D. Drew from the St. Louis Cardinals along with Eli Marrero on Saturday for former first-round draft picks Jason Marquis and Adam Wainright, and reliever Ray King.
So the Cards try to keep up in the NL Central arms race, but it seems they gave up way too much to me...
I hope so. The Braves can live without Marquis (too much attitude) and King (inconsistent), but Wainwright was one of their top pitching prospects...
the clemens thing smells like a bluff to me.
why, oh why would he wanna go play in the NL, where he'd have to bat 2 or 3 times a game? he was always able to hide in the AL, never receiving the retaliatory inside pitches he so richly deserved.
i say stick a fork in him -- he's done!
Region makes a good point re Clemens as a head hunter. I used to think he was VERY lucky to pitch in the AL and never had to bat. Made it a lot easier being the big intimidator...
On the other hand, I hope he does pitch for Houston. Then he would have to bat--and Steinbrenner would pitch a fit about losing him.
He'd have to bat...
...in New York...
...with Mike Piazza behind the plate (I presume)...
heh heh heh...
Chances are remote but not entirely dead:
Quote:Future Hall of Fame pitcher Roger Clemens is still retired, for now.
Clemens turned down a burnt orange Hummer on Monday, spurning an offer by a Houston car dealer to take the luxury sport utility vehicle in exchange for joining his hometown Astros by late Monday morning.
The Rocket didn't close the door on the possibility, however.
"You guys are going to have to hang onto your Hummer because nothing's changed," Clemens told classic rock radio station KKRW-FM shortly before the deadline set by the morning show hosts. "I'm retired right now."
"I'm planning to play a little golf with Mr. (Jeff) Bagwell and Andy's become a recruiter now," Clemens said. "He (Pettitte) and I are going on vacation together later on and we're going to sit down and talk about some things."
Rocket door still open
It amuses how these guys, the ones earning enormous $$, are so fixated on issues likes Hummers. Like Clemens can't afford to buy one? How about Kevin Brown with his special needs for a private hotel suite and private jet travel as part of his contract. How can these guys live with themselves?
Quite comfortably, I'm sure...
In a normal offseason the news that a former MVP signs on with a new team would be big news.
For Miguel Tejada and the Orioles, it's not even the biggest news in their division.
A-Rod for Man-Ram still looming...
yesterday somebody at work told me No-Gar is heading for the dodgers...
but today the rumor is No-Gar to the Chi-Sox for Magglio ("Mag-O") Ordonez
interesting stuff from "K-Mill" --
Excerpt from Dan Patrick's interview with Kevin Millar for SportsCenter on Tuesday:
Q: You can have Alex Rodriguez, or you can have Manny and Nomar -- who are you taking?
A: I'm taking Alex Rodriguez, Schilling and Foulke.
Q: I don't know if it works that way. You already got those guys.
A: We got those guys, we'll take A-Rod.
Q: OK, you're quick to get rid of Nomar and Manny ... why?
A: Not quick to get rid of them. I mean, it's a tough situation.You can look at it any way, I mean Nomar Garciaparra is a two-time batting title champion. Manny Ramirez is one of greatest hitters in the league, but when you're looking at an all-around great player who can hit 50 home runs, drive in 140 and possibly, obviously win a batting title ... with his defense, A-Rod is the best in the game.
Q: [Do you think the Red Sox] would be better with A-Rod, and leave these two guys to go, Manny and Nomar?
A: Well, I mean, we have such a great click of chemistry last year it's hard to say. I'm not saying that we'll be better without those two and better with A-Rod. But when you're talking about the greatest player in baseball, I'll take my chances with that.