Here is a candidate for consideration
among modestly priced restaurants:
LASAGNA RISTORANTE at the Southeast Corner of
8th Ave. & 20th St.
I was there with TsarStepen and friends a few months ago.
I think he liked it. Perhaps he will elect to join us.
It has over 17 Different Lasagnas & Pastas of many nations (maybe Austrailia ?)
Directly across the street (across narrow little 20th St.)
TROIS CANARDS, (I suspect that that means
3 Ducks in French) whose fare I have not tested.
Cute, little clean place, very modestly priced,
about the same as the lasanya place.
Another place, not terribly far, tho less modestly priced
is One if By Land, Two if By Sea at 17 Barrow St,
a few steps east of 7th Ave, whose signature dish
is Beef Wellington. (I'm informed that Chef will make
Baked Alaska, upon request, for dessert.)
This place was owned by Aaron Burr, Vice President
under Thomas Jefferson, who fled West after he slew
America 's first Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton.