How to ask a woman out on a date.

Reply Fri 28 May, 2010 09:16 pm
You thought this was going to be a joke, didn't you?

No. When I see all the young men asking advice on how to ask a girl out, I always cringe when I see how they phrase it as "asking them to hang out." Then I would think that maybe it's because I'm from a different generation.
Apparantly I'm not so out of touch.
Asking a girl out is supposed to make her feel like, well, she's a woman, and you're a man. Not that she's one of the guys. She's special.

I took the liberty of bolding and highlighting parts of this article that particularly seem like areas a young man could concentrate on to improve his chances.


How to ask a woman out
By Amy Spencer
It seems so simple: You like a woman. You ask her out. She says yes. You go out. She falls in love with you. She rubs your feet at night during SportsCenter... Ah, but were it so easy.

Asking someone out on a date is similar to asking for a raise. Even when you know you’re worthy of a “yes,” success lies in the delivery. (And when you get that “yes,” you feel like a lotta bucks!) Now, since every delivery could use a little improvement, here are some dos and don’ts compiled from interviews with precisely the people you want to impress: women.

1. DO be straightforward. If you want her to go out with you, say so. Get right to the point. When Dave first called Mimi, a 35-year-old retail supervisor in Connecticut, he asked her for suggestions of business books that helped her be successful. They hit it off so well, he decided to take the connection further. “A few days later,” says Mimi, “he called again and said, ‘Hey, I just wanted to call and thank you for giving me the title of that book.’ I said, ‘Oh, you didn’t have to call to say that.’ And he said, ‘I didn’t. I called to ask you out.’ I was so surprised. I didn’t know a lot of people who were doing that honest and straightforward approach. It was a very refreshing thing!” She said yes, by the way " and one marriage and two kids later, she’s glad she did.

2. DON’T ask her out via email. Even in the Internet age, the best way to ask a woman out are the old-fashioned ways: face-to-face or by phone, because she’s more likely to say yes. Why? “In the moment of asking, she might not want to hurt your feelings, so if she’s so-so or not sure about the date, you have a better shot at getting a yes,” explains communication expert Laurie Puhn, J.D., author of Instant Persuasion: How to Change Your Words to Change Your Life (www.lauriepuhn.com). In fact, according to Puhn, economic research even shows that asking for things in “real time” creates an important emotional connection that makes it far more likely for an askee to say “yes.” And as a woman, I can attest to the fact that email provides a too-easy out. When guys I wasn’t into asked me out by email, for instance, I would just wait a few days to reply, then finally write something like, “Oh, sorry I didn’t write back, but work has been nuts! I’m actually going to be working late for the next couple of weeks, but we should catch up next month. Take care.” It was easy to say no over the impersonal computer connection. But I’ve gone on more than a few dates with guys I wasn’t sure about who went for it in person. There’s just something about being asked in the moment that just makes a woman say yes. Online daters take note: Even though you begin by emailing one another, make phone contact at some point before you suggest a date. Not only does it give you a better sense of the person to find out if you “click,” but " once again " it ups your chances of getting a yes when you do finally ask.

3. DO look her in the eyes and smile when you ask her. Obvious stuff, right? But if you’re nervous, you might not do it! You might look from side to side, or down at your feet with an expression of fear or doubt or uncertainty. And while some girls go for the utterly adorable anti-social shy type, most women will appreciate a guy who is confident enough to look her in the eyes, smile, breathe, and say, “Hey. Wanna go out next week?”

4. DON’T pass the buck to her. If you meet a woman you like, don’t hand her your card at the end of the night and just say, “Call me if you want.” Instead, take control and get her phone number or email (which you’d use to email her for her phone number…). Doing so actually widens the net for the type of woman you’ll get to go out with. Here’s why: “If you give women your card, the ones who call you are all going to be assertive and confident types,” explains Puhn. But if you also like women who might be shy, or just don’t feel comfortable going out on a limb for a date, giving those women your number isn’t going to get you a date with them. “If you call the women yourself, says Puhn, “you’ll get a larger pool of women.”

5. DO practice your cool, can-do tone. When you like a woman and really want her to say yes to a date, the pressure may come out in your voice. Your goal is to get rid of that fearful timbre and replace it with the tone you use when you ask for other things in life: When you ask the waitress if you can have the garlic mashed potatoes instead of the baked potato, she might say no... but you still ask. When you ask your buddy if you can borrow 50 bucks, he might say no... but you still ask. The same goes for asking a woman out. She might say no, but you should still ask. And do it in the same nonchalant tone you’d use for those other questions. In fact, practice asking all three of those questions " out loud " together: “Hi, can I have the garlic mashed potatoes? Dude, lend me 50 bucks? You want to go to dinner some time?” That’s the laid-back tone that says, Hey, I figured it couldn’t hurt to ask. And it’s the one that will make her think, Hey, it couldn’t hurt to say yes...

6. DON’T be vague. If you want to go out on a date with a woman, make it clear right upfront. This helps on many levels. First, being specific makes it more likely you’ll actually go out on the date. See, if you just say, “Hey, we should hang out sometime…” and leave it hanging, you haven’t closed the deal. Instead, suggest, “Hey, would you like to go out for coffee next Thursday after work?” and you probably will. Being specific also shows you’re serious about her. “You want to lay it on the line,” says Puhn. “If you say something like, ‘We should get coffee sometime,’ it shows you’re testing the waters. It says to her you haven’t decided if you want to go out with her. If you say, ‘I want to spend two hours having coffee with you at five o’clock,’ it says to her, ‘I thought about this. I’m not just Mr. Cool. I actually want to talk to you and get to know you.’” Show that you are a man with a mission, and she’ll be more likely to accept.

7. DO knock it out of the park with originality. The more specific ideas you have about a potential date, the more impressed she’ll be. And if you want to impress her, take her to something memorable. So skip the movie first date (so you don’t spend the first two hours of a date sitting in a dark room, not talking, facing away from each other…). If you really want to up your chances, offer her something original that she’ll want to do regardless of the company she’s with: a new tapas restaurant, concert tickets, sunset on a catamaran, a picnic in a Japanese garden, seats at a daytime talk show. Mimi and Dave (the retail supervisor and her now-husband) had such busy schedules, they couldn’t find a night to do dinner. But instead of acting deflated, says Mimi, “Dave suggested flying kites on a Sunday afternoon.” That’s the key: Get her by your side first, and then you can turn on your true charm. I once agreed to go on a date because the guy said, “Meet me at the ferry dock on the West Side, and I’ll take you to my favorite secret place.” The relationship didn’t blossom, but I’ve never forgotten the boat ride and the chocolate shop he took me to for spicy hot chocolate.

8. DO make it clear it’s a date with one specific phrase. Ever been on one of those, I’m-not-sure-if-it’s-a-date dates? If so, you know how awkward it can be as the two of you figure out who likes who (and how much), who’s paying (and how much)... and if you’ll get a kiss at the end of the night (and how much...). Avoid this by being clear it’s a date when you ask. The best thing to say? “I’d like to take you out to...” If there is a chance she might be confused about your status, the phrasing should be very specific. “Saying, ‘I’d like to take you out to’ puts a woman at ease,” explains Puhn. “It says it’s a date. It says he’s paying. And it shows confidence.”

The bottom line? Handle the situation of asking a woman out the same way you’d handle scoring tickets to your favorite playoffs: If you were standing next to the guy who could give those tickets to you, would you make small talk and beat around the bush over the course of a few months? Would you ask your friend’s friend to ask for the tickets? Would you be vague about whether or not you wanted to go? Would you hand the guy your card and tell him to call you if he wanted? No, no, no and no. You’d go right to the source, be direct, and ask for what you want! It works in life, and it works in love. So try it! There are women out there right now wondering why guys never seem to ask them out. Next time, step up to the plate and be the one who does.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 8 • Views: 3,290 • Replies: 19

Reply Fri 28 May, 2010 10:00 pm
so, you wanna hang out some time or what?
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Reply Sat 29 May, 2010 04:04 am
Can I have your number, Chai? Want to go out next Thursday? I think you're my kind of woman.
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Reply Sat 29 May, 2010 06:36 am
Straightforward is the best way, but men also like to sound clever.

For example, "If I could re-arrange the alphabet, I'd make sure that "I" was next to "U".

Women are overwhelmed by clever remarks.
Reply Sat 29 May, 2010 07:37 am
chai2 wrote:

2. . . . “In the moment of asking, she might not want to hurt your feelings, so if she’s so-so or not sure about the date, you have a better shot at getting a yes,” . . . . I’ve gone on more than a few dates with guys I wasn’t sure about who went for it in person. There’s just something about being asked in the moment that just makes a woman say yes.
I think its better to get rejected
that to have a girl with u who does not wanna be there,
but did "not want to hurt your feelings".

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Reply Sat 29 May, 2010 08:32 am
wandeljw wrote:

Straightforward is the best way, but men also like to sound clever.

For example, "If I could re-arrange the alphabet, I'd make sure that "I" was next to "U".

Women are overwhelmed by clever remarks.

That is so weird. That's exactly how Wally asked me out.
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Reply Sat 29 May, 2010 08:38 am
wandeljw wrote:

Straightforward is the best way, but men also like to sound clever.

For example, "If I could re-arrange the alphabet, I'd make sure that "I" was next to "U".

Women are overwhelmed by clever remarks.

Copyright that line! Make a million on the royalties!!
Reply Sat 29 May, 2010 08:45 am
I can't. Wally said it first and he is ancient!
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Reply Sat 29 May, 2010 01:21 pm
Or in Bollywood style sing a song in Hindi!
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Reply Sat 29 May, 2010 01:35 pm
Totally disagree with this one!
DON’T pass the buck to her. If you meet a woman you like, don’t hand her your card at the end of the night and just say, “Call me if you want.”
Being friendly but casual has great success and charm if you know how to pull it off.

Actually (to some degree) I disagree with a lot of the "advice" given; there is no great need to be that aggressive and upfront and direct if you are comfortable with yourself and the situation. Of course the fact that I'm really good looking and I sing and play guitar helps (I'm so modest it hurts).

My advice on "How to ask a woman out on a date?" If you are fat lose weight, if you wear lame clothes get cool ones, if you cannot sing and play an instrument learn how, if you are shy and unengaging change yourself (maybe Toastmasters or some such but I prefer musical performance).
Reply Sat 29 May, 2010 05:02 pm
I think women appreciate men that are more direct, and don't pussy foot around with the mind games.

Of course I'm not a kid anymore, so my this may not apply to some younger women....

If a guy did the card "call me if you want" thing, that card would go right in the trash.

Don't try to get me to chase you so you can feel desireable, or to test me to see if I'll be a good girl and do as I'm told.

You want to go somewhere with me, be an adult and ask me.

If I want to go somewhere with you, I'll do the same.
Reply Sat 29 May, 2010 05:31 pm
The old adage of "A man chases a woman until she catches him" never really did it for me. It's way more fun to juggle a few females and not be too available; of course my third wife might have something to say about this. Then again the more interesting harmonies have an element of dissonance.
Reply Sat 29 May, 2010 05:43 pm
Then again consider the three curses!

1) May you live in interesting times.
2) May you come to the attention of those in authority.
3) May you find what you are looking for.
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Reply Sat 29 May, 2010 07:57 pm
Chumly wrote:

of course my third wife might have something to say about this.

So, the woman you're married to now, she's your 2nd, right? Wink

I'm too old for dissonance. Been there, done that.

Like the song says....

This youthful heart can love you, and give you what you need.
But I'm too old to go chasing you around, wasting my precious energy.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 May, 2010 04:35 am
wandeljw wrote:

Straightforward is the best way, but men also like to sound clever.

For example, "If I could re-arrange the alphabet, I'd make sure that "I" was next to "U".

Women are overwhelmed by clever remarks.

That was really under-whelming, wandel Smile
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Reply Sun 30 May, 2010 05:04 am
I like to try to break the ice early. I walk up and say, "I was just looking at you and wondering....you were born a man werent you "? You see how that gets all the difficult stuff out of the way ? And straight up the conversation is about sex.....pretty neat, huh ?
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Reply Sun 30 May, 2010 05:06 am
Another one....."how about taking me home sweetheart ? I'll let you get me drunk before we go, because its the only chance you stand tonight...oh, and I promise not to throw up in your bed....whadya say" ?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 May, 2010 05:28 am
The HAPPIEST moment in my life
was when I was 13; I asked a girl named Joyce, with whom I was obsessed, for a date,
got rejected, and walking away I was more intensely ecstatic than I have ever been b4 or since.

Reply Sun 30 May, 2010 07:19 am
The HAPPIEST moment in my life was when I was 13; I asked a girl named Joyce, with whom I was obsessed, for a date, got rejected, and walking away I was more intensely ecstatic than I have ever been b4 or since.
That happened to me too ! I was 14 I think....But I have had other moments since, like after my first parachute jump and holding my first born son after he had popped out.
Reply Mon 31 May, 2010 12:19 am
The HAPPIEST moment in my life was when I was 13; I asked a girl named Joyce,
with whom I was obsessed, for a date, got rejected,
and walking away I was more intensely ecstatic than I have ever been b4 or since.
Ionus wrote:
That happened to me too ! I was 14 I think....But I have had other moments since,
like after my first parachute jump and holding my first born son after he had popped out.
I 've had other happy moments too; e.g. when Ronald Reagan was elected,
along with a Republican US Senate.

Oddly, and unexpectedly, altho (on those occasions) I did not have
an out-of-body experience, I felt as tho some part of me floated up
and bumped up against an invisible and hitherto unknown ceiling,
an upper maximum of the joy whereof I was capable.
That has happened a few times.

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