Thomas wrote:
DrewDad wrote:Let's just issue a national ID card while we're at it, right?
This gets to a topic that has always mystified me. Why are Americans making such a fuzz about a national ID card? When I was living in Germany, I had to carry one since my 18th birthday. My personal freedom has not suffered the slightest infringement because of it. Why are Americans so terrified of them?
Death panels!
Tyranny of the Government!
Government's gonna take your guns!
Forced Abortions!
Forcing our kids to be Gay!
I don't know why anyone is surprised by this attitude. It is a product of the same anti-Federal government tropes that the Right Wing has been throwing around forever. A huge percentage of our country actually believes the tripe that they throw out. They really internalize it.
When you've been brought up on the idea that the Federal government can provide no benefits, only taxation and intrusions into your life, the idea of a 'national ID card' is terrifying.