There's a few health effects which are positive, but they're pretty obscure.

In our rush everywhere, overstressed society though, the relaxation that comes from it can be advantageous in and of itself since stress effects overall health. If destressing with a good smoke you could conceivably do more to help yourself than you'd get keeping the stress and not smoking.
As with diet, what makes one person healthier kills another. And vice-versa. Smoking tobacco adds risk factors to various health problems. But no more causes them than the carcinogens in makeup, furniture, detergents, or flame retardants. It doesn't help, but it isn't the sole factor going on that you can say deinfinitively this causes that. 'This' is just one factor among literally hundreds of others, so some combination of factors resutls in 'that.' But it's impossible to determine which since everyone's different along with everyone's unique combination of risk factors.
Smoking isn't something anyone should start to gain health. But if you smoke, quitting wont necessarily spare you lung cancer, heart disease, etc. if you weight 300 pounds and eat fast food every day too for instance.