Finally, when talking about the Norwegians, i consider it a bit much for you, as a Swede, to claim authority, as though all Danes, Norwegians and Swedes have exactly the same idea of the histories of three separate nations.
As a Swede, who can speak, read and write Swedish and Danish as well as read and understand spoken Norwegian both nynorsk and bokmål I have looked at sources in all four mentioned languages before writing an answer.
So I think I can claim some authority even though the histories are told differently.
As a Swede I think I can claim just as much authority as you as an American
Afterall I sit a bit closer to everything than you do.
I am good enough in Swedish and Danish to teach both languages.
I have been reading different sources in all four languages and I cannot anymore remember where and when. Not only over internet but in history books.
The location of the battle cannot be identified with any certainty.
There are two types of information about the battled
Snorre Snorre Sturlassons Heimskringla, Fagrskinna and Odd Munks Olafssaga, and Adams av Bremen cronicle Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum, Historia Norwegiae and Ágrip af Nóregs konunga sogum.
Norwegiae och Ágrip af Nóregs konunga sogum.
These two groups have conflicting ideas about the background of the battle and where it happened