'Ax Men' Star's Daughter Killed By Dog

Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2010 11:27 am
Preventable with little effort or cost I would add. You keep comparing things that are not comparable.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2010 11:32 am
@Green Witch,
I can't? I better go outside and untie my kid.
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Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2010 11:39 am
I cannot stand irresponsible dog owners. I have a small dog and he loves people and other dogs. But I realize that not everyone is a dog lover or wants my affection puppy jumping on them. Whenever I am out with him, he is leashed and when some one else is approaching, I hold the leash close so he is unable to touch them.

Just simple respect for each other. (and a little common sense)
Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2010 01:54 pm
Kind of what I have been saying all along. Neutral
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2010 01:56 pm
Linkat wrote:

One other item to note - this survey does not include dog bites only deaths. I would also want to avoid maiming and even a "small" dog bite.

Exactly. The attacks would be very high in relation to deaths. I only concentrated on the deaths in response to Bill's assertions that this is not a problem or a minor one if at all. It cannot be ignored.
Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2010 01:58 pm
Linkat wrote:

I cannot stand irresponsible dog owners. I have a small dog and he loves people and other dogs. But I realize that not everyone is a dog lover or wants my affection puppy jumping on them. Whenever I am out with him, he is leashed and when some one else is approaching, I hold the leash close so he is unable to touch them.

Just simple respect for each other. (and a little common sense)

If I may make a small suggestion. Rather than holding the leash tight (could evoke a fear response in the dog) train the dog to sit when in those situations. Win / win situation. It certainly takes some time and effort, but well worth it.
Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2010 03:03 pm
You don't know schipperks do you? I don't think they can stay still long enough to sit. (no he really is good about sitting when I command - they just hate to stay still).

Actually I don't hold him tight - what I do is pull in the leash - I have an extended leash so he can run a bit (they love to run). When a neighbor is coming by I pull it in so he can't run up to them.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2010 07:19 pm
I only concentrated on the deaths in response to Bill's assertions that this is not a problem or a minor one if at all. It cannot be ignored.

I can only wonder at the real reasons why people go after a breed and or even dogs in general over a “problem” that is so amazing small as almost not to exist at all. Forty millions dogs in families in a country with a total population of 300 millions and a rate of death due to that fact of 12 individuals on average a year!!!!!!!!

If humans, were as safe to be around as the evil Pit Bull breed, including parents, the homicide rate would drop off the chart.

There are in this society a million and one things far more likely to harm children and others then the family pet no matter what their breed happen to be and yet you can claimed that dogs attacking humans in not a minor problem! Ninety-six children die in our homes from poisoning alone in 2001!

Sorry whenever a person life ends by violence or misadventure of any kind and even more so when it is a child it very sad indeed, but that still does not give anyone license to blow up very rare happening into a major problem.

Then you get the must higher orders problems solve then come back with your claims that killer’s dogs are a major problem.

Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2010 10:27 pm
I can only wonder at the real reasons why people go after a breed and or even dogs in general over a “problem” that is so amazing small as almost not to exist at all. Forty millions dogs in families in a country with a total population of 300 millions and a rate of death due to that fact of 12 individuals on average a year!!!!!!!!
The real reason ?? If a "torn to shreds" violent death is preventable why wouldnt you prevent it ? Unless of course it was you, where you would be saying "hey, it is a very low risk, I dont mind it happening to me..."

You argument has fluctuated from some are dangerous but risk assessment says it isnt a problem through to there is greater dangers that we cant do anything about. Exactly how do you think you are contributing, miss william ? Let us bathe in your brilliance as to why even one child should be torn to death...

Reply Fri 5 Mar, 2010 07:22 am
You get the answer it is the ripping to death idea that drive people mad however your second point is sadly complete nonsense.

The 90 deaths a year by homes poisonings of children for example is as preventable or far more so then rare dogs attacks however I had yet to see any concern about such deaths of children here. No ripping it would seem in those deaths and a nice intact body to bury.

Second, you can not prevent the very rare humans/dogs deaths without killing all large dogs in the society and that is a price most of society is not going to be willing to pay. I at least hope society never get sick enough to go down that path.

We all would be a great deal poorer if we did do so.
Reply Fri 5 Mar, 2010 12:06 pm
That is utter nonsense.
Reply Fri 5 Mar, 2010 02:48 pm
That is utter nonsense.

What is utter nonsense my friend?

That 90 children die in a year die due to household poisonings or that banning any one breed or a groups of breeds is not going to change the small numbers of humans deaths by dogs attack not one little bit?

That any large dog have the ability to cause great harm or death to a human so the only way to bring this already amazingly small number down to zero is to kill all large dogs?

0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Mar, 2010 05:07 pm
Why dont you tell the truth....you own a large dog and you dont want to lose it. You dont care if anyone gets torn to shreds, because you are alright and that is all that matters to you.

without killing all large dogs in the society and that is a price most of society is not going to be willing to pay. I at least hope society never get sick enough to go down that path.
So you think you care about society ? If you can prevent deaths, which ones should be prevented ? I would say all preventable deaths should be prevented, but you want to do a risk assesment where you factor in what ?....touchy feely towards large dogs ? People can still own dogs, just not large ones. It is not societies fault if you are insecure and need a large dog to compensate.

Children are more important than large dogs.

Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2010 01:24 am
I had not own a dog myself for decades and she was a little girl of less then 20 pounds, All my pets now are cats and likely to remain cats only.

My mother currently had an outside dog that is large but is now so very elderly that the poor guy have a hard time tearing his milk bones to shreds.

No, I do not think that going down the road of if we could save one life is a sane thing to do as it end up giving ridiculous results.

If we reduce the speed limit to 25 MPH for example on all highways we could save not 12 lives a year but tens of thousands of lives a year and is that not worth doing?

Are not thousands of children more important then taking a few more hours a day to get around town?

In any case trying to kill people family dogs would result in what amount to a civil war that would cost far more then lives then the random deaths of 12 people a year from dog attacks in very short order.

Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2010 03:52 am
If we reduce the speed limit to 25 MPH for example on all highways we could save not 12 lives a year but tens of thousands of lives a year and is that not worth doing?
Stick to the subject. People make a living by travelling on roads..how are dogs essential to life ?

In any case trying to kill people family dogs would result in what amount to a civil war that would cost far more then lives then the random deaths of 12 people a year from dog attacks in very short order.
A civil war ??? WTF ???? Have you been smoking pot again ?
Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2010 09:02 am
Stick to the subject. People make a living by travelling on roads..how are dogs essential to life ?

I am sure that large dogs of all breeds had been part of rescue teams that had save far more lives then 12 a year!!!!!!!! A few hundreds at a guess.

And that is just to start with fool.

A civil war ??? WTF ???? Have you been smoking pot again ?

You had never bonded with a dog had you?

Well tell that pot story to the families of the three very dead federal agents that one bright morning shot a 14 year old boy dog when he and the dog was out for a walk.

The boy return fire at the agents and was then kill also.

The boy uncle then show up and kill all three of the agents/assholes.

Yes people will kill and had kill to defend their dogs there is not a question in my mind to that fact and if you had ever bonded with a dog you would understand that fact also.

Sorry you are so emotional cripple you can not understand such a bonding.

Side note the shooting of the the dog result in 3 federal agents kill, one fourteen year old boy and one woman kill when she was carrying a new born baby in her arms.

Second result the federal government ended up paying the family many millions of dollars.
Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2010 07:33 pm
Side note the shooting of the the dog result in 3 federal agents kill, one fourteen year old boy and one woman kill when she was carrying a new born baby in her arms.
And you think that is a civil war ?

I have had tens of dogs, tens of cats, goldfish, tropical fish, mice, guinea pigs and birds. I have also had the affection of family, and the concept of having a large dog to aid me in protecting my family never occured to me. Neither did I ever mistake those animals for human beings due to some frustrated desire.

You use one example for your side but attack the other side with statistics ? Why is that miss william ? Do you really want us to believe you want people to smoke drugs and have big dogs because you are such a well meaning person ?
Reply Mon 8 Mar, 2010 12:10 pm
As no one as yet had been stupid enough to send agents of the government under the color of the law into people homes to seize their dogs in order to kill them in a wholesale manner so you are not going to have civil war with blood running in the street because of an event that had not happen.

Now however I will list the reasons why I think that if the government ever was stupid to do what you seem to wish them to do the lost of lives would dwarf the harm done in yearly dog attacks within days or weeks of the start of such a program.

There are a fair percent of people who do not care for the government now and are also heavily arm and this had results in some not all that small blood baths here and there in this country already.

My example that was given was for the purpose of pointing out that such a blood bath had already been trigger by the killing of a boy dog when they was out for a walk.

When you are talking about tens of millions of family pets it would take only a very very very small percent of the owners willing to used deadly force to protect their pets from the evil and this case stupid government to have blood running in the street and that bloods would not all be of the pets and their owners bloods either.

It been over 18 years since I lost the last dog I had bonded with however I could not off hand see myself standing by and watching her seized to be kill under the color of law in order to satisfy some PC nonsense.

You would be as safe in fact coming into my home to seized a child to kill as coming into my home to seized a family pet to kill for no good reason and this degree of bonding if uncommon is not all that rare.

My prediction is that there would be thousands of deaths all over the country and you might not call that a civil war but it is near enough for me.
Reply Mon 8 Mar, 2010 02:03 pm
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Reply Mon 8 Mar, 2010 05:02 pm
You should be honest. Your bonding with an animal is because you have no real people in your life.

If you think there will be a Civil War because aggresive dogs are banned, then you have coloured the world with your taint.

thousands of deaths all over the country
Really ? Civil Rights, poverty, unemployment, corrruption, crime, war, but people will have a Civil War over dogs ? Your loneliness is distorting your thinking.

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