I got that nonsense from your post where you said you had experience with the one dog when you were a child. The rest is only what you posted without backup or any indication where these attacks ocurred etc. etc.
We are so used to you taking the polar position on every topic that you post on that you are hard to take seriously. You disagree with every point that every poster puts forth.
A four year old child died in this particular incident. You write this off as a small statistic and rant on about this not being a problem.
You specifically state 12 deaths with no information as to the ages of the victims, were they strange dogs or pets etc. You also seem to forget that most people probably do not leave their children unattended and this would be the reason for so few incidents.
Parents who harm their children, although despicable, is a whole different topic.
Here are some statistics that I found.
Traumatic Deaths from Dog Attacks in the United States
Lee E. Pinckney MD1, Leslie A. Kennedy MD1
1 Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School and Children's Medical Center, Dallas
A newspaper survey and search of the medical literature identified 74 deaths from dog attacks, 51 of which occurred in a designated five-year study period. Most attacks were by single pet dogs without a preceding history of viciousness and without known provocation by the victim. The highest number of deaths (23) occurred in infants less than 1 year of age. Most of the remaining victims were children aged 1 through 8 years, and elderly women.
Go ahead and have your rant with this. I will stick with what I and others are saying.