Your previous post and this one remind of an incident when i was about 21 or 22 years old. Some friends of mine and i were smoking some reefer, and leaning up against my friend's '69 "Goat," with the 427 engine and all the accoutrements of a muscle car. Although we were all well-educated, we were all still small town country boys and greasers.
We were watching the sun set, and as we looked to west, although we could not possibly have seen the city, the haze from St. Louis made the sun a red, red orb, and we could look directly at it. Normally, the sun (at which one cannot stare ordinarily) appears as a disc on a flat background. But on this occasion, it had a true three dimensional appearance. Venus didn't look like a star, it looked like what it is, a planet--much closer to the sun than are we, but still very far from its home star.
I looked up at the sky overhead, which was darkening, and i saw a few stars. As the other guys watched the sun, i watched the stars come out overhead. I then got a perspective of looking off into the infinite. I saw myself as an infinitessimally small part of a vast and majestic whole. I didn't have a sense of emptiness, but i saw what i took to be a great emptiness, which was yet decorated with so many objects greater than myself. I thought then of something Einstein said he felt when he conceived of his special theory of relativity. He said that his vision of the cosmos "beckoned like a liberation." And that is where and when i saw my concept of the cosmos as being one of liberation.