Quote:Just read your statement objectively, and then ask yourself: Is that not the dumbest comment one could conceive?
I wrote it objectively. I only said "possibly". I didn't say his condition was caused by his atheism. I didn't say anything actually. I posed a question.
He might not have been happy with his atheism after a certain point in life but had to keep it up because he had put his whole life on the line for it after finding as a young man that atheism was his field of play. And that he was good at it.
There's plenty of science about inner conflict causing the cells to get all out of order. It's a big field. Some knowledge of that field is implied by the question he was asked. And by the brave response. Gallows humour really.
We have also to face the fact that atheism is a bit depressing. A that's not good for the cells either.
Anyway--there's a massive industry out there exploiting that science.
I only offered a question for debate. Are you ruling out psychosomatic effects on health. Have you ever tried making romantic love in the back of a meat-transporter when half the load has been delivered. No velvet curtains, smoky-sticks or Elton John on the stereo.
Mr Hitchens had a Christian upbringing. Balliol and all that. And he was a homosexual it seems and the Church was against that. And he criticised recreational drugs because they are "hedonistic". How out of date is that? A permanent stone cold sober homosexual ascetic whose mother was set upon seeing her son promoted.
He must have read all the wrong books. All that weary stuff from Orwell, through Darkness at Noon to Crime and Bloody Punishment and back again and ignoring Mickey Spillaine and Hank Janson (Broads Don't Scare Easy and Skirts Bring Me Sorrow). Thus missing the entire ******* point from wanting to know too much too quick.
And it's rewarding. He rises to fame. And after a Christian childhood.
But are you ruling out psychosomatic effects on performance of the body's functioning parts, most of which are internal and unknown just as it is unknown what they respond best to.
It is a part of modern folklore that some ladies watch the television for the colour and the movement.