This is oldish news, but I haven't seen it posted anywhere else on A2K yet: Christopher Hitchens has cancer---the same kind that killed his father. And as he says himself, "the statistics at this point are quite poor".
Here is his interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper. Its title, "Why Not Me?", captures the spirit of their conversation well.
Also true to Hitchens' form is the end of the interview:
Cooper: In a moment of doubt, isn't there .... I don't know, I just find it fascinating that ... even when you're alone and, you know, noone else is watching, if there might be a moment where you, you know, want to hedge your bets.
Hitchens: If that comes, it'll be when I'm very ill---when I'm half-demented, either by drugs or by pain I won't have control over. See, I mention this in case you hear a rumor later on...
Cooper: (laughs)
Hitchens: ... because these things happen, and the faithful
love to spread these rumors. 'Oh on his deathbed he finally', well.... I can't say that the entity that by then wouldn't be me wouldn't do such a pathetic thing. But I can tell you that ... not while I'm lucid. No. I could be quite sure of that.
Cooper: (laughs) So if there is some story that on your on your deathbed ...
Hitchens: Don't believe it. Don't credit it, no.
It would be a shame if Hitchens didn't stick around for a few more years. But whether he does or not, I hope he won't go through too much pain in the process.