Olivier5 wrote:
So what can and what can't he do then?
Well, like I said there is this mixing between the objective/material level and the subjective/experiential level that makes a lot of things possible that aren't possible at the material level alone.
So, for example, you pointed out that at the material level evil is able to create Hitler and nazism and holocausts, etc.; but at the spiritual/subjective level you are able to imagine the possibility of God stopping such atrocities, and that gives you hope if you believe (or undermines your possibility of experiencing hope if you focus on the impossibility of miracles).
What some people do is use their imagination like you do, only they imagine how things could be worse than they actually are, and that helps them put reality in perspective. E.g. you drop something on your foot and it hurts like hell but you realize you could have broken a bone and then you thank God that it wasn't that bad.
So at the objective/material level, what happens happens; but because of the role subjectivity plays in experiencing and filtering it and giving meaning to it, and even controlling how much pain you feel, when you lose consciousness, when endorphins kick in to cause euphoria during an otherwise traumatic situation, etc. that gives God a lot of power to deliver people from suffering.
Of course it also gives evil/satan a lot of power to make people miserable in their dreams, thoughts, reactions to objective events, emotions, etc.
There is this wonderful things, though, which is that when you're really going through hell subjectively, you can pray for deliverance and get it. It might take a little while, but you will get relief in some form or other. If you don't believe me, try it; but realize that when it happens you're be able to explain it away if you choose, because that is just part of the power God gives us to create and believe our own explanations.