That's a fringe--mainstream, or if you prefer, traditional atheism is largely indifferent to such matters. The so-called "weak" atheists or implicit atheists are the overwhelming majority of atheists. Pew Research in the U.S. and Ipsos--Reid in Canada, and other polling organizations elsewhere make this clear. Not only that, but the Religious Tolerance-dot-org web site reasonably suggests that implicit atheists generally don't respond to such surveys and are under-represented. The so-called strong atheists, the explicit atheists get a lot of attention, on the squeaky wheel principle. But my life's experience and what I've read in surveys in recent years strongly suggests that implicit atheists are far and away the majority, and they just don't care about crap like that. As I've always said, I don't know if there's a god, but I don't believe it, and most importantly,
I just don't care.