Quote: But I feel obliged to warn people there is something nasty at the bottom of the atheist garden.
That is the real argument. The only argument. That theists have crappy prejudices is the escape. It allows "boring" arguments to be endlessly repeated so that the delusion that jeepsie's remark needs no answer can be fondly embraced.
Kant rightly taught that an argument cannot be made unless those making it can defend everybody accepting it. An atheist arguing for atheism in a Christian world is not the same as arguing for an atheist world.
Atheists have a duty to argue positively for an atheist world instead of negatively arguing against a Christian world. Why do they never do that?
I can do it if I want as a sophist. Totalitarianism might well be the only answer to the problems of a scientific world of increasing mechanical complexity and interdependence. A survival strategy. Every problem has a plausably scientific solution.
Simply because it failed in the Soviet Union is no proof that it will fail in other places. It only suggests that it will and it might well provide lessons for new totalitarians.
No politician is allowed to promote policies without reference to their consequences. And atheists are presumably in favour of that. So why do they excuse themselves from that discipline? Cold feet is the only answer I can think of.
A2K to my knowledge has no positive atheist evangelists. They are all negative knockers. Like street furniture vandals who only get a kick because it is a minority sport and never allow that we might all take it up and render life intolerable.