I don't usually "let loose" here - I've yet to find my niche. But on this issue I'll lay bare my feelings on the general tone of this (and other like) conversations on a point I believe to be of utmost import. I beg your indulgence here; words are clumsy contraptions we limp about on to transfer something so delicate as a mental idea, they fail me as often as they serve. In any case...
Being an atheist is, for me, the most honest place I can be. It's one of humility that admits there is no belief in something for which I see no basis. Its plain and simple; humble and honest. I don't stand in judgment of anyone's belief system, nor do I want them to critique mine. We hold these ideals within us, they color our view of the world and stand in support of our values.
I value people, respect, family, honesty, courtesy and my connection to every living thing on this planet. Not knowing - not having any belief system of mystique or powerful, overarching forces controlling <whatever> - allows me to feel a member of my living community without diverting the most intimate personal energies towards some undefined ideal. While this works fine for a lot of folks, it doesn't for me. When I feel the pangs of judgmentalism; I squash them - they have NO place in my life; neither the feelings themselves, nor the pain these bring.
Can we appreciate these differences? Can we be OK with the idea that we don't have the same conception of "what is"? Or must we fiddle, fight, hook, argue, degrade, put down and otherwise piss fits about our differences? How petty is this - how low in such a dank place have we fallen when such a distinction is cause for casting dispersions on others?
Its fine to talk about these; but our fixation on the label itself has really gotten out of hand. Like the mental poison from the existence of political parties there comes the "My Team/Your Team" mindset; this differentiation between "us" and "them" where all "ours" are deified and all "theirs" are vilified. In the history of our species, most of the most abhorrently destructive episodes are born from just such a mindset; the one that pits "us" against "them". Simple nomenclatures they are, nothing more. That they've become infused with enough vitriol to fling about hobbles yet another verbal distinction; saddling it with emotionally loaded innuendo.
All of you who can't leave the issue alone without insults, dispersions and innuendo, I have some advice for you.
1. Find something better to occupy your time. We have enough divisiveness in our species without your fussing about.
2. Secondly, an exercise: Get up each morning, go to the mirror and repeat this three times:
Quote:"Its OK that someone believes something different than I - I'm not going to get worked up, I'm not going to get pissed off...."
"Its OK that someone believes something different than I - I'm not going to get worked up, I'm not going to get pissed off...."
"Its OK that someone believes something different than I - I'm not going to get worked up, I'm not going to get pissed off...."
I believe that in each
believer's heart is something very special; very important that needs to be left alone. Pass it, non believers, look at it and admire honesty without gradations of condescension. Those who bear this expose a vulnerable part of their innermost thoughts; ask about it, wonder at it, congratulate it but don't poop on it.
I also believe that in the
atheist's heart is a silent pain that comes with the realization that, "...this is all that I am". Believers, don't throw rocks at it - when someone admits their lack of belief that's not license for you insult their morals or typecast them into some obscure, half-baked ethical typecast. Talk with them, share with them, but don't try to infuse your own dreams onto a mind not your own.
Or are we all so hopelessly insecure,
so completely bereft of respect, that we must hammer at those who think differently?