Let me answer your second question first.
georgeob1 wrote:Why do you look for quantifiable and predictable models to describe the workings of a universe that had no designer?
I don't. I look for quantifiable and predictable models to describe the workings of the universe, because that's the most efficient way to figure out anything -- including the universe. I'm not specifically look for models that include no designer; only, as a general policy, models that omit needless assumption. And it just so happens that the assumption of a god turns out to bee needless for explaining anything. Give me a model that makes better predictions than the ones we currently have, and I'll take it -- even if it requires the existence of a god.
And with this, I'm ready to answer the first part of your question:
georgeob1 wrote:Why do you believe in an uncreated universe?
Because the assumption of an uncreated creator would clutter my worldview with one more entity that needs explaining, and that still begs the questions about the emergence of our world that I was trying to answer in the first place.