I chose an individual example, Olivier, but surely it would catch on and everybody end up in the condition.
The husbands have no right to complain because, as is often pointed out, a woman has the right to do what she will with her own body.
My "modest proposal" was actually a defence of monogamous marriage which I hold in high regard as an institution which lends itself to stability and good order in society. Even some homosexuals are demanding and getting monogamy.
Quote:But that harm is what motivates the moral issue
Yes--I have been trying to explain that for 10 years on A2K. Moral issues are a straw man. Only the consequences are important. The moral issues are a conjuring trick to underpin a policy for efficient organisation of what is admittedly a very difficult set of circumstances. A focus on moral issues is a smokescreen to avoid a focus on the consequences.
Unless atheists can offer a system which is efficient in the event of everybody accepting what they say about religion, or more specifically the Catholic Church, they are vandals. Dissidents. Not revolutionaries because revolutionaries do offer alternatives. They are just wreckers employing gratuitous verbal violence in the service of personal interest without any consideration of society's interest.
And they need to put the argument from consequences on Ignore to avoid facing up to it. So they are cheats as well. There are no other things in play besides consequences.