Quote: the conventional gender relations and sexual controls that existed prior to the 60s were a way to “spread” sexual rapports in a more equalitarian and less competitive manner.
Which is the point of monogamy, pre-marital chastity and no divorce to prevent women getting the upper hand. We had 2 million years of that and humans were on the bones of their arse from beginning to end.
The "pussy whip", which even Virgil provided examples of, is the obvious outcome of a secular society.
There is nothing new or surprising in what Houellebecq said there.
The half-baked atheists on here are merely taking advantage of the Christian historical pseudomorphosis to have their cake and eat it. Their grandsons will just have to eat it if they win the argument.
Which they won't.
I couldn't read a book that women like. Charlotte Bronte hated her sister's great book and Jane Austen labels women as air-headed whores creating havoc wherever they go. Her works are one giant and brilliant burlesque on the fatuity of romantic fiction and the consequences of the acceptance of its principles which date back to the Courts of Love.
The guy who declared that Barbara Cartland was the most dangerous woman on the planet was possibly exaggerating but not by a lot.