1. You've missed the point and focused on my payoff"Should I lose the bet". I hope you are looking for an example of where ID has successfully separated its hypotheses from a supreme being.
2. When you read data on things like atmospheric content, you seem to only focus on one or two pieces of information. The entire story of our atmosphere is one of metastability over time. The complete "cocktail" of atmospheric gases are a product of a series of "cycles" that have closely paralleled the presence and appearance of specific rock "chemistries" as well as life on the planet. We can model these cycles for PO2/PCO2?PN2 and trce gses quite nicely and, the fascinating thing is that (specifically with the "Spikes" in atmospheric O2 and SO2 (as seen in oyritic deposits), we can follow and time great "Quiet periods" and major random cataclysms that occurred through time.
Rather than posting random numbers of mere CO2 concentrtions from the late Cambrian, why not include the occurrence of O2 earlier in the geologic column when blue green algaes (or cyanobacters ) paralleled the banded iron deposits (this showing free oxygen at a level above that needed to deposit mere Pyritic rock ). As we see from Ediacaran to late Cambrian, we have a series of pikes in O2 as the invading photosynthetic plants become the "dominant respirators", in the kinetics that set presented.
As the O2 then dropped during the Ordovician we see that there was a series of clastic and pyritic events that caused SO2 and CO2 to spike. After this came a gradual and great return of OXYGEN as plants evolved on the land surface and quadrupled the equilibrium content of the "contaminant" Oxygen. That allowed the colonization of land by organisms and (ultimately) allowed arthropods tht had "primitive" respiratory/ circulatory systems to grow to great sizes.
This story goes on and on as "Cycles" not random points of data. You can learn some interesting things about our planet by taking time to digest the full spectrum .
HOWEVER, theres a danger. As you will see, we have "causes and effects" that are interpretable in the fossil record. These causes and effects have mostly to do with edaphic factors of a struggling planet through time. EVidence does NOT seem to support any interdiction by some "SUper Intelligence or a god".
When ever weve had pyritic or clastic deposition and really high spikes of SO3 nd CO2 (with concomitant declines in O2)as well as some catastrophic event (bolides, shield volcanism, Island arc volcanism, continental collisions and closing of ocean basins etc). These events of interactive causes and effects have been the focus of much theoretical and applied geology for the last 50 years and, most of the Christian geologists I work with seem to have become more associated with gods of Transcendence rather than one of direct action. I personally don't see any evidence of any gods but hey, that's just me. Maybe Im not looking in the right corners .
Ken Miller has written a nice piece
FINDING DARWINS GOD, in which he makes the same argument based upon the evidence tht IS.
He remains a devout Catholic and many of his choices to believe are personal but non confrontational. Im sorta at the same spot from a different side of the mirror (Ill leave it up to you to decide which side that is).
I say that, ID, (or really theistic evolution) is , in my mind a full frontal copout. We can show that certain chemicals react and produce compounds based upon fixed laws , they really don't need any interference of an intelligence to scoot the reactions to completion.