Sat 2 Nov, 2013 03:27 pm
timur wrote:
Why should I view it as too complex it's just your wishful thinking.

I wish it were so ... but unfortunately it isn't.
The metabolism of the cell, for example, is so complex as a system and so refined as mechanics that when damaged the best case scenario to fix the things is to detox the tissue concerned and to leave it on 'auto-pilot' instead of trying to fix it with interventions.

further wrote:
Does it mean that I should feel compelled to believe such theory?

Compelled maybe not, but perhaps convinced to believe with the time.

further wrote:
That we can see some intelligence in the transmitted information, it doesn't automatically follow that it comes from a god.

It is not 'some' intelligence - it is mind-blowing intelligence ... and there is a difference.

further wrote:
It seems, however, that it does.

Where does this 'seem' is supposed to come from?

further wrote:
You don't know the true nature of said subject.

Maybe, but I can find a definition of Subject: circumstance, being or thing that gives occasion for specified event or action.

further wrote:
Without compelling evidence, your assertions are baseless.

What evidences will you need as a base to prove our intelligence, for example?
0 Replies
Sat 2 Nov, 2013 03:35 pm
The natural selection cannot create irreducibly complex systems

To date, EVERY example of" evidence" irreducible complexity has been traced back to a previous "less complex" system or form either in biochemistry or in the fossil record. I think that the ID Creationists have even given up on that. They are now totally immersed in "format wars" of how information is presented in our public education system.

If you can give but ONE example of where ID Creationism has successfully separated itself from a supreme being as the core of its worldview Ill buy you dinner at Nobu.(Travel is on you)
Sat 2 Nov, 2013 04:04 pm
They are now totally immersed in "format wars" of how information is presented in our public education system.

They always were actually fm. The other stuff is basically to avoid "format wars" and avoid trying the patience of a respectable courtroom. I have tried to explain it to you in a wide variety of figures of speech over the years.

How would you organise the presentations in public education? Isn't the historical pseudomorphosis too powerful to do it any other way than how it is done now allowing for some minor tweaks from time to time and geographical subsidiarities?

Darwinism etc. is a lurch. It would not be the subject of so much huff and puff if it wasn't. The sort of lurch that Rider Haggard described in KSM when Quatermain, Sir Henry and Captain Good took a trip on a boat up the south east coast of Africa. Strong stomachs are mandatory.
Sat 2 Nov, 2013 04:12 pm
My motivations are such that I could effectively use the Categorical Imperative.

So can I. I will preach "look right and left and right again before you cross the road" without any misgivings. In the UK I mean.

I'm not that sure of preaching "Love they neighbour" though. So I don't.

As for the atheist society, I have my reservations.

What would they be?

Are your questions answered properly?

I wouldn't quite go that far.
0 Replies
Sat 2 Nov, 2013 04:46 pm

They always were actually fm. The other stuff is basically to avoid "format wars"
Youre dead wrong. Before 1987 nd again pre 2005, they actually thought that they had something to "peddle". They spent scads of Evangelical bucks on vague promises how they would "unravel"

1. Initially the "scientific bases" of Creationism and then (when that whole "Discipline"crashed and burned)

2.They would provide us with undeniable evidence and proofs of "Intelligence" in the Universe (and behind the natural sciences.

WE ARE STILL WAITING ,However the major repositories of ID research and evidence have apparently closed shop except for Ahmandson money still being funneled into a clearly "Empty SUit Organization" (or two)
0 Replies
Sat 2 Nov, 2013 04:49 pm
Darwinism etc. is a lurch. It would not be the subject of so much huff and puff if it wasn't. The sort of lurch that Rider Haggard described in KSM when Quatermain, Sir Henry and Captain Good took a trip on a boat up the south east coast of Africa. Strong stomachs are mandatory

When you learn about what you are attempting to verbalize, then perhqps what you hve to offer will be received with interest. Till then, have another pint and make believe you understand fooball.

Besides, any reference you make to AFrica is better summarized in THoD than KS'sM
Sat 2 Nov, 2013 06:06 pm
Try to answer what is put to you eh?

Till then go have another **** over the taffrail and make believe I don't understand football.
0 Replies
Sat 2 Nov, 2013 07:46 pm
I was thinking about the Amy Fisher - Joey Buttafuoco extra-marital scandal which resulted in the murder attempt of Buttafuoco's wife. This American scandal was widely publicized in the media.

Religion is often invoked when discussions about community guidelines are brought up. Atheists are not often sought as counselors for such issues. Is it because religion is by default considered equivalent to civil dialogue? Atheism then must be considered an academic philosophy rather than a lifestyle perspective by many people.

I myself am a born-again Christian, but I believe Jesus taught people to debate peacefully with people of varying perspectives. Couldn't an atheist provide insightful ideas about the Fisher-Buttafuoco scandal and how it psychologically reflects the human marketing of the gossip-religious Hollywood (USA) movie "Celebrity" (1998)?
0 Replies
Sat 2 Nov, 2013 11:23 pm
farmerman wrote:
I'll buy you dinner at Nobu.

You can hardly impress me with Nobuyuki 'Nobu' Matsuhisa ... I have been in Japan. Besides I am not fond of deeply fried dishes with Peruvian ingredients. Anyway, thank you for the kindness ... and for the sense of humor that you are developing.

further wrote:
"less complex" system or form either in biochemistry or in the fossil record.

So and so you present yourself as an expert in fossil record, why don't you explain to us, the simple mortal, the mind-blowing 'master class high flight' of lowering the CO2 in the air from 7000 ppm (530 mya) to 185 ppm (300 mya) ... the whole biosphere & ecosystem that have done this. This process (comprising sailing against a hurricane wind of energy) ... is not observed anywhere else in the universe. This is something like to swim upwards the Niagara Falls. How does that happen ... without intelligent pre-design?
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 03:15 am
Herald cannot open his mouth without making wild, unsubstantiated claims. The high CO2 levels in the atmosphere of millions of years ago were the product of volcanic activity on the planet which has dropped enormously over the last one billion years. Not only have the geologically induced sources of CO2 dropped so dramatically, but for about two billion years cyanobacteria and life forms which have developed since they first arose break down CO2, releasing O2 into the atmosphere. Herald simply doesn't have a complete picture of what is going on on this planet. He further states that this phenomenon (decreasing CO2 in the atmosphere) is not observed elsewhere in the universe. Well duh-uh. We haven't the means to track the atmospheric contents of any significant fraction of all the planets that there may be in the cosmos, or even in our own galaxy. We are just now reaching the point at which we can identify planets in other star system. Herald, as always, is peddling bullshit, and not very convincing bullshit, either.
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 03:17 am
All of which, of course, has absolutely no relevance to the subject of atheists, another topic on which Herald consistently shows that he is clueless by making wild, unsubstantiated claims.
0 Replies
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 04:37 am
Setanta wrote:
The high CO2 levels in the atmosphere of millions of years ago were the product of volcanic activity on the planet which has dropped enormously over the last one billion years.

It doesn't matter whether the volcanic activity has dropped or rised - the CO2 is accumulated in the air and stays there. When the volcanic activity 'drops' it is accumulated at a slower rate, not decreasing.

further wrote:
Herald simply doesn't have a complete picture of what is going on on this planet.

... and perhaps you have 'the picture'. How much are the concentrations of CO2, NO2 and SO2 on the street under your window right now ... at a height of 50 cm from the ground?

further wrote:
Herald, as always, is peddling bullshit, and not very convincing bullshit, either.

I have had great teachers ... like you for example.
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 04:45 am
No, the CO2 doesn't "stay there," it is converted by photosynthesizing plants into glucose (C6H12O6), and releases O2 as a waste gas. Photosynthesis uses enormous amounts of carbon. Additionally, the oceans react to the CO2 content of the atmosphere, and humans are only now beginning to learn how that works. You're the bullshit artist because you have a deeply flawed picture of chemistry and energetic processes. You've got no business shooting your mouth off because you're too goddamned ignorant.

That's also why your idiotic attack on atheists based on a ludicrous statement of "intelligent design" is fatally flawed.

Because you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
0 Replies
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 06:19 am
1. You've missed the point and focused on my payoff"Should I lose the bet". I hope you are looking for an example of where ID has successfully separated its hypotheses from a supreme being.

2. When you read data on things like atmospheric content, you seem to only focus on one or two pieces of information. The entire story of our atmosphere is one of metastability over time. The complete "cocktail" of atmospheric gases are a product of a series of "cycles" that have closely paralleled the presence and appearance of specific rock "chemistries" as well as life on the planet. We can model these cycles for PO2/PCO2?PN2 and trce gses quite nicely and, the fascinating thing is that (specifically with the "Spikes" in atmospheric O2 and SO2 (as seen in oyritic deposits), we can follow and time great "Quiet periods" and major random cataclysms that occurred through time.
Rather than posting random numbers of mere CO2 concentrtions from the late Cambrian, why not include the occurrence of O2 earlier in the geologic column when blue green algaes (or cyanobacters ) paralleled the banded iron deposits (this showing free oxygen at a level above that needed to deposit mere Pyritic rock ). As we see from Ediacaran to late Cambrian, we have a series of pikes in O2 as the invading photosynthetic plants become the "dominant respirators", in the kinetics that set presented.
As the O2 then dropped during the Ordovician we see that there was a series of clastic and pyritic events that caused SO2 and CO2 to spike. After this came a gradual and great return of OXYGEN as plants evolved on the land surface and quadrupled the equilibrium content of the "contaminant" Oxygen. That allowed the colonization of land by organisms and (ultimately) allowed arthropods tht had "primitive" respiratory/ circulatory systems to grow to great sizes.

This story goes on and on as "Cycles" not random points of data. You can learn some interesting things about our planet by taking time to digest the full spectrum .
HOWEVER, theres a danger. As you will see, we have "causes and effects" that are interpretable in the fossil record. These causes and effects have mostly to do with edaphic factors of a struggling planet through time. EVidence does NOT seem to support any interdiction by some "SUper Intelligence or a god".

When ever weve had pyritic or clastic deposition and really high spikes of SO3 nd CO2 (with concomitant declines in O2)as well as some catastrophic event (bolides, shield volcanism, Island arc volcanism, continental collisions and closing of ocean basins etc). These events of interactive causes and effects have been the focus of much theoretical and applied geology for the last 50 years and, most of the Christian geologists I work with seem to have become more associated with gods of Transcendence rather than one of direct action. I personally don't see any evidence of any gods but hey, that's just me. Maybe Im not looking in the right corners .

Ken Miller has written a nice piece FINDING DARWINS GOD, in which he makes the same argument based upon the evidence tht IS.

He remains a devout Catholic and many of his choices to believe are personal but non confrontational. Im sorta at the same spot from a different side of the mirror (Ill leave it up to you to decide which side that is).

I say that, ID, (or really theistic evolution) is , in my mind a full frontal copout. We can show that certain chemicals react and produce compounds based upon fixed laws , they really don't need any interference of an intelligence to scoot the reactions to completion.

Sun 3 Nov, 2013 06:22 am
Sorry, heres a series of models that show PO2 through time. I used to present this as a test question to kids about "parroting back" the events that are known to have occurred through geologic time that parallels this.    http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/early/2010/03/04/rspb.2010.0001/F1.large.jpg
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 07:40 am
It's all just a sales pitch, fm, imo, to market careers in that line of work. Great visual aids. Brilliantine words with which to flatter the audience and allow them to believe themselves scientific, which has cachet.

It is us gentlefolk who are "interesting" and what we will do in the foreseeable future with the "dirt" at our disposal.

We need to imagine life without ID if we are to get rid of the idea.

Is money a spiritual concept in these days of $18 trillion deficits generated by a mere 300 million people, or some of them, and the latest exchange interface being investigated trades £5 trillion every day. Money used to be pieces of something. Gold or tiger's teeth. Women. There was only so much of it. Now it is potentially infinite or as near as makes no difference.

Do you believe in modern, Faustian money? The upsurge in the gold price is a sign of the belief faltering. What things will surge if the belief in ID falters?
Mr Trump has played a part envisaging knocking down a cathedral.
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 07:58 am
farmerman wrote:
Rather than posting random numbers of mere CO2 concentrations from the late Cambrian, why not include the occurrence of O2 earlier in the geologic column when blue green algae (or cyanobacters) paralleled the banded iron deposits.

These 'random' numbers have been steadily decreasing for a period of 230 million years, where the key phrase is 'steadily decreasing'. We are talking about the CO2 (temperature of decomposition above 2500° without catalyst).
The question was: How did the whole biosphere (remaining in equilibrium) succeeded to decrease the CO2 in the atmosphere from 7000 ppm to 185 ppm? What was the driving mechanism that was continuously sending the carbon from the air (not only from the CO2) into the ground ... and why the things at present are out of control?
I am not going to ask who is digging it out of the ground and sending it back into the air ... without knowing how far this may go.
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 08:09 am
spendius wrote:
We need to imagine life without ID if we are to get rid of the idea.

This is mission impossible. We are the current carriers of the intelligence on the Earth at present and we carry the torch of the ID. The fact that we don't know what to do with it is another issue.
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 09:50 am
I don't think it a fact that we don't know what to do with our intelligence.

“Take but degree away, untune that string,/And, hark, what discord follows!”

Semi-literate and semi-educated Toms, Dicks and Harrys chirping up from every crack and burrow has untuned the string.

It might not continue so. It might be impossible for it to do.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 11:54 am
The only logical way to assert that intelligent design is impossible...is to assert that there is no possibility of a GOD.

If you assert there is no possibility of a GOD...you create a burden of proof for yourself that is very formidable.

Best not to assert that intelligent design is impossible.

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