I'm an atheist. Nobody here bothers me or is wasting my time. I would soon put a stop to that if they were.
I don't want to convert anybody to atheism because if everybody did convert to atheism our societies would be profoundly different and in ways I don't think any atheist contributors here would approve of.
Other atheists ignore this very important point because it frightens them. In fact it is the only point worthy of consideration in adult circles. In that sense they are all trolling. A philosophical point of view, with no consideration of social consequences, concerning the existence or otherwise of God has no merit.
If the thread was called Republicanism we would be debating policy. So what is the atheist policy. farmerman once suggested re-education camps for the religious. That is at least a start.
I would segregate the sexes which would put an end to all the raping and assaulting and I would organise reproduction on scientific lines with couplings approved by scientific authorities and with the babies being brought up in state nurseries from the start.
Recreational sexual activity would be based on a reward system more formalised than it is now. Religious buildings would either be re-cycled for building materials or put to other uses. I know of two churches which are used for commercial activity and one that is now a house. Staff would be put to other work.
"In Dawkins we trust" would appear on all currency notes and Presidential speeches would end with "have a good day". All decedent music would be banned. Private property would cease to exist except for personal items like combs and toothbrushes.
A well run and humane open prison is a reasonable model to start from.
Never in all my life have I come across such vacuous juvenile tripe as is being posted on this thread purporting to be a discussion about atheism. All it is is a bunch of trolls trying to justify their infractions of the Christian moral teachings regarding rumpy-pumpy.
Setanta regularly belittles Jesus. And what use is " a lot of what He reportedly said" when that is merely a cherry picking exercise. I presume His condemnation of adultery and exchange markets are excluded.
Now that is real made up ****. The epitome of vacuous juvenile tripe.