You know nothing, obviously, about the good bishop of Brixen, Nicolaus Cusanus, who, reflecting upon the unendingness of God, was led to the Infinitesimal Calculus in 1450. Two centuries later Leibnitz's metaphysical speculations on the divine principle led him to mathematical analysis. Pythagoras also, the supreme scientist of the Classical world, was the founder of a religion. A persecuted one.
Every aspect of your life is dependent on our sort of mathematics, which you have no clue about. And it was Christians who thought it out and your natives in the jungle would be nothing more for ever except insofar as they use our needles for their sewing which, I gather, they traded sex to get off us.
Nothing we have now can come out of exclusive observation of reality.
Don't get carried away because you honour "sums" with the name "math". It is still sums.