I can't speak to the agenda of "On Being", but in "On Faith", Tippet's goal seemed to be to inform the adherents of all faiths about each other. The general tone was one of reconsiliation: we're all not so different, let's all get along. Judging from the headlines I see on the "On being" page, she's now applying the same diplomatic approach to the relationship between religion and science.
If so (I'll listen to the show when I'm home), I don't know what I think of it. On the one hand, it's probably good politics to forge an alliance between open-minded believers and the scientific community. Both sides need each others' help against fundamentalist creationists and end-of-the-worlders. On the other hand, I don't feel comfortable pussyfooting around the fact that science and religion conflict at their very cores. They have fundamentally different notions of what constitutes a good reason to believe something. I don't see how she can make this "we're not so different" vibe work in an honest way. I guess I'll find out soon.