Quote:No, not at all. I was referring to the way Spendi commented on this joke when it was told by Edgar and didn't react at all when it was told by Ionus..
Once again in your normal premature rush Francis you have stumped yourself.
I responded to JTT saying it provided a "chuckle" and, as a small bonus, at the posts of Setanta and hingehead. I wouldn't have responded to ed's "joke" except maybe by having a private "sheesh!!"
My main reason was that I saw, in a flash of inspiration arising from I know not what, and which I am given to having, an opportunity to introduce Henry Fielding's Tom Jones to those A2Kers whose English teachers hadn't seen fit to introduce them to for some quaint reason. It is Able to Know after all.
Having had this inspiration I thought I might the better introduce those A2Kers who recognise decent writing to Mr Fielding's masterpiece, which every young man should read carefully, and what better than a passage which is entertaining, informative, well written and, in the context, not only on topic but a demonstration of the fantasies to which some atheists will go to discredit religion and imagine themselves to be clever and witty. One assumes the real world is something they are unable to joke about. Like I do on Trivia. The hope was, as even average Ablers to Knowing know, that the sample met with their approval and they went on to read the book.
My hope took some effort to realise. I knew that finding the passage online was not going to be easy but I remembered that my leather bound copy had a long contents section with titles which might provide me with a clue. But where was that. I have a lot of books. But, A2K being as important as it is, I went to search. I found it in about 15 minutes. It stands out a bit on the shelves. Then I started on the contents page looking up possibilities. On about the 10th try there it was. So then I knew it was Chapter I of Book 8. Now I could provide any A2Kers who wish to know how I got to be like I am with an online guide and they could easily and cheaply check out my recommendation which I am happy for every soul in the whole world to embrace which is something atheists seem unable to commit themselves to with their own recommendations. If they skip their next 50 biology lessons to read it you won't get any complaints from me whatever those making money teaching biology say about the matter.
Not everyone who gets good marks in biology ends up in the sort of job you read about. Most of it is pretty, bloody ghastly to put it mildly. And boring. Getting good marks ( unexamined of course) in Tom Jones and the literary taste it develops one might easily end up First Officer on a luxury cruise ship specialising in pampering well-off American ladies. If I was young I would keep all this to myself, like Bernard tried to do in L'Homme when his friend asked him about getting a divorce, so that opportunities to be First Officers on cruise ships of the type aforesaid were not overwhelmed with applicants.
It pained me, not a lot, but I felt a twinge of sympathy, for Setanta, hingehead and JTT in having thought it good or funny. It doesn't seem fair that they should suffer all their lives under such a gross misapprehension just because they had had some shite teachers foisted upon them when they were powerless and innocent.
I don't suppose your premature gush took as much effort and its inspiration was negative.
I would have left ed's "joke" alone, as you say I did Io's, had I not seen the chance to tell any fans I have to read Tom Jones and weave it into the texture of the thread.
BTW- I know a burning bush speaks in the Bible but that's a pun.
Have you anything to say about that?