This was posted on another thread by someone I have a good deal of sympathy with--
Quote:Securing the liberties of US citizens doesn't mean invading sovereign nations.
That isn't "clean" is it? Securing the liberties of American citizens when they are sod-busters, gunslingers, faro dealers, and small-town editors with green eyeshades certainly doesn't require invading sovereign countries. Whereas securing the liberties of US citizens addicted to oil might very well do so and, in fact, has been deemed necessary by the ruling elite.
The statement is true under certain circumstances but these are totally different circumstances. And it is an attractive and high principled statement and, indeed, comforting. It will be attended to I mean. Possibly repeated. Catch on.
I do not see how we can, in our present circumstances, do without religion. In circumstances where we, say, have the sexes in separate barracks and requisitions are required for a no fuss shag, a bit like booking a table, things will probably be different. If I was in that world, the Brave New World, and I liked it, as I suspect I would despite the graduated fees and medical checks, I can see that I would defend atheism.
But if I was there I would know no different. I would never know about the joys of getting a shag the Tom Jones way. Or even the Prof Dawkins way. All that chasing and petticoats and coy flirting "across a crowded room" with that ol' Black Magic jazz and all. If you dig my drift.
Now--premarital sex, adultery, divorce, artificial birth control, sodomy, abortion and male homosexuality, wanking up to a point anyway, are all strategies for getting a shag when shags are proving too difficult to get without a tiresome modicum of effort and self-sacrifice. And they are legal strategies.
And, lo and behold, those are the precise elements of the Christian Church, wobblings by individuals, or even factions, being irrelevant because if there were no wobblings most of the anti-Church arguments get deflated like a whoopee cushion a fat woman sat on hard, which are the source of the original, possibly adolescent, objections to Christianity and which are left unsaid. Ridicule of the Bible, which depends upon taking it literally, has to serve instead, with liberal doses of the wobblers interwoven, and it must be admitted, taking it literally, that it is a sitting duck. As are the wobblers. And with regular practice, and with more and more bridges burned in the pride, what was left unsaid becomes unremembered as well and Bible bashing becomes an end rather than the means it set out as when the end was getting a cheap shag. A bargain. Compared to what Don Quixote tried to pay. Or even the gallant Knights of ye olden daze whose order now boasts of Mr Elton John.
Christianity is a way of life and anybody seeking to change it should tell us what our way of life would be like without it. Huxley had the nerve to offer one possibilty and I can't say I would reject it out of hand. But Huxley didn't understand women. Women wouldn't put up with Huxley's vision. Tormenting men is their primary, some say sole, occupation.
In the Zulu religion dipping your spear in the blood of the enemy was necessary to get a shag. Not so long ago too. Some religions barter in shags. Pre-Homer it was a fat reindeer across the shoulders after two weeks in the frozen tundra with no electrically heated footwear or Vanguard Carbine. Or fetching up a pearl from where the limits of endurance are tested. Carvings in the chest. A Man Called Horse. Fighting duels. Malinowsky blew the Polynesian idyll out of the water. It was sailor's stories that created it. I suppose most myths are created by people telling stories that the listeners can't check.
All those, and there are many more, are evolutionary tests of course. **** evolution. Let 'em wank. Like Philip Larkin said, or nearly, "It's cheap and you can have the rest of the night to yourself".
Are you an atheist Rocky?
But today's atheists are not ushering in the Brave New World for themselves. The process is too slow. No--it's for the young men of the future. Women have equality now so they can stick up for the young women of the future. I can't tell what women want now let alone a few generations along. But I know what men want.