Sun 20 Feb, 2011 09:31 pm
The point of this thread is not and never has been to "promote" atheism. It was begun as a venue for atheists to disucss the experience of being atheists. It is hardly promoting atheism to answer the wild and spurious allegations made by theists or mere contrarians.

The statement that the early church fathers were atheists before they became christians is one of them most hilariously stupid unfounded contentions i have ever read.
cicerone imposter
Sun 20 Feb, 2011 09:43 pm
You "caught" that one, heh? LOL It's more likely, most priests or ministers had parents of their particular religion. I call it the "accident of birth."

Hardly atheist conversions; that'll almost be a miracle.
Sun 20 Feb, 2011 09:47 pm
Initially, of course, they were confessional Jews.
Sun 20 Feb, 2011 11:54 pm
@failures art,
The lack of belief in god does not force a belief in anything else.
Of course it does. It means the Bible is not the literal word of God. It means there is no God based morality.

Your reductionist assumptions about what morals an atheist must adopt are incorrect.
People vary, but logic says if you are rational why wouldn't you employ any means at your disposal to ensure your genetical survival if there was no cost ? What is the basis for morality ? Animals dont believe in God do they ?

Who here said that atheists are incapable of bad things?
Atheists on this thread have said religion has started all wars. This was refuted by other atheists as well as the religious and agnostic but it recurs often enough to associate it atheists justification of their superiority.

I said you represent the kinds of obstacles I encounter in real life
If you can comfortably do so, what are those obstacles that you have never mentioned but object to me assuming they are on the internet, our common ground ?

You also won't be the last to refuse any answer that defies your narrative on what an atheist is
WE agreed on a definition of an atheist some time back.
Mon 21 Feb, 2011 12:10 am
@failures art,
True. Religion has a p[policy on all of those things. Pick anyone of them and find people who support it, chances are they will be an atheist. There is a link. There does not have to be a link with all of them and the one person, unless of course the person is religious, in which case the matter is not up to the individual.

Neither psychology, nor cognitive science supports anything you've said about how the brain works.
I am very surprised to hear that. The brain has two hemispheres and for simplicity we will call one God and one logic. The God one has a memory of everything. The logic one has control. People who are religious are handing over to the God part some decision making. People who are self-proclaimed "scientists" keep control in the logic one. Women "believe" in esp, ghosts, etc and all manor of these things more than men because they spend 50% of their time in the emotional part of the God side. Men spend up to 90% of their time in the other half. Alien hand syndrome is where the God side tries to take over. Spoilers are people with conflict between the two. Autism is where the control part fails and the God side that knows everything is let loose. Intelligence is randomness built into the control part.

The decision to believe or not believe in God is the SAME decision and it requires FAITH to go either way.

Rather we see that the brain works by associative binary systems. This is why indoctrination at such young ages is so potent.
It is ? I dont see why from those two statements.

We also are learning things about mirror neurons that are challenging many of the ideas we have about human nature being inherently selfish. Rather, that we are empathetic creatures.
Perhaps as a self declared atheist who believes in evolution you might want to explain how such a system came about from pond scum ?
Mon 21 Feb, 2011 12:33 am
@failures art,
I always have trouble with you going off at tangents.

Follow this said that indoctrination was essential to religious beliefs. I cited doubting Thomas as someone who had to see with his own eyes. Not a very good example of indoctrination, was he ?

I said, Many of the early church leaders came from atheism and brought excellent minds with them. The early christian church came from atheists who had become disenchanted with the Greek/Roman religion. They were atheists. Some were following the Jewish religion from a distance, unimpressed with circumcision. Most were atheists who needed something in their lives apart from eat, ****, **** and die.

This is the latest gem in your crown of ignorance.
Are you any relation to **** for brains ? He makes wild sweet arse guesses and then is proven wrong all the time but he still comes back for more, never convinced of his obvious failure.

Your reply to me still doesn't address what I said. I specifically said "without indoctrination." The test is not the early church, whom members were very much being told what to believe.
????Now this is just plain puzzling. Indoctrination starts as children according to you, so how many generations would Christianity have taken to expand ? Do the proceeded far quicker than indoctrination allows. And your knowledge of the early church is pathetic for someone wanting to comment on it. There was great variety in beliefs. It took a thousand years to standardise it. How did that happen if everyone was indoctrinated from the same source ?

This would demonstrate divergence, not convergence on religion being a product of intellect.
A trend towards atheism pulls religions apart, intelligence would dictate they grow together.

There is no logical path to any of the world's religions.
I doubt you have enough knowledge of the worlds religions to say that, having seen you crash and burn on Christianity.
Mon 21 Feb, 2011 12:40 am
The point of this thread is not and never has been to "promote" atheism.
So a meeting of like minded individuals does not promote anything ?

It was begun as a venue for atheists to disucss the experience of being atheists.
It was begun to sneer and laugh at other people because their life choices disagreed with a pack of nazis.

It is hardly promoting atheism to answer the wild and spurious allegations made by theists or mere contrarians.
Easy there old timer, you know that wild and spurious talk gets you all riled up.

The statement that the early church fathers were atheists before they became christians is one of them most hilariously stupid unfounded contentions i have ever read.
Why, **** for brains, are you always puzzled by something that is not the very first google option ? Your knowledge of history has been shown to be extremely basic time and time again and yet you think of yourself as an expert. I have long ago decided you were one of the 1:5 people who have some degree of mental disorder. You seem to think that if you dont know it then it doesnt exist . News flash, dickhead ! There are entire libraries full of things you dont know ! Let go of it, wash your hands and come back and learn something that real historians know rather then what you might find from one book, and that not even written by an acknowledged leader in that field.
0 Replies
Mon 21 Feb, 2011 12:42 am
@cicerone imposter,
You "caught" that one, heh? LOL It's more likely, most priests or ministers had parents of their particular religion. I call it the "accident of birth."
Hardly atheist conversions; that'll almost be a miracle.
Do you have any indication in your mind of how stupid you are ? How do religions expand ? How do atheists in gaol become muslim or christian ? NO idea ? Thought so. You and **** for brains are going to have to stop meeting in the third cubicle, its clouding your brain afterwards.
0 Replies
Mon 21 Feb, 2011 12:44 am
Initially, of course, they were confessional Jews.
You poor stupid bastard. Why are you so convinced you know something because you can use a search engine ? You would have been closer if you said they were baptismal Jews but even that leaves out how they expanded into the empire. You really are fucked in the head, you know that ?
failures art
Mon 21 Feb, 2011 01:26 am
Ionus wrote:

The lack of belief in god does not force a belief in anything else.
Of course it does. It means the Bible is not the literal word of God. It means there is no God based morality.

Reread what you just typed. I said it does not force a belief in anything else. You confirm this in your own post. Not believing in a god based morality, does not subscribe a person to any other alternative. They still have to pick. Atheism doesn't do that for them.

Ionus wrote:

Your reductionist assumptions about what morals an atheist must adopt are incorrect.
People vary, but logic says if you are rational why wouldn't you employ any means at your disposal to ensure your genetical survival if there was no cost?

No cost is your false assumption. if you can eat humans, then you can be fed to humans.

Ionus wrote:

What is the basis for morality?

Are you asserting that there is only one cause to be identified?

Ionus wrote:

Animals dont believe in God do they ?

The only animal I feel qualified to speak on are humans.

Ionus wrote:

Who here said that atheists are incapable of bad things?
Atheists on this thread have said religion has started all wars. This was refuted by other atheists as well as the religious and agnostic but it recurs often enough to associate it atheists justification of their superiority.

So you are retracting your statement. None of the above comes close to asserting that all atheists are good people. Or that good atheists are good by virtue of being atheists. You're attempting to move the goalpost because you talked yourself into a corner. Nobody ever made the claim that atheists were better, and you can't back it up so you're fleeing.

Ionus wrote:

I said you represent the kinds of obstacles I encounter in real life
If you can comfortably do so, what are those obstacles that you have never mentioned but object to me assuming they are on the internet, our common ground ?

I don't understand your run-on question. Please re-phrase and ask again. I believe you are missing a comma somewhere.

Ionus wrote:

You also won't be the last to refuse any answer that defies your narrative on what an atheist is
WE agreed on a definition of an atheist some time back.

Then you've violated that agreement. We agreed atheists don't believe in gods. You've gone far beyond that in asserting all sorts of other things that they must believe.

failures art
Mon 21 Feb, 2011 02:02 am
Ionus wrote:

True. Religion has a p[policy on all of those things. Pick anyone of them and find people who support it, chances are they will be an atheist. There is a link. There does not have to be a link with all of them and the one person, unless of course the person is religious, in which case the matter is not up to the individual.

You just repeated contradicted yourself. If a link (a term for which you've not cared to define) exists, but does not have to be a link (recursive definition error) with all of them and the person, then where is the link?

In the end you describe how person to person the beliefs are individual, but somehow not up to them.
Ionus wrote:

Neither psychology, nor cognitive science supports anything you've said about how the brain works.
I am very surprised to hear that.

You are? I wonder what you'll say next? Perhaps you'll try and explain how you think the brain works in some other display of complete and total... holy **** you are...
Ionus wrote:
The brain has two hemispheres and for simplicity we will call one God and one logic.

we will not.

Ionus wrote:

The God one has a memory of everything.

Why? How? Specifics please. With citations.

Ionus wrote:

The logic one has control.


Ionus wrote:

People who are religious are handing over to the God part some decision making.

We get to pick what part of brain does specific functions? Where did you get this idea? Did you just make it up?

Ionus wrote:

People who are self-proclaimed "scientists" keep control in the logic one.

People who aren't, use the "logic one" for...?

Ionus wrote:

Women "believe" in esp, ghosts, etc and all manor of these things more than men because they spend 50% of their time in the emotional part of the God side.

50% he says! Wow! A clean 50%! Amazing! I'd like to read more. Please provide a link to your source for the 50% on the God part of the brain for women.

Ionus wrote:

Men spend up to 90% of their time in the other half.

Is this from the same source?

Ionus wrote:

Alien hand syndrome is where the God side tries to take over.

I would have called it "god brain crusade."

Ionus wrote:

Spoilers are people with conflict between the two.

I thought those went on wings and on the back of cars to create down-force and increase drag?

Ionus wrote:

Autism is where the control part fails and the God side that knows everything is let loose.

Who is telling you stuff? Seriously. Not that it's enough that you claim to know the mechanics of the brain, you've perfectly described what autism is not. Autistic persons often have an incredible capacity for logic (savants), but are challenged in their ability to comprehend or express emotions. Your god/logic brain non-science has the relationship inverted.

Ionus wrote:

Intelligence is randomness built into the control part.

So the more random a person's brain is the more logical they are? If this is your view, it explains a great deal about how you view yourself.

Ionus wrote:

The decision to believe or not believe in God is the SAME decision and it requires FAITH to go either way.

Wait, what? How did we get here? We were just talking about alien brain take over and autism, and you took a sharp right-turn on non-sequitur lane to get us to this.

You've completely failed to support this claim. This seems to be the base of your outlook on atheism--that it is derived from sort of faith in the non-belief of something. This is false. I require no faith to maintain my skepticism. The failure to present a cogent case for the existence of gods is why gods are not amongst the things in which I believe. If they had been as convincing as say electricity or gravity, we wouldn't be having this conversation. The arguments to believe have, however, been unconvincing.

Ionus wrote:

Rather we see that the brain works by associative binary systems. This is why indoctrination at such young ages is so potent.
It is ? I dont see why from those two statements.

It means that if you associate religion with all sorts of normal human experiences, you start to give the religion the same validity as the events themselves.

I.e. - A feeling of community in a church is real, so a person will convince themselves that the experience of community comes from the religion. They may even reject that others can achieve the same or greater community esteem under non-religious settings.

The problem I observe in many people of faith is that they associate their own belief with faith, and therefore project that all beliefs are acts of faith.

Ionus wrote:

We also are learning things about mirror neurons that are challenging many of the ideas we have about human nature being inherently selfish. Rather, that we are empathetic creatures.
Perhaps as a self declared atheist who believes in evolution you might want to explain how such a system came about from pond scum ?

Well, if you watched the video, you would have noticed that we are studying other animals to see to what degree these mirror neurons are wired into other species. So far mammals have been studied. Once we learn more about what creatures have them, we can talk about the common ancestry that gave rise to them. Prior to that point, my only speculation is that creatures with a greater empathic capacity worked better in groups. In terms of humans, it could have been what gave rise to the ability to use and create tools.

failures art
Mon 21 Feb, 2011 02:24 am
Ionus wrote:

I always have trouble with you going off at tangents.

Follow this said that indoctrination was essential to religious beliefs. I cited doubting Thomas as someone who had to see with his own eyes. Not a very good example of indoctrination, was he ?

Well, a piece of a myth is hardly a good example of anything. It is even worse an example of faith's value. Doubting Thomas rejects for very reasonable reasons the idea that Christ has risen. It seems then that the point of this myth is that it was proven to Thomas, and so that should be good enough for you! Also, you can't ask Thomas.

Ionus wrote:

I said, Many of the early church leaders came from atheism and brought excellent minds with them. The early christian church came from atheists who had become disenchanted with the Greek/Roman religion. They were atheists.

This does not make them atheists, and again violates what we agreed atheists were.

Ionus wrote:

Some were following the Jewish religion from a distance, unimpressed with circumcision.

*spit take*

Ionus wrote:

Most were atheists who needed something in their lives apart from eat, ****, **** and die.

Fascinating. Can you provide a secular historical source to substantiate this claim?

Ionus wrote:

This is the latest gem in your crown of ignorance.
Are you any relation to **** for brains?

If I am, then it's a proper noun, hence **** For Brains.

Ionus wrote:

He makes wild sweet arse guesses and then is proven wrong all the time but he still comes back for more, never convinced of his obvious failure.

Hold off on this parade of self-defeat until after the point where you fail to provide the sources I've requested.

Ionus wrote:

Your reply to me still doesn't address what I said. I specifically said "without indoctrination." The test is not the early church, whom members were very much being told what to believe.
????Now this is just plain puzzling. Indoctrination starts as children according to you, so how many generations would Christianity have taken to expand?

Expansion of Christianity in specific was due to imperialism from Rome. The number of generations was less important when you can simply do it in one generation in a land you invade at penalty of the sword (pro-tip: Kill pappy just in case).

Ionus wrote:

Do the math...

There is math involved? How about you do it. It's your argument.

Ionus wrote:

it proceeded far quicker than indoctrination allows. And your knowledge of the early church is pathetic for someone wanting to comment on it. There was great variety in beliefs. It took a thousand years to standardise it. How did that happen if everyone was indoctrinated from the same source ?

I thought you had math? Also, you note standardization, and this was precisely due to the method of indoctrination of the time: spoken word. The common man was not privy to an education and texts were not congruent or accessible for others to read, investigate, or criticize.

Ionus wrote:

This would demonstrate divergence, not convergence on religion being a product of intellect.
A trend towards atheism pulls religions apart, intelligence would dictate they grow together.


Ionus wrote:

There is no logical path to any of the world's religions.
I doubt you have enough knowledge of the worlds religions to say that, having seen you crash and burn on Christianity.

Given how much I've had to correct you on matters of Christian mythology, I don't think you should be gloating. Not even among the religious of the world do we see a person create independently a religion that already exists.

Mon 21 Feb, 2011 02:58 am
@failures art,
Reread what you just typed.

I said it does not force a belief in anything else.
You were wrong.

You confirm this in your own post.
No, I dont.

Not believing in a god based morality, does not subscribe a person to any other alternative. They still have to pick. Atheism doesn't do that for them.
Why do they have to pick ? Are you saying all atheists have morals ?

No cost is your false assumption.
No cost was a question.

if you can eat humans, then you can be fed to humans.
Nice throw away line...what does it mean to you ?

What is the basis for morality?
Are you asserting that there is only one cause to be identified?
Yes. And you are asserting how many ?

Animals dont believe in God do they ?
The only animal I feel qualified to speak on are humans.
I doubt your qualifications in that area, but I will tell you animals do not believe in God seeing as how you are unaware.

So you are retracting your statement.
No, I'm not.

None of the above comes close to asserting that all atheists are good people.
Who said it was ?

Or that good atheists are good by virtue of being atheists.
Some atheists have said here that atheists commit less crime than religious people. Why would that be ?

Nobody ever made the claim that atheists were better,
Unless nobody is a close friend of yours, than yes they did. I very much doubt you are aware of everything said by everybody that you God ???

you can't back it up so you're fleeing. You're attempting to move the goalpost because you talked yourself into a corner.
Useless posturing. Try to prove that, not state it like a God on high. I am fleeing into a corner as I move the goal posts ?? Do you have a headache ? You are giving me one....

If you can comfortably do so,
This means without getting melodramatic
what are those obstacles that you have never mentioned
This means you talk obstacles without any explanation as to what they actually are
but object to me assuming they are on the internet,our common ground ?
this means the only thing we have in common that can be safely deduced is the internet so how am I or anyone else to know what obstacles, still you object to any assumptions as to what they might be ?

I believe you are missing a comma somewhere.
I will not comment as to what you are missing.

We agreed atheists don't believe in gods. You've gone far beyond that in asserting all sorts of other things that they must believe.
Perhaps you expected the conversation to end there.....I had no such delusion. When you study logic in some formal capacity, you will realise many things build upon a start of agreement on common ground.
0 Replies
Mon 21 Feb, 2011 03:36 am
@failures art,
You just repeated contradicted yourself.
I think you lost the tense there somewhere.

If a link (a term for which you've not cared to define) exists
There are many words that aren't defined before a topic is discussed. How was I to know you have not done any formal studies of anything and do not know what a statistical link is ?

but does not have to be a link (recursive definition error) with all of them and the person, then where is the link?
Recursive definition error ? You have read something I gather, but failed to understand it apart from being able to repeat it. You can have a link between a large group that does not include all individuals in that group. Surely you are jesting when you profess to not understand this simple idea ?

In the end you describe how person to person the beliefs are individual, but somehow not up to them.
In the end you are not describing what I said but have made a total balls of it. Would you kindly rephrase that so it is intelligible to someone who hasn't done drugs ?

You are? I wonder what you'll say next? Perhaps you'll try and explain how you think the brain works in some other display of complete and total... holy **** you are...
You should stick to toilet humuor.....I am sure your friends and family would get the jokes then.

we will not.
We will.

Why? How? Specifics please. With citations.
Have you changed your mind ? Didnt you just disagree as to my labelling ? Have you forgotten ?

The person responses.

We get to pick what part of brain does specific functions?
No we dont get to pick it. Perhaps we have exceeded your intelligence.

People who aren't, use the "logic one" for...?
Logic. It really is quite simple, it is just you are simpler.

50% he says! Wow! A clean 50%! Amazing!
Would your auto-sexuality be more under control if I said 49% ?

I'd like to read more.
I dont know already seem dangerously educated beyond your capacity to understand.

Is this from the same source?
Yes. it is.

I would have called it "god brain crusade."
You would have been thrown out of any serious meeting. Can you do fart noises with your armpits ?

I thought those went on wings and on the back of cars to create down-force and increase drag?
You think a lot of simpistic thyings that show a lack of real knowledge. Have you thought of getting an education in something ?

Not that it's enough that you claim to know the mechanics of the brain, you've perfectly described what autism is not. Autistic persons often have an incredible capacity for logic (savants), but are challenged in their ability to comprehend or express emotions.
You are dead wrong. They are denied logic, it is their ability to process and control thoughts that is damaged. They have a tremendous capacity for memory. Exactly what would happen to someone who could not control their minds by selecting priorities .

Your god/logic brain non-science has the relationship inverted.
Who is telling you this stuff ? Seriously. A diploma from clown college has left you woefully unprepared for this debate.

Intelligence is randomness built into the control part.
So the more random a person's brain is the more logical they are?
OK, now I am seriously suspecting your intelligence. Really. Why do you think logic and intelligence are the same thing ? Was that a clown college thing ?

Wait, what? How did we get here? We were just talking about alien brain take over and autism, and you took a sharp right-turn on non-sequitur lane to get us to this.
You are not that stupid, Stop pretending. Are you after the sympathy vote ?

You've completely failed to support this claim. This seems to be the base of your outlook on atheism--that it is derived from sort of faith in the non-belief of something. This is false. I require no faith to maintain my skepticism. The failure to present a cogent case for the existence of gods is why gods are not amongst the things in which I believe. If they had been as convincing as say electricity or gravity, we wouldn't be having this conversation. The arguments to believe have, however, been unconvincing.
I think a lot of people would not only understand but would agree with me. If you are not an atheist, or a theist, or an agnostic, what are you ? Agnostic is the logical approach that you cant say God does exist or does not exist. Theists make a leap of faith one way, and atheists make a leap of faith the other way. If you don't think that is true then explain or the bile being produced by atheists on this thread ? That is the sort of reaction you get when you attack someones BELIEFS, not a lack of belief.

The complexity of the brain was too much for you, so I will spell it out....if you hand over control to the God side, you have made a faith decision...if you hand over control to the logic side, you have made a faith based decision.

It means that if you associate religion with all sorts of normal human experiences, you start to give the religion the same validity as the events themselves. I.e. - A feeling of community in a church is real, so a person will convince themselves that the experience of community comes from the religion. They may even reject that others can achieve the same or greater community esteem under non-religious settings.
With so much working in favour of religion, obviously people who leave the church (like me) dont exist.

you would have noticed that we are studying other animals
We ?? Are you using the royal plural ?

Well, if you watched the video, you would have noticed that we are studying other animals to see to what degree these mirror neurons are wired into other species. So far mammals have been studied. Once we learn more about what creatures have them, we can talk about the common ancestry that gave rise to them. Prior to that point, my only speculation is that creatures with a greater empathic capacity worked better in groups.
You totally missed the question. How does something evolve that relies on empathy ? How is that successful in evolutionary terms ? What advantage does a empathic animal have over one that's not ?

In terms of humans, it could have been what gave rise to the ability to use and create tools.
The ability to use and manufacture (you atheists don't like the create word) tools is based on having a hand for grasping branches and when we came out of the trees we had excess computing power that we used to use for calculating distances to jump from branch to branch.
0 Replies
Mon 21 Feb, 2011 03:59 am
@failures art,
Not a very good example of indoctrination, was he ?
Well, a piece of a myth is hardly a good example of anything.
I'll take that as agreeing with me.

It seems then that the point of this myth is that it was proven to Thomas, and so that should be good enough for you!
If you knew something, ANYTHING about religion apart from what you learnt from sneering friends in coffee clubs, you would know the whole point is that doubting can still lead you to have faith. Priests are given a trial of faith as part of their training. It is no good having a priest suddenly wake up one morning in a parish and decide he doesn't believe in God. As usual, you have not understood anything but the most basic.

I said, Many of the early church leaders came from atheism and brought excellent minds with them. The early christian church came from atheists who had become disenchanted with the Greek/Roman religion. They were atheists.
This does not make them atheists, and again violates what we agreed atheists were.
What are they and how does it violate ?

Can you provide a secular historical source to substantiate this claim?
Yes .

If I am, then it's a proper noun, hence **** For Brains.
No, it isn't. It is a phrase.

Expansion of Christianity in specific was due to imperialism from Rome.
OK, now this is just plain painful. You poor stupid sod. Perhaps you are unaware of how the emperors persecuted Christianity as only old religions were allowed and Christianity was new ?

The number of generations was less important when you can simply do it in one generation in a land you invade at penalty of the sword (pro-tip: Kill pappy just in case).
You have lost your mind. Babies will be rearing themselves and indoctrinating themselves ? We wont go into facts like most of the empire was already conquered by 1 AD. Or that Christianity expanded into the empire, not with it. I am becoming embarrassed for you. This is really awful, like bashing a baby. It is not satisfying to debate you at all.

you note standardization, and this was precisely due to the method of indoctrination of the time: spoken word. The common man was not privy to an education and texts were not congruent or accessible for others to read, investigate, or criticize.
Then you will be able to explain why Paul was constantly saying people had the wrong beliefs ? He was worried they had not heard the word but had made up their own version of Christianity. How is that possible with indoctrination ?

A trend towards atheism pulls religions apart, intelligence would dictate they grow together.
By realising that a lot of religion is culturally based. Atheism towards other religions is faith based. Thus it commands emotions and pulls religions further apart. But why am I explaining this ? It seems you are in an area of no comprehension or previous knowledge whatsoever.

Given how much I've had to correct you on matters of Christian mythology,
Shocked You think you have corrected me ????

Not even among the religious of the world do we see a person create independently a religion that already exists.
?? What was this supposed to mean because it is very poor logic ?
Mon 21 Feb, 2011 06:31 am
I knew that before search engines existed because, unlike a flannel-mouthed, foul-mouthed know-it-all like you, i studied history at university, and had access to an excellent library, and used it. You, on the other hand, just shoot off your big ******* mouth, demonstrating that you neither understand language properly, nor have studied history in anything more than a superficial and uncomprehending manner. That you don't know about the Aramaeans, and the spread of confessional Judaism is not surprising. That you want to respond with vicious, foul-mouthed hate to being contradicted is not surprising, either. You are nothing but a troll and a clown.
failures art
Mon 21 Feb, 2011 06:47 am
I read through your surrender. It should not have taken three posts to simply say that you're making all this **** up as you go. You provided not a single source to back up any of your claims, and as such you've failed to provide any reason to take anything you say seriously. You can't back up anything you say, and yet you wonder why people remain unconvinced in the existence of a god?

If there is someone out there to make a compelling case, it is not you. You're far too lazy.

We're done for now. I'll check back on you in a couple months and see if you're ready to get serious on the topic again.

Mon 21 Feb, 2011 07:03 am
Osso- As an atheist turned agnostic, I have always been interested in UU. When I did the quiz on "Beliefnet", I come up either secular humanist or UU.

I have gone to a few of their meetings. Once they had a speaker from the Hemlock Society, talking about a person's right to die. That was very interesting. The other times, when there was no outside speaker, I felt that I was in a church without a particular dogma, but a church, nonetheless.

I would like to find some more people in town with a similar mindset to mine. Unfortunately, where I live, a lot of the happenings involve one church or another, and I want no part of that.
0 Replies
Mon 21 Feb, 2011 11:43 am
@failures art,
I'll check back on you in a couple months and see if you're ready to get serious on the topic again.

You get serious fa. Are you up for 300+ million atheists in the US? Yes or no?
Mon 21 Feb, 2011 11:47 am
Spendius, good fellow...

which group do you portend to represent in this struggle?

just so we have a point of reference and all...

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