Setanta wrote:That seems awfully elaborate. Long before i knew what either empiricism or utilitarianism are, i had reached the point at which, in hypothetical response to a hypothetical statement that this is a god, my response were "I don't believe that." It took a few more years to sort out the nonsense about agnosticism versus atheism, but that central statement didn't require nearly that much work.
I don't think we disagree, really. Two points, though. First,
is it a central statement for you? Apart from discussions like this one, how much time of your life do you spend contemplating your disbelief in gods? I suspect it isn't much more than you spend contemplating your disbelief in the doggie-treat fairy that Mr. Bailey and Ms. Cleo worship. Certainly it's much less than honest believers spend contemplating their
belief in god. That's my guess, anyway.
Second, whether a two-tenet religion is "awfully elaborate" or not, I was trying to address the whole issue of atheism as a faith. Your answer to this is perfectly fine. I tried similar answers myself many times in these discussions. But somehow it never seems to get through to believers, so I tried a different answer: You (believer) think atheism is a faith? I'm an atheist, and I'll
tell you what my faith is. See? Disbelieving in god isn't really central to it. It just emerges as a side effect, and an utterly marginal one at that.
I was hoping this approach might be more comprehensible to believers. One can always try.